My Affordable DIY Black Lamps.... (Via Made by Girl)

After writing this post, I was determined to buy the right lamps for my bedroom. Well, after deciding on a color (black) I looked all over the net and the least expensive lamp I found (that I liked) were $106 each! So, I thought why not just buy 2 aqua-colored lamps at TJ Maxx at $30 each and then buy 2 black drum shades at CSN Lighting for $26 each total, all for LESS than $125 so far! Not bad huh???

Ok, so I STILL needed BLACK lamps, so I headed to Home Depot & bought spray paint for $6.00!!

Below: what the lamps looked like before, these are not my lamps, (I forgot to take pics of mine).

With all that, I TURNED the Aqua lamps into some SLEEK black ones for my bedroom! Now, as I mentioned before...I may be MOVING.... (95% sure) and the new walls will be WHITE! Big difference from what my bedroom looks like now! 

(Below: and after....ta da!)

Below: this is not where the lamps will be placed, they're actually for my bedroom. Looking at then now, I think I need a more interesting finial, hmmm.

pic of aqua lamps via knight moves

pics of black lamps by jen ramos

P.S. I loved TJ Maxx by the way. I can't believe i had never been there before! 



  1. Never been to TJMaxx? Amazing, but those lamps look gorgeous.

  2. i like them before and after!

  3. Ok how is it that you have never been to TJs before now? I mean that is unheard of! Well you are forgiven because your lamps look fabulous!, I'm sure there will be many who will be shocked that you painted brand new perfectly colored lamps but I for one mow that when you see a good piece and it's not the right shade you paint it!

    Thank God for spray paint!

  4. I can't believe you have never been to TJMaxx before. If you Love TJMaxx, you Looooovveee the Homegoods Store even more!

  5. 1 FUNKY WOMAN: Exactly! I love spray paint too. Especially when you know you can buy a can for $6.00 and save $100. I know I can't believe i never even walked into TJ Maxx, thanks to all you ladies, it's the reason i went this past weekend.

  6. Inspiration+ Imagination= Perfect little low cost lamps with style.;)

  7. Ok, I don't know why you never stepped into TJ Maxx it's a shoppers dream on the right day. I love the black lamps. Great Job.

  8. I have to say it too - Never been to TJ Maxx?!?

  9. ooh, fantastic! Love them!!! I'm still looking for some fab lamps for our master as well ...I keep hoping to find a cool vintage pair because I don't want to spend 100$ either!

  10. They look great! Funny thing is that I have the same lamps but mine are still like the ones in the first pic from knight moves.

    I had thought about spraypainting them but wasn't sure what color or type of spray paint. Did you do anything other than that one step or was that it? What spray paint is best to use?

    Also, I was not sure if the silver part at the bottom should be painted and now that I see yours I love it!!

  11. I love what you've done with them!! I'm still hoping to find my coral ones again.

  12. COURTNEYKAY: For a glazed ceramic base, you can use Krylon Fusion. It's one of the only spray paints that ACTUALLY adheres to shiny/slick surfaces. if you want a matte base, just use Krylon Interior-Exterior. :))))

  13. WHHHATTTTTTT???!!! I can't believe you have never been to TJMAXX. Please tell me you have been to Homegoods?

    Great job on the lamps!

  14. They look great! I have done the same thing before, but made my lamps white.

  15. JEN...are you for real. You have never been to TJ MAXX???? Girl girl girl...What about Homegoods or Marshalls?

    The lamps are lovely. I love the look of them.

  16. TAM: I know right LOL....I dont have any idea why it never attracted me....maybe it was the name..sorry TJMAXX. BUT ...I'll be back now.
    YES, of course i've been to Home it.

  17. I love how you thought outside the square to get what you want but in an affordable way! Thanks for making me think outside the square too! p.s love your blog x

    Yup, first time ha!

  19. Love awesome Homegoods finds! Looks great!

    xx Vivian @

  20. awesome DIY project Jen.

  21. thanks so much for letting me know what spray paint to use! You Rock!

  22. So cute! They turned out great!

  23. love your DIY skills! gorgeous work! i am a huge fan of spray paint- almost to the point of addiction! and i love that it was your first time to TJMAXX. xx, shari

  24. I'm a big fan of DIY, and craftiness in general! Your lamps turned out awesome!

  25. oooo sleek, indeed! P.S. you look so chic in that black and white striped dress that you are wearing in the home office picture! Go girl!

  26. they look fantastic!! you did great!!
    im looking for new lamps for our bedroom too!

  27. love the shiny!good jobbie!

  28. I think my mother was bringing me to TJ Maxx before I could walk -- now that you've been I'm sure you won't be able to remember life before it :)

    Great job with the lamps, they look great!

  29. love what you did with them! the black on black look great, I cant wait to see the in your new home (if you end up moving)!

  30. those look amazing, i love TJ Maxx they have so many great lighting options now its crazy!

    Again, I love the update you did - lovely

  31. Beautiful! I'm shocked you've never been to TJMaxx. My favorite - next to Target and Goodwill - for bargains. Enjoy your new discovery.

  32. Yay...for TJ Maxx...I purchased my turquoise lamp for my office and two mercury glass/with gray lampshades for my bedroom from TJ Maxx...They always have a great selection.

    P.S..My TJ Maxx gets inventory Monday through Thursday...Believe it or not I go to TJ Max at least 3 times a week..because you just never know. So, ask your TJ Maxx sales person when they get inventory.

  33. I've found some great deals at TJ's Spray paint really was the way to go! You really did a wonderful job on those lamps. They look much more expensive than they really were!

  34. Wow! That's very nice.I like it.

  35. Now thats creative.

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  36. Love them - they turned out amazing! And yes, love TJMaxx - they also own homegoods which I try to visit weekly!

  37. CARPE DIEM: Hmmm, interesting. I'll have to remember that when i go next time. Thanks for the tip!

  38. These look great, so sleek and modern. Don't think you can beat the shape of that lamp base. One of my favorites.

  39. I really really like this!!!!

    Never been to TJ Maxx??? I don't even understand that! Welcome to our side!

  40. Though I love the aqua lamps the black are beautiful too. My brother always comes home with great finds at TJ Maxx. I need to go there more often.

  41. Once you go black you never go back ;) They look fantastic!


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