Quick DIY Tiramisu .....(without the alcohol).

My guy cooks for me all the time & I'm so grateful to him for all the amazing TREATS he makes for me! He made this one yesterday & I wanted to share it with all of you.

It's a super quick RECIPE for a non-alcoholic Tiramisu dessert. So, for any of you in AA, this is ideal. Rather than having to use fresh, spongy ladyfingers, this one uses ladyfinger cookies that I got at a neighborhood Italian restaurant - though they are crisp, they're STILL light and not too sweet!

Start with packaged ladyfingers.  Use 2 for each dessert.  Cut in half and place criss-crossed into a ramekin or small dish.

Make one espresso.  You can also use instant coffee but make it strong. I made mine with my Tassimo machine.

Sweeten the coffee with sugar or Splenda.


Slightly sweeten (1/2 tsp) mascarpone cheese with Splenda & mix it.  If you can't get mascarpone, you can opt for similar cream cheeses like ricotta.  NOTE - it spreads MUCH better if you let it reach near-room-temperature first.


Put 1 1/2 tablespoon of espresso on the ladyfingers - they should be moistened but not drenched.

Dollop 1 to 2 tablespoons of the cheese on top of the ladyfingers depending on your taste.  Spread it evenly over the cookies with a little pressure to push it in.

Sprinkle cocoa powder on top (about 1/2 teaspoon - here I used a tea strainer to do it evenly).

Chill for at least 15 minutes covered.

Shave or break small chocolate pieces for the top and enjoy!
photos from made by girl


  1. This looks so good! And Tiramisu is my favorite... I will defiantly be trying this as soon as I can get myself to the store. Thank you for sharing : )

  2. My husband adores this italian dessert! i will absolutely make it!

  3. Yes a family fave would never go wrong in our house either.....thanks for the reminder;)

  4. Looks delicious! I'm gonna try it!

  5. Yummy, i like this receipe :) sometimes if i have the remaining cakes then i used them instead of ladyfingers..

  6. Yummo! I love tiramisu...definitely going to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing.


  7. This looks amazingly easy! Will definitely be trying it. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Yum, think this is a good breakfast today? I'm dying for some of this now :)

  9. this is my favorite dessert! this look so scrumptious -i'm definately going to give it a try.
    thanks for posting!


  10. Yum, that looks amazing! I am a big tiramisu fan and have never attempted to make it, but this sounds totally do-able. Thanks for sharing :)

  11. This looks delish! Not a big fan of Splenda, but I wonder if Stevia would work the same. I love when you add the healthy eats feature...

  12. wait...without the alcohol?! haha.

    i love tiramisu. my fav is in a restaurant called da michele in rome!

  13. Great dishes!! Love the inside colour.

  14. individual sized tiramisu!?? Oh, boy, this is baaad news ;)


  15. I love this idea! great!! I must try this soon!

  16. Tiramisu is my all time favorite thing to eat!!! I can't cook but will print out this delicious recipe and have my boyfriend do it. I'm like you very "smart".. he is my private chef.

    Ha! ;) it's so great when a guy cooks and doesn't mind doing it. You're definitely lucky too!

  18. OMG, I die (in my RZ voice) This looks super easy, yet devine! I must try! Thanks for sharing! I love your blog. You have inspired me in lots of different avenues! Thanks girlie!

  19. Where did you get those dishes?! They are so neat!

  20. Single, Successful, but Struggling in Seattle:

    I've received emails with compliments on the dishes...I am so used to them I take them for granted I guess. But yes, they are pretty arent they? I got them at Target like 2 y ears ago...they may still carry something similar...they IDEAL for making mini treats if you're on a diet...! :)

  21. ERIKA: I'm sure Stevia would work too. :)

  22. i've been looking for a non alcohol tiramisu forever!! thank you so so much!! :)

  23. Can not wait to try this. Looks so good! Tx for sharing!

  24. ::salivating::
    You've got me contemplating putting down this glass of wine & running to the store to get tiramisu ingredients, seriously Jen! That's no easy feat to get me to put down my glass of wine. Thx for sharing!

  25. Thanks for the recipe! I love that it's easily made for 2 instead of making a huge dish that just me and bf would have to share.

  26. ummmm that looks delish! My hubby would love it!! i must try xoox

  27. Hey... another great idea if you can't use mascarpone cheese is to use jello vanilla pudding. It's delicious and you'll never know the difference. It chills nicely as well. It's a trick we Italian-Americans started using because at one point people were scared of using mascarpone cheese because of the bacteria it contained, so this was the less risky alternative. Try it. You'll love it.

  28. LAURA: WOW, thanks for the info. I had no idea you could use vanilla pudding. Im going to ask my husband to make it that way next time - thanks!

  29. I prepared them last weekend... They're so tasty and easy-to-do (is that correct?)

    Thank yo so much for the recipe. I'm in love with your blog ;)



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