Sixx DESIGN ....Does The Bungalow Hotel

My goodness! Did you all catch the last episode of "9 By Design" this past Tuesday on Bravo tv?  I'm always so impressed by their work. I like how Robert told his son (when they were hanging the tag sale sign) to place it SIDEWAYS so people would take notice. Then he said something like, " that's how we do things at Sixx DesignMeaning, they aren't like everyone else & they do things differently! YES, they do.
(image above via bravo tv)

I admire how they take risks and how courageous they are! Good for them! For those of you that did NOT get to see the episode, (for whatever reason), maybe you just don't have Bravo tv, below are the pics of the Bungalow Hotel in New Jersey they designed. Lovin' it! 

images above via bungalow hotel

What was your favorite part of their design at the Bungalow Hotel? What stood out the most to you?



  1. I think that the damask print wallpaper in the hallway combined with the bold white room numbers and oversized flower sculpture is sheer brilliance. Wonderful!

  2. I also saw this and love how they dare to step out of the box and be different!! Love it!! I am so obsessed with their show and I want to get their book!!

    yea me too....i always tune in to see it. You should definitely get the book, i've had it for some time now & it's one of my favorites.

  4. i LOVE that huge white flower sculpture, and the "vive la france"! amazing!


  5. wow, so many different things,you keep seeing new things and the combination turned out well.

    love the last picture, the separation between 2 rooms, where you can put things and write on chalk

  6. I adore everything! I love the huge white flower type sculpture. The combination of every piece is very chic! I have to say that I LOVE your blog, I love decor and I find your blog so inspiring! Xx

  7. Oversize art! They really stand out in those bleach white rooms. Love the distinctive touch that comes with having the guts to do things differently.

    Am a huge fan of Design Sixx and everything they've accomplished. And with so many kids. Wish I had Bravo.

  8. Love the hotel - its really fun and different from what you usually find even at other boutique hotels. But one small complaint - people don't surf at the beach near this hotel so I find it a little bit misleading to have that "waves: perfect" sign up on the chalkboard. Im know Im nit picking here but still.

  9. I absolutely love them, their talent, and their show. Everything they do turns out special.

  10. i have been watching since day one...and recorded them all. i love them..their family is to cool, and the designs are so original.

  11. I LOVE the fifth room those black chairs are so sexy!

  12. I love that space with the crazy oversized print of the queen! Those black chairs in that room look amazing!

  13. AnonymousJune 04, 2010

    i'm so sad. we just moved & cut our cable last week. no more 9bydesign for us :[ thanks for posting pics though -- i can still keep up with their work through you!

  14. gasp!!! i have no words.

  15. The wood bar was the coolest. I did think the best part of the show was Bellamy and Tallulah making the flag with Ann Carrington. I was so amazed the whole season how well behaved and sweet their children were. Great family with great style! I'm going to miss that show.

  16. I adore them...They are so creative and I've seen that hotel a few times already.... I cant stop thinking about it...They are so great in making spaces fun and stylish:)
    Kisses and have a fun and sunny weekend:)

  17. oooh, i love the postage stamp artwork.

  18. I know I must sound like a broken record..but I love the juxtaposition of elements...They take a classic sofa and pair it with modern end tables and modern art...or they take an acrylic base sofa cover it in a bright color, but place it near a traditional chandelier. They are masters in juxtaposing opposites that simply work...they are chic, elegant, effortless, and BEAUTIFUL. My Favorite is the lobby sitting area with the black covered classic sofa and modern, wood end tables stacked together. Love it.

    Nice! I think my FAVES are both the lobby & the pool table lighting!

  20. I love this show! I haven't missed a single one - I can't wait until next season!

  21. I'm in love with the show! They handle things with such an artistic touch while being seemingly down to earth and grounded.

    Their projects, including the Bungalow, are truly wonderful.

    They make happy spaces.

  22. Love the show and this family!
    Best regards from Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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