New Issue....Lonny Mag (woo hoo)!

Aaaah it's Thursday.....only one more day until Friday! How has your week been so far??  I can't wait! I just want to sit out in the sun and relax! Today is super gorgeous outside, around 98 degrees, (big change from the 108 degree weather we've had lately). However, I'm feeling a little out of it. 
On another note, (this put a SMILE on my face) the NEWEST issue of Lonny Magazine is out! These were my favorite pics from the issue...for the entire  magazine, go here. Enjoy! 

images via lonny mag



  1. Ohh I have to get it...Thanks for the reminder :)
    My week was busy but lovely too...I adore the hot weather and everything get better when you have a sunshine all day long...right?
    Kisses sweetie and its Friday tomorrow.)

  2. DIANE: yes, thankfully so...sometimes it feels the weekends go by faster than the week! Have a good one OXOX!

  3. ooh I haven't had a chance to sit down and check it out! Now Im even ore excited about it, great selection!!

  4. It's official now. I have to stick to the white walls. That first picture is freakin awesome.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  5. AnonymousJune 10, 2010

    Today I made up a post with my faves too, but oh boy, how frustrated I was because I couldn't put the entire Lonny in my post :). nice picks, Jen. xoxo

  6. This latest issue is seriously unbelievable! I absoulutely love it! Thanks for sharing these!

  7. You HAD me with the first picture I love a white and sunny yellow room. The bed is amazing,I will have to check the rest of Lonny out, thanks for the heads-up!! Kathysue

  8. I think it's their best issue yet!

    I hope all is well!!!


  9. Thanks for sharing! I love the those bright yellow pillow :) I need them

  10. Oh I can't even begin to say what I love most! The white headboard is to die for with those fabulous yellow lamps. Also that dandelion like chandelier is awesome!
    Lila Ferraro
    Queen Bedroom Sets

  11. Oooh, love the curtains in next to the last pic! Yay, Friday tomorrow:)

  12. Yummy...they are all delicious...I especially love the pic that includes the Ikea "chandelier".

    My week has been packed with meetings and more meetings. I adore my weekends because it is the time I get to be the most creative.

  13. I'm going to have to go flip through Lonny. :) ANyhow---I had a great week...I found out today we are having a daughter!! :) xo

  14. I love the magazine!! I need to get an ipad so I can read it in bed!!! All the best, Connie

  15. I have been checking multiple times a day since June 1st for the new Lonny. I didn't check today, and then I saw your post! YAY!!! I LOVE so obsessed! = )

  16. I will definitely have to check the magazine out! I love the pillows in the first photo. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Love the orange head boards.

  18. This is my first introduction to Lonny! Love it! I am also super excited to do a whole lot of nothing - weekend with the bf's fam = sunning, eating, and drinking - and that's about it! Have a great one. xxSAS

  19. yes yes yes yes! i see we have some of the same fave pics in lonny. i am so happy that the new issue is here bc it has made my week brighter. :) makes me more happy that summer is here. yippee!
    honestly, i havent felt this excited about an issue of any mag since my very first domino....i love it. :) they really knocked it out of the park with this one.

  20. SASHA:
    wow...I thought everyone knew about Lonny already...well, that's great! I;m always excited when i come across a good quality magazine online, you'll enjoy it i'm sure! Have a good wknd!

  21. SASHA:
    wow...I thought everyone knew about Lonny already...well, that's great! I;m always excited when i come across a good quality magazine online, you'll enjoy it i'm sure! Have a good wknd!

  22. ASHLINA: Same here.
    I totally agree....

  23. CDS: Wow congratulations! You must be super excited..good luck with everything :)))

  24. Jealous of the lovely warm weather there :) We're now in the brunt of winter :(
    It's been a crazy busy week for me so I'm looking forward to a pretty chilled out weekend :)
    Have a lovely weekend Jen with your Hubby, dogs, sunshine & Lonny Mag ;o)

  25. CLAIRE:
    Oh that's a bummer about the weather...thank you & have a lovely weekend as well! OXOX!

  26. Ahhh such a happy collection it chears you up!:D
    Really like it good job!! ^^

  27. Hi, I discover Lonny Magazine from you. This the first time I'm going to have one,but I been checking it almost everywhere from grocery to bookstore but dont have the luck.

    Is there one place to get it?
    Thanks again..

    P.S It's funny though your last name is my maiden name?

  28. LANA:
    Lonny Magazine is currently an online magazine ONLY.... :)
    Glad you like it and heard about it here first...!


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