My Latest Ebay Win....

I will not be posting tomorrow because I'm going away on a SPA weekend trip with my husband.  So, I'd like to leave you with a post about my recent Ebay purchase.

I've been bidding on Ebay for a few years now & it wasn't until last year that I experienced my 1st disappointment with a seller.  Some of you may recall this post where I won a Tretchikoff piece of art. I was SUPER EXCITED until it NEVER arrived!  Even though I communicated with the seller & she refunded my $$$, I was very annoyed.   I had pictured exactly where this print would be hung and thought about it day after day.... then... Oh my gosh, nothing!

Lately, I haven't had an problems with sellers on Ebay, thank God!  In fact, my latest purchase, an authentic Gucci vintage bag (which I won for $179) had been on my list for years. It was a relief when it finally arrived safely, all in one piece & DID NOT SMELL like cigarette smoke! (one of my fears)  That would have killed it for me since I am NOT a smoker & I'm allergic to cigarettes.  Great tip: If you're selling something, always make sure it doesn't smell like cigarette smoke!

So, the Tretchikoff ordeal was my only problem with Ebay, and I still continue to look for bargains via their site.

What has your experience with Ebay been like?  Have you ever had an Ebay NIGHTMARE?? 
Did you ever win something and never receive it? What did you do?

I will see you all on Monday, as I will be leaving on a weekend SPA getaway tomorrow (Friday) morning! I'll be checking in to see your comments on this post on Saturday or Sunday. Talk to you soon! 

images by jen ramos



  1. lovely bag! i have never used ebay but frequently use a new zealand site called trademe which is pretty much the same thing, and i've never had any trouble, luckily!

    have a fabulous weekend :)

  2. awesome buy jen..pitty on the smell though.i have been a eBay member for years now ..had my up & downs with it .but i have learned to always pay with paypal when you buy something or sell from ebay..its easier to track down the seller and open up a case against them ,Paypal will pay you on there behalf if they are at fault .if you pay direct into there bank account very hard to open a dispute against them,always got my money back using paypal XX

  3. Ah, I have that original framed Tretchikoff print in storage. If it wouldn't cost a gazillion dollars from the UK I would send it. Have a great time at the spa!

  4. I love Ebay! The Fantastic Chandelier in my living room came from there and many other things. I've bought on there for like 13 years and have only had one disappointment and it wasn't the sellers was her HUSBAND's!!!

    I bought a shabby white iron chandelier for my kitchen. You can see it on my blog. When it came the box was smashed in one corner badly. Scared me, but I figured it probably had enough packing around it to make it had no packing around it at all. It was just stuck in one flimsy box..and one arm was broken...thankfully in a clean break where it was welded on to the frame.

    I figured I get it fixed I calmly wrote the seller to let her know that it had arrived but that she should double box things and wrap them carefully in the future. She'd been selling on Ebay for years so it surprised me that she didn't know better. She apologized profusely and offered my money back, if I wanted to return it and offered for me to send it back and she would have it repaired and sent back.

    She said she'd had to go out of town and had asked her husband to make sure it got carefully packed and shipped off. He was the one that just threw it in a box and mailed it with no packaging.

    I told her I completely understood..never leave a man to do a woman's job. I told her I really liked it and knew it could be fixed and it was too much trouble to send back. That I'd just get it repaired here and that is what I did. And it hangs in my kitchen now. It cost like $15 to fix.

    That was my only bad experience. And I've bought hundreds of things off ebay. Oh...I think I bought a cd once for 3.99 that never came...that is it.

    I have friends who are still afraid to buy from there and I tell them not to be...I love it.

  5. I've only had good experiences, though my husband once purchased a soccer jersey that never arrived. It was endless emails trying to resolve the issue. Loving your bag...and ENJOY your weekend!

  6. I have that bag! My mom gave it to me. It's a classic. Have fun on your trip.

  7. Have a great weekend! What a great find. I haven't purchased anything on ebay but now think I need to take a peak! wow!

  8. LOVE the bag!
    Luckily all of my eBay experiences have been good (knock wood!)
    Have a really great weekend! I'm so jealous! : )

  9. enjoy your vintage gucci! it looks like it's in pristine condition! great price too!!

    back in the early '00s i bought and sold over 300+ items and only ONCE did i get scammed!

    i don't go on ebay much anymore. last time was a few mos. back when i bought a herend fishnet figurine.

    enjoy your gucci!!!

  10. AnonymousMay 20, 2010

    dope score, girl! Ebay freaks me out too--I think the only way I'd buy a bag is to get one vintage. My fiancee and I are planning on gifting a LV train trunk as a wedding gift to each other. But buying on ebay has gotten sketch, for sure. I think there are some auction sites that have them here and there, but still...I'd rather just "come across one". Great find, nonetheless! Have fun with it--cheers!

  11. You did on that ebay win! Slightly jealous! I would be full jealous if I already didn't own too many handbags! My best ebay win was a Gucci was well...all leather vintage sandal bag for $25. I think no one bid on because it didn't have the GG material all over it. It is a classic and I love it. I think we only land those kind of deals every couple of years! Enjoy the bag! it is a cutie!

  12. I agree it looks in pristine condition! Great Buy!!!!

    I shop on EBAY not so much lately.

  13. MIRELA:
    No, this bag DOES NOT smell like smoke. It smells just fine...I was just saying that I would hate to buy something and have it smell like smoke. I agree on the paying with paypal are better insured you will get your money back.

  14. I've had dozens of very positive eBay experiences, but the few negatives leave a bad taste! I once bought a lot of very expensive kitchen knives for my boyfriend (a cook) when they arrived (late) several were missing and several had been swapped for lower quality knives. We contacted the seller, but he was a flake- after 9 months of promising to exchange the knives, we gave up on him. I guess the positive is that we listed the unwanted knives on eBay and they sold for way higher than we thought they would!

  15. Nice! I heart Ebay. I dont get on as frequently as I used to, but whenever I do, I enjoy. Have a great spa weekend!

  16. I absolutely love your new Gucci handbag. Such a classic. I hope you have a wonderful time this weekend. Enjoy your Spa stay with your husband.
    I have never shopped at Ebay.

  17. what a BEAUTIFUL bag you won!! i haven't had any bad experiences, the latest thing i bought was my new coach sunglasses, LOVE THEM! =)

  18. Love the bag. My very first ebay purchase was a bad experience. It was a dress but when it came the zipper was broken. I was totally bummed. I did however recently order a large Fiesta Pitcher and it arrived in Perfect condition! :)

  19. I want that bag! And how disappointing that you didn't get the painting! I would have been seriously peeved!
    I've never used ebay but not because I'm against it or anything, more like my credit card has always been maxed out! Only $280 dollars of debt left though! :)

  20. oooh sorry sweetie i read it wrong :) its a great purchase - have a great weekend XX

  21. We don't have ebay for NZ but we have something similar called TradeMe. I once bought some cute little bow hooks for my daughters bedroom but instead the lady took it upon herself to send me these ugly, tacky tiny wee black and gold ash trays made of wrought iron. Not only were they hideous, I don't smoke, I don't allow smoking in my home and not to mention, it's not what I bought!!

  22. I won't tell you how beautiful that bag is (but it really is beautiful!).

    I'm an eBay seller so MY nightmare is sending an item to a buyer and having it never arrive, or having it arrive damaged! I haven't had that happen so far, but I did have a pair of used jeans stolen that I'd just sold to a buyer for .99 (auction gone wrong). I gave him his money back AND bought him a new pair of jeans so he wouldn't think I just didn't want to go through with the transaction!

    Funny enough though, as a buyer once I did buy a pair of sneakers that never came, but I end up getting my money back. eBay is veeery protective of buyers, so I definitely feel less stressed there as a buyer than as a seller.

  23. My ebay nightmare is when someone stole my ID on there and made I won over $1000 worth of stuff. Pissed me off big time.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  24. beautiful travel bag!

    i have friends who buy from eBay and got some very good deals but im still hesitant to try it and after reading Nita's comment above, maybe i will try it one time:)

    Enjoy your spa trip!

  25. Well I'm happy for you but I just bought a Dooney and Bourke bag that was filthy when it arrived. I can't believe I bought something that was non returnable. I'll never do that again. I'm not even giving it away. I'm throwing it out. It looks that bad.

  26. Oh wow! This bag is gorgeous! Love Gucci!
    Wish you a lovely weekend!
    p.s. I have a beautiful giveaway on my blog!

  27. This bag is full of style and a timeless classic!! I always had good experiences on ebay, but every time I buy something I have this doubt about would I get it or not...

  28. Great buy...that is a great bag!
    Kisses and have a wonderufl Friday

  29. I love your bag so much! It's gorgeous! I've never had any problem in eBay! Actually, I am decorating my new appartment with many things that I'm getting there :)

    Enjoy your SPA! I´m sooooo jealous!


  30. I hate when I lose a bid. Your bag is chic. Enjoy your trip.

  31. Ariyal, even if the seller says it's not returnable, you should contact them and try to return it anyway. Sellers live in fear of getting negative feedback and will often go back on their policies to avoid it. Tell the seller the item was significantly not as described (I'm assuming the description said it was in Excellent Used Condition) and would they be willing to let you return it for a refund. If they don't respond, leave them a negative, that will get them moving right quick.

  32. NO. FREAKIN. WAY! Majorly jealous of your ebay find...

  33. Congrats on the bag!

    I love ebay and have purchased and sold on there over the years. I find I usually have more trouble with the big sellers than the smaller ones. I think the big ones are too busy and little 'ole me doesn't matter. Customers seem more important to smaller sellers.

  34. NICE score! - i LOVE eBay - but i'm scared to get desginer things that i know can be knock off's - i live so close to NYC, the king of knockoff central, that i get really nervous with it - but i got a C3 Cashmere sweater over the winter for $9!!!!

    have an all smiles weekend
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  35. so funny that you mention ebay...yesterday i won a blue hippo bank for my nephew henry who is turning 4 on june 2nd. i haven't been an ebay-er lately and this was my first purchase back in it. i'm an avid etsy fan :)

    check out my shop!

  36. I hope you've a great day in the spa today!

  37. cute cute cute!! how fun. you are awesome jen! i adore you. have a great weekend!

  38. Did you take your bag to the Gucci store to make sure it was authentic? It's hard for me to tell on some pictures if it's the real deal or a replica. I mostly buy things for my home rather than personal items because of that.

  39. Ok, this is somewhat of a secret but at the same time I got what I wanted in the end. I actually bought my wedding dress off of ebay!!! Yup! When I 1st heard of someone doing that I thought...What?!?! who does that? How tacky! But let me tell ya I couldn't afford the dress I wanted, a gorgeous blush pink silk taffeta dress! I was a bride on a budget! Then I found it on ebay!!! Same color, same fabric...everything! Working in the furniture industry I have learned that knock offs or often made in the same factories as the name brands...just not made as well or with not as many finishes..ect. So I bought it and was contacted by the woman that it was not going to make it to me because her vendor didn't have enough fabric!!! But then that was resolved...THEN I was told it wasn't going to make it because of the Chinese New Year...all plants shut down for a month in Feb and she thought I was getting married in March. My wedding was in May, so allll that to say after MUCH stress and MANY bumps in the road I got the dress of my dreams 3 weeks before my wedding!!! Thank God it didn't need alterations!! But other than that no ebay horror stories:)

  40. congratulations on your ebay score and have a lovely spa weekend — that sounds divine!

  41. Good to see that ebay did right by you this time. Fantastic bag by the way.

    Have a relaxing spa weekend!

  42. Great score - it's a beautiful bag! Had one bad experience with ebay a couple years ago - purchased an item that never arrived and the seller seemed to drop off the planet! Very annoying! Have had many great experiences also.

    Have a lovely, lovely weekend at the spa!

  43. Jen, I got some great Tretchikoff prints ( from here:, she always has loads but it may be a bit pricey to get them to the US. Worth a look though.

  44. Awesome bag!! Lucky you!! I used to bid on ebay so much before but now not so much because it really makes me feel impatient! xoxoxoxxoo

  45. I've only had a disappointment or 2 on Ebay....mostly all good things like you said. However, the last thing I bought arrived smelling like smoke covered with Febreeze! Ewww! That is my biggest fear too. (Although this item was supposed to be "new".) Love that vintage Gucci handbag of yours too! Glad it smells right! :)

  46. Wow that is a great ebay find! Enjoy your spa weekend - how amazing!

  47. PRENCIE:
    I think that's great when you can end up saving money during your can get quite pricey, so I commend you for finding it the way you did. :)

  48. AIMEE: Thanks Aimee....I've been to her site before...I just wanted a deal on the print so that's why I opted for ebay .

  49. ELIZABETH: Sorry to hear...
    Yikes....that is the type of transaction i fear. I really dont like to deal with a situation gone wrong for that long of a time...after a point it gets VERY frustrating.

  50. Nice bag!!! I love eBay. I go through waves of addiction and have recently restricted myself to being only allowed to shop with money in my PayPal account funded by eBay sales. Sometimes I find myself scanning rooms for things to sell... My only bad experience is a recent one, and it qualifies in the realms of horrific. I found a gorgeous pair of Miu Miu boots but missed the end of the auction. Crushed. Next day I got a RELISTED email and was obsessively on the case. I won them for a ridiculous $65! Excellent condition, barely any wear. They had to make their way to me from Canada to Australia and after 9 weeks I started to panic. Emails with the seller who was SUPER helpful. No need for concern, next day. lovely package at my door. Perfect! It was like a Cinderella story. They were just as gorgeous as I imagined and they fitted like a glove. I wore them shopping for 2 hours. TWO HOURS! and the soles fell off!!!! Completely disintegrated! Perished! Dead! I've since emailed the seller again but had no reply. I suspect she didn't know and is just as horrified as I was - well, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt anyway... I'm hoping they can be repaired and have all my fingers crossed for their speedy recovery. They are already like 2 extra children to me... But this was my only disaster amongst 10 or so years of pleasurable purchases and on the whole the eBay community is great. I've met many lovely eBayers thru pickups and recommend anyone who's not given it a go to do so. You could be missing out on fab Gucci bags my friends!!!!

  51. I've been an ebay lover for years...I've purchased three Fendi bags and art, and I've never had a problem. My biggest thrill was purchasing a Fendi spy bag three years ago, when they first came out. I purchased mine for a little under $1k, and it was gorgeous...but now it is worn and I no longer use it; however, I definitely got my money's worth.

  52. Great buy girl! That is a sweet price for that bag too! I sell sometimes on eBay and I actually got scammed by a BUYER a while ago and it was so upsetting. Long story, but just made me skeptical. This is a great steal!

  53. Fabulous vintage bag! I have a clutch the same color, have a nice time at the spa

  54. gret bag you got there! hope you enjoyed the spa!

  55. Congratulations on your winning bid! I love the bag.

  56. Gorgeous images and you are too!
    Love your blog ;)

  57. I mostly sell on eBay and hate it when buyers from outside the US purchase my items when I specifically state that I only sell to buyers in the continental 48 states.

  58. Love the bag. Can you share the seller's shop name? I wonder if they regularly have such great finds! Thanks.

  59. LILT T: Hi there! :) The seller only had that one item, they aren't regular sellers unfortunately.


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