BIG Book of Small, Cool Spaces.....(Review)

I was super excited when Maxwell's new book, "BIG BOOK OF SMALL, COOL SPACES" arrived in the mail today! This book is 304 pages long (which I think is so awesome) and completely full of colorful photos!  For those of you scratching your head wondering who who Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan is, he's co-founder of Apartment Therapy, one of the most popular interior design sources. Maxwell is also a P/T Interior Designer so this book just makes sense. He concentrates on how to transform a tiny space into a fabulous space!  I can see how useful this book would be for people living in cities like New York, San Francisco and even Japan. In big cities like these space is very limited & you definitely want to make the best of what you DO have. 

(image above by jen)

It's a SHAME this book wasn't published back when I was living in Manhattan, NYC in a studio apartment!  How ideal would it have been to be able to tuck an office with vintage doors into an unused bedroom corner??  

This is a great coffee table book as well, highly recommend it. ......And that folks, is my review. 

(images above via apartment therapy)

BUY your copy here for less than $20.



  1. thanks for your review! i love the title and the pictures are great... and for less than $20, i might just have to check it out!

  2. I will def have to check this book out it looks so great!

  3. can't wait to get my hands on this book - looks fantastic! love small space books, always have such great tips for storage!

  4. I adore the bookshelf...I have to get this boo..Thank you:)
    Kisses and enjoy your day!

  5. I was so serious about getting this book that i actually reserved it(@ my local Barnes and Noble) weeks before it was set to hit the shelves. I'm very happy with my purchase and even took a pic and posted it on my blog to show that i have my own copy:-)

  6. that looks like an amazing book! you find the cool ones:) do you just order from amazon have a good resource? i have a local spot for designers to buy books...but sometimes just want to order them right away! ;)

  7. I know, I needed this book when living in a studio.

  8. AnonymousMay 25, 2010

    i love your blog... is very chic...

  9. Looks cute I'll have to check it out! Can always use a new book :-)

  10. It's ironic because I was watching Nate Berkus today on Oprah and she was showing one of their fav transformations which was a 300 sq. ft. apartment. It's amazing how you can maximize space.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  11. I may just have to buy one! Thanks for sharing!

    Chiara @

  12. Once our house is finally completed, I'll have a bit of room to work with (we've moved to the country.... well country-ish) but some of these ideas would still be useful in a bigger space,(IKEA inspires me with storage ideas that would normally be used in a smaller space) so I'll def check this book out. Thanks. :)

  13. sounds like a great book - I'll need to check it out! : )

  14. I'll be purchasing this to give to my daughter and son-in-law when we move them to NYC in August.

    Great resource!

  15. My guest bedroom is small..and it has to do double duty: guest bedroom and a space for me to read, relax, and watch TV when I don't want to be in the living this book may be a lot of help...

  16. i just got my copy a few days ago and love's not the type of book you look at once and forget about it, i love going back through it over and over again....i love it!

  17. This book is amazing, i owned it too!

  18. I've been curious about this book for a while, so thanks for the review!!

  19. I'm going to have to pick this one up - I've been seeing it everywhere and keep thinking about it - thanks for the review!

  20. Jen, I love this book!!!
    do you known if here in Argentina can get it?


  21. this one's definitely on my list. that list is getting kind of out of control.

  22. Thanks for letting us know about this great book! I think I am going to pick up a copy!


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