Glimpse of my Spa Weekend Getaway....

Hello everyone! I had an amazing SPA weekend trip.....thank you for all your comments on the Ebay post! We just got back in town & I'm getting that CERTAIN feeling you get when you realize it's back to REALITY!!  OOOh, how I wish it had been a week-long trip instead.....

Anyhow, here is a glimpse of the gorgeous weather my husband & I experienced while in Sedona, AZ.  We hit the pool, went hiking, had a few massages (spa treatment), walked around their historic town & ate at some really good restaurants (thanks to those who sent me recommendations via my Twitter). I almost got ATTACKED by a lizard while hiking and couldn't stop looking around for potential rattlesnakes... Ok, so I'm not the outdoors type, but I did try and enjoyed it.

Hope you had a lovely weekend....did you do anything special?  

(Please do not take images without permission)

Enjoy the pics, I'll be back to blogging in a bit. 



  1. Nice photos! Looks like a very nice place and a relaxing weekend. I have been dying to do something like that.

  2. So glad you got to go to one of my favorite places...I may be biased though as I live in AZ and visit Sedona quite often.

    Great pics!

  3. Wow! That scenery is absolutely beautiful! Happy to here you enjoyed yourself. ; )

  4. Ohmygoodness, I've always DREAMED of taking a relaxing spa vacation in Sedona!!
    Looks like you had a wonderful time :)

  5. so fun! I need a vacation!

  6. looks amazing! The scenery is breathtaking and you are so photogenic...
    Have a great week Jen!

    XO Jill

  7. You look happy and relaxed :). Hope it was amazing, looks like it. I've never been to Sedona but definitely need to put that on my list.

  8. Everything looks so beautiful. I see you are carrying that purse happily.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  9. Girl, teal is your color!!!!

    What a super getaway....

    :) Laura

  10. Lovely photos, sooo nice there!

    We just got back from Europe AND it was my b-day weekend, so yes I had a fabulous weekend, as I am sure you did too:-)

  11. Looks like it was too fun! I love the photo of you on your phone with the beautiful scenic backdrop! Oh, and I AM an outdoorsy kind of gal, but I too am a big baby about snakes!

    Thanks for sharing!

  12. It looks like such a wonderful weekend!!
    You look beautiful as always,, I also love that you are probably updating your status in one of the photos :)


  13. Great pics! sounds like you had an amazing time! We visited AZ last year and the weather was so fantastic we couldn't wipe the smiles off our faces! : )

  14. EDYTA:
    ha! Good observation I was updating my Facebook with a photo of me hiking. :))))

  15. I'm glad to see you had fun in my old hometown. My parents still live there and we are lucky enough to go up (from Phoenix) whenever we want - it really is magical.

  16. beautiful photos, lucky you!

    i can't wait to travel around america one day.


  17. Love that you took your new Gucci bag with you!!
    Carol@The Design Pages

  18. Ooo it looks so beautiful. The scenery is just amazing, such a huge contrast to the UK!

  19. gorgeous pics jen! the view looks amazing too!

  20. WOW! Looks like you had an amazing time. Love the phone pic... doesn't seem right but looks cool, love it :)

  21. i have the same MK bag but w/ gold hardware. it looks great on you! :)

  22. Love the picture's, thanks for sharing!

  23. Ooh! That desert looks amazing, did it taste as good as it looks?

    P.s...kudos on giving the hiking thing a go, am not so outdoorsy either.

  24. Wow, what a beautiful place. I'm from Canada so the main thing I hear of AZ are "snowbirds" going down there to golf! THIS I could get on board with!

    Great pics!

  25. Looks like a great time! Beautiful photos Jen!

  26. Looks incredible. I have actually been and seeing these gorgeous photos makes me want to book a trip to Sedona. Thank you for the post!
    Dana @ The Beso Team

  27. ooh, a javelina! haha, brought back our trip there last september. it was beautiful and amazing. we drove in at night, and had no idea the rocks were rightthere. imagine our surprise the next morning with that beautiful view!!

  28. you look so beautiful! i loved the story about the lizard — i'm not very outdoorsy either but at least you gave it a go!

  29. Beautiful pictures! I could not help but notice your MK bag! I bought one TODay and I love it! I got the same color you have! How are you liking yours? I wish it came in a fun color like red!

  30. Looks amazing out there! Now if I could only convice my bf to go on a trip like that hehe.

  31. OH soooo pretty! I have such a soft spot for spanish architecture.. I think it's the texture.. And you are looking just lovely too my dear!!



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