By the way...

Hello everyone, I can't stand how beautiful it is outside & I'm indoors!  I swear, I need to get some Vitamin D soon!  On another note, my FaceBook was hacked today, so I decided to just DELETE the whole thing. I just don't get how people can be so mean.  I don't know if I will bother joining up again, if I do.....I will let you all know. Thanks! 


  1. hmmm... I've been thinking about shutting mine down as well... does it feel good??!!!

  2. Did you delete it, or just deactivate it? They keep all your information if you simply deactivate it... and you can sign back on at anytime, complete with friends. However, to delete it you have t click through a million links, but well worth it :)

  3. oh no,, that must have been so annoying ;-/
    sorry to hear that
    yess it's beautiful day,, i feel the same way :)

  4. Scary how that can happen!

    Love your blog!

  5. Just go and enjoy the beautiful day! here is so cloudy and cold...we will wait for you beautiful posts!

  6. I have about o 5 pages each time i make a new one my stalker shuts it down... i tweet more anyway just like the myspace phase im over facebook now lol

  7. it has been so nice out lately, yes! i haven't been online much cause i've been trying to enjoy it.

    i've been thinking more and more about leaving facebook...

  8. AMBER:
    Good point..I just deactivated it. They CLAIM it will be deleted after 14 days...hope so! Thank you for the heads up.

  9. AnonymousMay 25, 2010

    oh Jen how does it feel without Facebook? Hope your having a good day, even if it's indoors :)

  10. I'm strongly disliking Facebook right now. I feel like its just so lame. So best to delete it and get it over with.

  11. I was never on facebook. And I'm not on twitter yet either! The weather is beautiful here today too, I sat outside all day sewing my first ever giveaway!

  12. Hi Jen, my FB was hacked too a short while ago. It happend to some of my friends too. From what I understand it wasn't a person hacking, it's a virus. When you change your password the problem is solved. You've deactivated yours, but just to be sure: change your password as well!!! Good luck.

  13. Awe, I'll miss you on FB :(
    Sucks that you have to shut it down because of some hacker jerk.

  14. I deactivated my account last week and don't miss it... What really got to me was when I went out a couple nights before all I heard was...did you see on FB? I have to update my status on FB... It was annoying and made me think, is this what our conversations are coming to?!?

  15. That sucks. People really need to get a life and find something better to do then hacking! I know what you mean about the sun, today is our first sunny day in daaaays lol

  16. oh.. I'll miss you on Facebook. I know I'm not the kind of person that write a lot of messages but I always read yours. I know a lot of people doing the same with FB.

  17. sorry to hear that Jen. hope your having a good day. stay fabulous! XOXO.

  18. That sucks but I'm not worried. I'm still in the loop w/ your blog through Twitter and my Google Reader. :)

  19. Hey vitamin D is always a good thing, lol. I was out in the sun all day.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  20. I have a friend who overanalyzes everything on fb. She'll tell me a story about how someone did this or said that & then I'll discover that she's talking about something that they did or said on fb.... it's very easy to misunderstand things on fb (or any internet medium) & the people who see it as 'real life' may need to step away from their computer! I've disabled a few functions & changed some privacy settings but I'm not quite ready to give it up..... hope it works well for you. I'm sure you won't miss it! :) Besides, that means you'll post more on your blog which is better for me! lol! :)

  21. You could always create a business page instead of a personal page and your fans could then follow your blog without seeing your personal information.

  22. AnonymousMay 26, 2010

    So sorry to hear about your Facebook account, Jen ... I enjoyed keeping up with you there. :) I sometimes wish I could let go of my account, but I keep in touch with too many family members and friends via social networking. Kudos to you for "unplugging"!

  23. I smiled when I saw this post...I just removed most of my photos and all of my add-ons like my travel map, bookshelf, etc. I was concerned about privacy, but also that it's a bit of NarcissistBook. It felt great...I wish I could take the plunge and just delete it, too, but it's such a convenient way to stay in touch w/far-flung friends. Technology truly is a blessing and a curse.

  24. wow i'm so encouraged by reading everyone's responses about facebook! i didn't know that more and more people were feeling this way. i say "take the plunge" to anyone who is considering deleting their facebook account. i had it for 2 years (2006-2008) and have now been FB-free for 2 years and it's wonderful. i regained so much time, and i have been closer with my friends who live far away because we write more intentional emails to each other and/or talk on the phone. i really believe it has strengthened my friendships/relationships overall.

    enjoy the freedom, jen! and i would understand if you decide to give it up :) enjoy the weather!

  25. TAE: Good points you make...I am totally feeling that I gained a lot more time right now as well.

    Social networks in general have mostly taken up the intimacy we shared with our friends back in the we all seem to just say hello online instead of by phone etc.

    It has it's good & it's bad... that is for sure...


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