Erica of Moth Design...home tour

Erica of Moth Design is letting us share these awesome images of her home. Erica is an Interior Designer and is passionate about all things design. I loved the fact that her & I have similar taste! We both love lots of WHITE! Did you notice the piggy bank by Harry Allen? I blogged about it here a few days back. Anyway, she has the same one I want! I will have to get it, it looks super cute in a home setting. 

So what do you think of Erica's home? Do you also LOVE all the white? I know some people who can't stand white on white (i.e. Erica's wall mirror on white wall below), but I really think it works.

NOTE:  I am NO longer on Facebook, I have deleted my account as it was hacked and messed with. (People writing mean things etc.) For ALL updates, you will just have to visit my blog. :) 

Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend, see you Tuesday!

images via moth design



  1. Thank you so much for sharing this!Her home is gorgeous! I especially love the kitchen and bathrooms. So beautiful!

  2. LOVE the white and love all the splashes of colour. My fellow Canadian girl has impeccable style, thanks for sharing!!

  3. **sigh** I don't even have words, the space is so fresh, I just love all the little pops of color

  4. what a great space. all that white may make me nervous, but it looks so lean and fresh. thanks for the tour!

  5. I have the honor of calling this amazingly talented, kind and wonderful lady a friend. Beautiful post! xx

  6. Oooh!! This home is right up my alley!! I love all the white with touches of black. That turquoise chair, and the Eames managment chair are amazing! Gorgeous home, Nancy

  7. White with subtle pops of color...Perfection.

  8. Wow,it's gorgeous. I love her colorful art that just pops!

  9. Oh Erica is just gorgeous as is her home...this little lady knows style and has a real skill at putting it all together. Sorry to hear about the negativity related to your FB account..seems alot of controversy has come about that site in general. I think the sad thing is that you can never really delete your account..only deactivate it..which I find quite annoying.

    Anyway...have a wonderful weekend Jennifer...and good luck on finding your little Mr piggy bank :) x

  10. Erica's home is one of my very favorites, I admire her and absolutely love her home and blog!

  11. umm gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful home with us. :)

  12. What a beautiful home! I love all the white with the pops of color.

  13. Such a beautiful, serene home. Loved seeing all of these images in one place.


  14. That kitchen is a dream! Love the over-sized bathroom mirror as well. Have a lovely holiday weekend!

  15. Love Erica's home. Too much white, are you kidding, never!! I just blogged about my love of white. I'm just not brave enough yet.

  16. Love the space, it seems so attainable! Not some extra, big mac sized mansion with a billion dollars of charm added! AWESOME! What is the source for the lamp above the white sectional? I am in love with it!

  17. Yes Erica has skills to pay the bills...she has a great eye for design as proven by her gorgeous home!

  18. I recently redid our living room with all shades of white and cream. I'm digging it…

    Love your blog!

  19. in love with this space

  20. love love love, have been a fan of her work for a while now. Her blog is wonderful too! :)

  21. Love white on white,, My house would all be white if it wasn't for my two big dogs that like to race me in to the house after a rainy day. White is so Fresh and happy :)
    Have a great weekend!!


  22. Great inspiration!!!
    Have a nice weekend you too,

    Love Annaleena

  23. I like everything. I could easily move in, just needed two boxes and pack my clothes.

  24. I adore the arm chair...Such a great colours! Kisses

  25. Love her style ... so relaxing and restorative ... ahhhhh !

  26. i just love Erica her taste in style is gorgeous !! and so is she as a person .... sorry to hear about your facebook :( XX

  27. I love how clean the space is. I also adore punches of color like this. Great space.

  28. ahhh the print about the bed is gorgeous! I love bokeh!

  29. Thanks for sharing this home! I love how she has added all different colours to mix with the white in all the rooms. Fantastic home!

  30. Her house is beautiful! Sorry to hear about your Facebook account, there's been so many viruses lately. Sweet weekend!

  31. what can I say? every room is more stunning than the last! woop woop for our Canadian diva of design! : )

  32. Insanely beautiful! Are there sources for any of the items? I'm going crazy over some of them!

  33. AnonymousMay 30, 2010

    Your blog, this post, your taste & feeling...... yes yes yes, me like a lot!!

    Agneta, a swedish one ;)

  34. i don't mind white on white at all:) it is a beautiful home.


    featured you Hello Languages print on my blog today:)
    Have a great weekend!

  35. Love her blog and her home!

  36. goodness! it's gorgeous - but the woman must not have kids, a husband or pets & must clean non stop!

  37. great punches of colour! i love the apple painting

  38. I was thinking of getting a cream colored leather sectional, but I have a 2 year old and we live in an apt in NYC (so we basically live on our sofa). Has anyone had any experience with light colored leather? Does it stay crisp looking, or does it bacome gross with wear and tear?

  39. she has gorgeous taste. Just adore her home.

  40. a wonderful and inviting home. I love layers of white. Tone on tone is the only way to do white right.. and I especially love it mixed with rich wood tones ( on floors or furniture)

  41. The white is so fresh and happy, love the rooms! Janell

  42. Loving that hallway! the rug, the hall stand, the piggie! xx

  43. i love office, and turquoise chair with cute cushion :)

  44. Love this space! She has excellent taste!

    Come check out my latest project!

  45. man I love that foyer!

  46. i happen to love white on white, especially peppered with colorful artwork and fabrics. thank you for sharing her lovely home!

  47. So many beautiful spaces ~ thanks for sharing...

  48. I'm not normally a huge fan of lots of white but this looks so beautiful...really fantastic and interesting, the splashes of colours are superb. I could certainly live there!! I want to live there!!!

  49. WOW this is a gorgeous home, it's all in the details, so beautiful, obviously a designer's home - love it!

  50. Erica is a very talented designer who uses texture as opposed to colour to create an amazing space. Look forward to checking out her site.

  51. AnonymousJune 01, 2010

    Erica's got a great a great eye for detail. I LOVE the white on white! Thanks for sharing.

  52. So pretty! I love the kitchen. Bummer about your FB! Hope you had a lovely M-weekend :) xo

  53. I could totally live in a white on white space! I love her kitchen and bathroom and of course the piggy is sublime!

    Sorry about the FB hack:(

  54. Love the white! A perfect welcome to summer style! Thanks for the inspiration;)

  55. wow what a fabulous home! I love all the white and that printed turquoise chair is to die for!!

  56. Heart felt thanks for sharing my home Jennifer, and many thanks for all of the lovely comments everyone! xoxo Erica


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