Interior Designer Palmer Weiss.....

Meet San Francisco Interior Designer Palmer Weiss. Her designs are functional & beautiful, exactly what a home should be.  I have always FANTASIZED of what it would be like to hire someone like Palmer to design my next home. What is the process? How much would the services run? Would I be happy with the outcome? 

I tend to think I have a pretty good sense of style, but I know that Interior Designers know all about symmetry, colors, & so much more.....I wonder what MY HOME would look if I left it up to a designer. Palmer work is fun & modern, more of what I'd like to incorporate in my own home someday!  

Have you ever hired an Interior Designer or Decorator for your home? If so, what was your experience like?

images from palmer weiss designs



  1. I had the worst experience of my life with an interior decorator! I was sooo excited to have someone come and give me help, but the decorator completely dismissed all of my ideas, disregarded the rest of my house and the style I was looking for. She just tried to make it all her style, rather than mine. I ended up taking a few of her decisions and have hated them since! Sad! I ended up wasting a ton of money and am still unhappy with my spaces :(

  2. I LIVE with an interior designer ;) My sister is one and she's awesome! I think it's all about the passion and creativity of the individual.

    I will admit that it does take some patience as I have my own decor ideas, but all in all, she's got a good eye and I trust her opinion/taste.

    Liking your post! Lovely decor ideas!

  3. this house is spectacular. I love her work.

    While I LOVE decorating and designing, I too wonder what a designer would come in and do with the place. They may have little tricks up their sleeves that my mind wouldn't even think about. I would hate to have it come out horrendous though and know I could have done a better job.

  4. she is one of my favorites....
    i am a decorator and i work with friends + family all the time. they tell me i make their life easier...
    i SO hope this is the case...


  5. I do love this designers work - fresh and fun and not contrived or try hard - thanks Le

  6. Never hired one. I tend to think I can handle it (not!) I think the most difficult part of hiring one would be to find one that can introduce something I wouldn't have thought on my own that looks fab and balance it with what I really want in the space.

  7. Palmer Weiss is truly gifted has a great sense of style and i love her subtle use of colour..

    I am one of those who would love to have an interior designer help me but i am currently being inspired by all these creative DIY blogs and am now determined to make my house my home :)

    I am looking forward to friends and family asking me who decorated this or where did u buy that and i can answer "I did that! :)"

  8. love the kitchen!

  9. My mum hired a designer to redesign a very very small (only two rooms) apartment. I think she did an amazing job of making the kitchen area almost disappear. And the paint colours she picked helped what was previously a dark cave feel bright and calm. Though I think it depends on the relationship between the designer and client as to whether it turns out well or not.

  10. I love her and I would love to see what she could do to my house !

  11. What gorgeous room! Love that kitchen.

  12. Funky and fresh designs! Thanks for sharing! Sometimes designers can be life savers, and sometimes a pain in the rump! ;) Depends on the designer! - ASH

  13. I've never personally hired a decorator, but my mom has hired a couple. It seems to be pretty hit or miss. She had a lot of luck with a decorator that was a good friend, because she knew my mom really well and her tastes. I think if you find a decorator whose aesthetic you really like, then it might be worth it, but there's something about personal touches you get when designing your own space.

  14. Never had because I love doing it with myself. Although, Its great to get two creative people together and they your creativity can feed off one another. But she is over the top amazing!! Love all her work1

  15. Hiring a designer can be scary...but as a designer myself - my first job is to put the client at ease - it should never be about what the designer wants, but about helping your client find their style and working with them to achieve their vision...I have found this to be much easier since adding my e-decorating service bc it keeps fees and such crystal clear so there is no guess work!!!

  16. KELLY:
    Sorry to hear that. I've never hired an interior decorator/designer...but I hope if I did it didn't turn into a nightmare. I did have a nightmare situation with a contractor though...but that's a different story.

    I wouldn't be pleased either if i knew i could have done a better job. I hope that's not the case, when the day comes though...crossing fingers!. :))

    It seems a lot of you have been saying that it's best if the designer knows your taste...perhaps is a friends etc.
    I never thought of that, so thank you for enlightening me. If I ever get to have a designer take over and re-design my home, I'll be sure to pick someone whose portfolio appeals to me and who asks me a lot of questions. I'm guessing COMMUNICATION is a BIG part of this process.

  19. Gorgeous chairs in every room!!

  20. I had an amazing experience with an interior designer just recently. I won her services in a blog giveaway and she helped me do Devon's nursery. I definitely think it helped that we had VERY similar taste! But I found her helpful in honing in my ideas and helping me make decisions when I was stuck between one or two designs.

    And, speaking of, actually... remember, like, 3000 years ago when I bought that deer head bust and told you I was hanging it in my living room and then never posted it?! Well, finally posted it! It's amazing how much you can put off finishing a design project when there's a little peanut demanding your attention!

    Anywho, I posted it yesterday, just for you, girly!! xo

  21. I love the second photo, that chair is so pretty!

  22. That room in the first picture is to die for!! I can't stop looking at it, I love the lacquered sideboard and the gorgeous lamps :) I think I might be afraid to hire a decorator as I love being able to be involved in every little detail and each choice, but I know there are amazing designers out there that would do more with my home than I could even dream up!

  23. great work
    but Jen, you don't need a professional, what you do is amazing!

  24. THE LIL BEE:
    I saw the Nursery, your designer did a great job! :) Oh..nice, will check out the antlers now...thanks! XOXOX

  25. I agree, Palmer does great work.


  26. seriously gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing!1
    I havent had an interior decorator do our home...but may want to so everyones comments helps.
    love the blog!

    anna; "A Pretty Mat"

  27. If only I had the "MOOLAH", I'd hire Palmer right this moment. Love her aesthetic...very chic and modern with a retro twist, if I am correct. I'm especially loving that staircase...I'd like to that at my own home.

  28. I really enjoyed these photos, being an interior designer myself I am always looking at other designers spaces to critique my own work as well as find inspiration. I am so excited to check out more of her work!
    Being a designer I am so sad about Kelly's experience! I hate that she did not find the right designer for her. Sometimes you have to shop around to find the one that is perfect for you. Unfortunately not all designers have the gift of changing their style to accomdate the clients needs, sadly sometimes they only know one style! I hope you will give designers a second chance Kelly, and keep in mind when looking you want to hire a designer, not a decorator. A decorator is someone who is not educated, only someone with a college degree can call themselves a designer.

  29. I've never seen a zebra pattern used as a stair runner - ingenious!

  30. I LOVE the huge photo in the kitchen. Everything about it is perfect!

  31. Gorgeous rooms - love her subtle use of color! I've never hired an interior designer before - thought I've thought about it. I've been tempted to go to a place that gives you a mood board so it's more affordable. I'm thinking they can look at my place with a fresh eye!

  32. if i could afford to hire an interior designer my first choice would be you! ever thought about it?

  33. love all the clean lines of these rooms!


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