Keeping my EYE on.....

There are days, I wish I could re-design MY HOME. Move around furniture, or just sell what I have & start new! I think I feel like this just about every 3months. Is that so bad? It may have to do with the fact that I frequent so many blogs and that gets my creative juices flowing.  My husband wonders why I like to change things up so much....I tell him. "Hey, at least it's just furniture & not you." Ha! He laughs.  

But IT'S TRUE....If I had the time, I would shop every 3 - 4 months for my home!  I love the feel of a NEW sofa, a new coffee table, new book, a lamp & so forth. How about you? Maybe in a dream world we would all be able to afford new furniture every time we wanted it & somehow magically get rid of the old stuff (if you couldn't sell it). Here are items I'm keeping my eye on, although I have already purchased 2 things from this list. Enjoy your weekend! 

tufted headboard by wake up frankie
 throw by west elm

sheepskin rug IKEA

image above here



  1. I don't see anything wrong with that, sounds perfectly reasonable to me !

  2. I think you should do it! I love that wing chair!

  3. i love the items on your wishlist! that headboard is incredible. i wonder which pieces you've already purchased?! have a great weekend, jennifer!

  4. I really like the head board in the first picture.

  5. I feel the same way every couple months! However, it's the ONLY time I want change in my life. lol. I say if you can do it, go for it and change things up every few months! It is good to feed creativity whenever possible :)

  6. oh yes! we are one in the same! i redecorate to fit my mood i think. and all the inspiration on the internet. its crazy.
    i do loooooove that elephant plant stand (i collect elephants) i have seen in online at least 10 times now. i think its a sign i need it

  7. I want want want the top light. And I'm pondering a bedroom redo - when I just recently said, that's it - done - no more redos. Eh.

  8. I know exactly what you mean...I will be moving this summer and am already thinking of ditching what I have and starting with an all new fresh design scheme! out with the old colors! in with the new!! of course, this all depends on the ever-present budget...:(

  9. I am convinced I could sell everything and move every 5 years or so. SERIOUS. glad to know there are others out there who share my disease...

  10. I want new furniture etc. all the time!!! I wish I could just bounce through themes for my room but I could never part with my huge Audrey Hepburn picture!LOL I'm thinking of either vintage or contemporary Paris for my room!

  11. And I really wanted to let you know how much you inspire me! A LOT of my room ideas are from you and your blog! And all the stuff you pick out is AMAZING! Even the stuff you have posted on your blog ispires me for my cards, paintings, scrapbooks, etc.! So thanks for all the lovely inspiration!

  12. I feel like changing things up too & not just my furniture same thing with my blog (I'm always trying to figure out ways to change the template but afraid to loose all my info).
    I love your place so I wouldn't change too much:) I do love the headboard & I've been wanting that Tom Ford book too.

  13. the headboard, the sheepskin & the throw are on my list too....i always want to redecorate. actually our house got messy so often that i started redecorating & rearranging everyday just to make it more fun.

  14. I feel like buying home stuff all the time but we need to CHANGE HOMES first! I'm so tired of living in our wee bitty condo which was hubs' bachelor pad before my time. An upholstered/tufted headboard and interesting bedside tables are my top furniture picks s soon as we buy a real house!

    And that WING chair you picked is awesome! You can always re-upholster it if you're sick of the fabric! And you're so right at least it's just furniture and not the men in our lives! :)

    xx Vivian @

  15. I would like a new house every 3 to 4 days!!! Is that bad???

  16. I'm so on the same page as you, I blogged about this very thing the other day, I am so needing a change too! I always feel the urge to do a new look for the summer months & winter months.

    Lucky for me, the boy has an Upholstery biz & big THANKS to you for all the lovely inspiration!

  17. I love to change things up as well. I just built a house about a year ago and I've painted my bedroom about 7 times. My Living room? 4 times. Everyone jokes that I'm losing square feet in my house as the walls get smaller. It's fiiiine! No worries! I think things are going to stay the way they are for a bit. Only the laundry room walls remain . . . stripes? Oh, and I'm planning a trip to my favorite flea market soon for patio furniture. Can't wait to get the paint out and get to work! Good times, good times.

  18. LOVE the headboard and the lighting. And there is nothing ever wrong with redecorating often LOL!

  19. That zgallerie chair is too perfect. Swoon!

  20. he throw is so beautiful!

  21. I am completely with you! Just wish I had the funds to do it! ;)

  22. WOW, me too! I feel like I need to be content with what I have, but blogging seems to make me want to change everything about every 3-4 months too! I see others inspiring ideas and it makes me want to go home and re-decorate!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one... Ash

  23. I love following your blog and all the posts..I gave you an award for an awesome blog..I go on it everyday to see your darling posts.

  24. I love to change everything around the house all the time. When I buy something new, I store the old in the basement. Sooner or later I bring the old one back to life again. My husband says that I could open a store with the items I store away! My decor and the mood of my house manly change with the seasons.
    My dream? To have three houses to decorate them all!

  25. There is nothing like the feeling of bringing home a new piece of furniture or accessory, it is very exciting. So, I would definitely let you redecorate every four months if I were your hubby! ha

  26. I seriously want that rug from IKEA!!

  27. I love that glass light pendant - it's v. cool

  28. i've been looking for a good tufted headboard. this one is great!

  29. Jen -

    Thanks for your comment! I change my mind/design/mood so often that the only constants in my life are my husband and dog (which I like to remind them of often, too)I love this list and will have to add some to mine. Definitely show us what you did with your new purchases!


  30. oh Jen
    I love that sheepskin from Ikea actully I have 2 in my home...LOL

  31. I am always changing stuff over here, in fact I just sold a bunch of stuff on Craigslist so that I could make some new purchases. I understand where you are coming from.


  32. The tufted headboard is gorgeous! I hope that is one of the items you already purchased :) I feel the same way, it is easy to want a change! Sometimes when I am trying to fall asleep at night, I mentally go through different rooms in my home and think about everything I would change and all the furniture I would buy (if the sky was the limit)!!

  33. ASHLINA:
    Yea the white elephant caught on like the white horse....i love it and this particular one is quite AFFORDABLE on amazon.

  34. ASHLEE:
    That is exactly what i mean! Ha.

  35. These are all great pieces! I love the french headboard! I am in for an order! It's perfect. You have a fantastic blog! Best, C

  36. that bed is amazing! I will def be checking out that site! I just posted a blog award today darling and have passed it along to you!! Enjoy

  37. West Elm light CHECK, sheepskin IKEA - CHECK and yes i would rotate my housewares constantly if it were allowed....It totally should be!

  38. I can't believe that rug is from ikea! So chic!

  39. I have that elephant planter ( I got it from ebay) I didn't like the color so I decided to paint it white.

  40. I know what you mean...I get that craving sometimes too...I agree...I think it's all the blogs that are out there that are so inspiring! :)

  41. LAYERS OF MEANING: Oh! Good job...thank you for the link. That is what I would have done too...I like them bright white! :))

  42. OMG! Love, love, love the list of things. Such a great inspiration.

  43. For those of us with a constant desire to change things up, we should start a furniture swap! I get the rearrange bug all the time. And now I've moved on to my parents house. My mother is definitely ready to get me out of here! :)

  44. Just found your blog darling! I love it lots. Adding you to my roll right now! :)

  45. CARRIE:
    That's a great idea...someone should start a furniture swap site...I'd definitely check that out. :)

  46. You are so welcome, Jen! I just love your stuff ... Hope I sent even a small amount of traffic your way. :)

  47. i am with ya sistah! where is that dream world. i would move there in a heartbeat.

    i am loving all sorts of tufted stuff right now and this headboard is awesome, the throw looks so soft to touch, i am swooning over that chandelier...all gorgeous pieces.

    thanks for sharing


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