Alaina's Home Tour (Live Creating Yourself)

Hello everyone! How's your Monday so far?? It's been cloudy & sprinkling here in Las Vegas, definitely very unusual weather for this part of the country. However, this post below has made my day a little sunnier! I'm so excited to bring you this home tour by Alaina from Live Creating YourselfShe has allowed me to share her cozy Chicago home with all of you!  Below she explains the details of her lovely living space.

"I've been collecting pieces for the past two years. The only store-bought, full-priced items my boyfriend and I bought that are not from IKEA are the vertical bookshelves in my office. They are from West Elm and no longer available. Same goes for the tree branch end table in the living room which is from Target and is available. The West Elm tripod lamp in the living room was a gift from a friend. The rug and sofa in the living room are ALSO from West Elm, but we bought them used on Craigslist. Other rugs are IKEA and the zebra rug in the bedroom was on sale at Pottery Barn."

(click photos for larger images)

Dining Room & Living Room:
The dining room chairs cost me $70 - I painted them grey and reupholstered them myself. The dining room table is an antique & cost only $50 - also CraigsList. The bar is IKEA Expedit.  

Most pillows and accessories are West Elm sale items with a few thrift store items thrown in the mix. The place settings are a mix of Williams-Sonoma Apilco Traditional and West Elm Pure Square.

below: her colorful inspiration board

Below: Living room Art by Alaina 

below: her stylishly decorated home office

  images by Alaina



  1. I recently stumbled upon Alaina's site and absolutely LOVE it! She is such a talented designer. All of her spaces are unique, interesting, and beautiful. Great feature! :)

  2. oh my goodness.
    i love the paint, the decor, furniture... everything! so so so pretty!

  3. What a fabulous apartment. I can she Alaina is a big fan of West Elm, Pottery Barn, Ikea and Williams Sonoma. What a smart shopper to get items on Craig's list. Photos are beautiful - great feature!

  4. Beautiful home, Alaina! It's great to see that colour scheme work so well, I love it!

  5. I love the artwork! Her apartment is beautiful!

  6. Love to use grays and yellows in home designs. They create such a fresh appeal.

  7. Lovely.. Thanks for sharing..!!

  8. I love the colors she used. Gorgeous.

  9. Hi there gorgeous Jen! I am awarding the Sunshine Blog award to you! Visit my blog for more info xo

  10. love her taste in style.. gorgeous!!
    thanks for sharing Xx

  11. i love everything about this space..the artwork is pretty awesome.

  12. looks very nice and real and homey and stylish and not contrived - what a fab effort :)

    we don't have many homes here with bars as a feature of the dining room area - but I see lots in the US homes on the web - is it a usual thing ... best le

  13. Just Gorgeous!!!
    She has great style. I love the colour of the dining chairs.
    Janette x

  14. i love the rug her living room!!

  15. Great space! She has done an awesome job.
    Paula Grace ~

  16. Everything is soooo beautiful, I wish IKEA were closer but hey I can get to one in 3-4 hours. You are a great designer.


  17. I love this place! It makes me what to re-decorate my home. Got to love West Elm and Ikea! :-)

  18. Love love LOVE her place! We SO have the same taste!

  19. Oh my goodness - what an absolutely gorgeous house!! Love that home office and the living areas are so tastefully and stylishly decorated. Great post x

  20. Love the place and the two dogs look sooo cute!

  21. Great home!
    I live near an IKEA store and i shop there alot...

  22. Just bookmarked this post. So many lovely details and inspiration for any future home decoration projects!

  23. Oh wow, I love her office...the color is great especially with the yellow print!! And I love how she creates vignettes...just gorgeous! She's such a talented designer!

  24. Such a pretty and realistic looking place to live. Those pups are so cute!

  25. I love those shelves from west elm wish I could still get them. Her home is delightful!

  26. I still can't believe that Alaina has only lived in her apartment such a short time - she's really made it a home. It's just beautiful.

  27. Nice! I love here home office and dinning and living room. So cute.
    Thank you!
    Have a great day,

  28. I simply love the inspirational photos you post here.

  29. Her space reminds me of something you would have seen in Domino!

  30. i love her home! beautiful sketches and prints throughout. and that bar is perfection!

  31. Hey I noticed you don't have Young House Love on your blog list...I am not sure if you read them or not, but I recommend it! They're a super cute young couple who does renovations and such on their own home. :-)

  32. Such pretty spaces. I love seeing other people's inspiration boards, especially, so thank you for including the shot of that!

  33. I love her inspiration board, I'm so into those these days.

    I love the "A" mug, too. Any idea where that came from?

  34. Alaina is a bright, talented, and hard working young lady.

    Her home tour showed her unique style and love of fashion.

    This can be attributed to her Mother.

  35. Oh my goodness, thank you so much for all the kind comments! I've put so much time into making my apartment a home that I'm proud of, and I am so glad you all love it, too! There are still some other spaces I need to work on (guest room, kitchen, and deck so stay tuned for regular updates as I start tackling those projects in the upcoming months.)

    And that Domino comment maybe just made my forever. : )

    Thanks, again, Jen!


  36. love the decor and the mac on the desk!

  37. I just love these home tours.
    Gorgeous home!

    Stop by my blog to enter to win a pair of sassy boots!

  38. Beautiful photos!! I love the work space....

    Hi there! Yes, the mug is from Anthropologie....they are great. I have one as well! :)

  40. such a fresh space! it's a beautiful home.

  41. Alaina has such great style, and is such a sweet person on top of that. Love these photos.

  42. love the doggies hanging out on the bed in that beautiful light colored room! :-)

  43. what an incredibly gorgeous space. love that it was done on a budget.

  44. The dogs are soooo cute and there are so many details I like in this apartment!!!! I love the fact that there´s so much light coming in and the whole place feels so cosy and inviting! The mirror wall sconces are beautiful!!!!

  45. everything is absolutely love!!!! cute!! pretty!!!!

    I have a question in the desk... where is the CPU??
    I`m trying to do something like this at home...

  46. Lots of great accessories throughout - love the pillarcandle sconces :)

  47. DANILA:
    I believe Alaina has the all in one Mac computer.
    The CPU isn't an annoying box, it's all located inside the monitor. This way, its just the monitor & keyboard. I have the same one, they are great! ;)))

  48. Yummy yellow ikat and blue zigzag pillows!

  49. Very lovely home! Like it A LOT :)

  50. Beautiful home! I love these tours. Always get such great ideas. Alaina, can you tell us what color paint is used in your living room area? I love it! THANKS!

  51. This is a beatuiful home. Everything is my style! I love how it all comes together. Thanks for sharing this.


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