Designer: Jordan Carlyle

Hello Monday morning! I happen to adore Interior Design. Even though I'm no designer, I think I can hold my own. If money math weren't a requirement, I probably would've become an Interior designer. It's true, I suck at Math. These days, I'd rather just look at Interior Design online & in mags.

In fact, that's how I learned all about Jordan Carlyle's work for the first time. He emailed me introducing himself. Where had I been that I hadn't seen this amazing designer??  + he's handsome!

Enough about his looks, we know he doesn't really need them because his work speaks for itself. Ok, maybe looks help a bit, but just look at the pictures below. The first few photos are of his pad in NYC - from his choice of art, to the black bookshelf to that black & white sofa (which is part of his furniture collection fyi) - I love it all!

I'm not sure how much the sofa is his collection goes for, but if one day I'm able to splurge - something similar is what I'd want for my next sofa. Amazing.

I wonder if that's the Jonathan Adler wallpaper in his office below??

Jordan's Interior work can be seen in all the photos below - every space seems to be carefully crafted and though out. He's definitely a designer to watch out for - if you haven't heard of him yet. 

Jordan also has a collection of Fine Art, of which these two are some of my favorites!You may recognize the George Washington one if you've shopped at CB2.

-all images via Jordan Carlyle



  1. AnonymousJuly 09, 2012 swoooooon-worthy! All of it. Lovely start to my week Jen. Thanks so much for a whole-lotta-pretty ;)

  2. Every single one of those rooms is appealing! What a clever human...and well done for discovering him!


  3. Oh my, exquisite! Love his choice of artworks especially the B&W Newtonesques. More!

    Paul XO

  4. AnonymousJuly 09, 2012

    Love it all! I especially love the art he chooses in the spaces!


  5. That last pick of the rooftop deck was beautious! thanks for sharing and you are right, you can hold your own!!

  6. Thanks so much for the intro! I have never seen/heard of him either, and I was missing the boat. His work is so sophisticated looking. Love it all.
    Have a great week.

  7. AnonymousJuly 09, 2012

    Okay seriously... Jordan's work is breathtaking! Being an interior design student myself, I'm so inspired by his design aesthetics. Thanks for starting my week out right!! :)

  8. Ah-mazing. Loving his work!

    My jewelry blog:

  9. I haven't heard of him but I love his work! I especially love his office's wallpaper and chandelier.

    Thanks for introducing him on your blog! I am getting ready to redo our condo and a few of these photos are going to be my inspiration!

  10. Wow, I love his style. Beautiful rooms.

  11. AnonymousJuly 09, 2012

    I've never heard about him, his work is amazing, every room is so beautiful!

  12. beautifull... some pieces remind me the work of Boca do Lobo. take a look. its a luxurious style with inspiration in the past but with a modern design

  13. OMG! He is amazing! I love his style and his choice of art! I'm keeping an eye on this designer for sure!

  14. Thanks for sharing. He has a great eye for choosing art pieces That honeycomb sofa is to die for.


  15. Love this! I've also never heard of Jordan - but he's obviously a big fan of Thibaut! That Gold damask is Curtis Damask on Cork wallcovering. So hot!

    And I'm pretty sure he used Como Silk in Silver, the textured vinyl one.

  16. You're right! He IS seriusly handsome and his style is impeccable! The art and the furniture and accents are all dead-on! Lovely!

    holly foxen wells

  17. Beautiful spaces AND designer! Good gracious he's cute. But... his work isn't bad either! ; ) It's really great and sophisticated. Thanks for introducing him to us! Have a great week!

  18. I die! Could pin every image! And he looks a little like Adam Levine, no? :)

  19. I absolutely love every single one of these rooms! They all have something completely unexpected.

    Thanks Jen.

  20. MEGAN: Yup, he does look a little like him! :)

  21. AnonymousJuly 09, 2012

    Wow, another great interior designer alert and I totally agree he looks hot, and yes, looks wouldn’t harm a bit as part of the whole branding right?hehe

    I really like the way his place looks, never knew black could look this stylish! Love the black sofa and shelves. He really does have an eye for design I gotta say, and it’s like each and every little thing has been thought through like you said.

    Those turquoise colored pillows look lovely against the zig zag printed and white pillows in the room and I want that round mirror. I also like what he did with those photo frames, its amazing how a small thing like a photo frame can transform a room eh? And how I wish I had that patio/balcony!!! The black table and vase along with the cushioned chairs make it look really cosy and inviting. Definitely will be looking up Jordan’s stuff.

    Now if only I had a place to call my home and the money, I prob go crazy on buy all these stuff too, haha

    Great post Jen!!!


  22. So heavenly divine! I love every single room and yes, if I had to redo my entire house again...this is the color scheme that I would choose! I love the sofa too on the living room.


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