Bits of My Week...

Enjoying Brunch at Jane
with friends. 

My HUSBAND always makes the best dinners, here are a couple of the plates he made this past week.

Here I am at the Nespresso event in SOHO that Padma Lakshmi hosted. This was one of the coolest events I've been to. The goodie bags were huge & there was plenty of food & coffee!  

Padma spoke about her favorite coffee & let us in on her signature recipe "Nespresso Vanilla Coffee w/caramel Milk froth" - recipe below! 

Below: This was a huge fair on 3rd avenue - unfortunately, I went by before brunch with friends, so couldn't eat anything! 

A dinner I made for my husband below-normally he's the one that cooks every day, but when he's busy, I'll whip something up. 

My husband caught this picture of me & Darla asleep on the lounge - Glad she wasn't too GASSY that afternoon because her butt was totally facing me.

Waiting for her belly rub as she stated on her twitter page. Yes, my dog has a twitter page: @darlatheboxer

Does yours?

-images by jen ramos



  1. I love the nails on the Louis Vuitton bag. The gold is so luxurious.
    All of the food looks AMAZING! I can't believe you got to meet Padma Lakshmi. I'd love to meet her one day, she's a foodie icon.
    can your husband come and cook me dinner one night... for real.


  2. AnonymousJune 06, 2012

    awwwwww...what a happy week!!!! That coffee event looks fun, lovee coffee!!! and your lunch looks yum!

    I gotta say, you and your hubby can how he put pears (or some sort of fruit) beneath the meat.

    And great fair that looks like, could do with those watermelons right now! hehehe

    Your dog Darla is.........SOOOO darn cute!!! that last pic is adorable, waiting for belly rub eh?hehehehehe


  3. ahh love those rugs at the street fair. all of the food looks amazing- your so lucky to have such a great cook beside you ;) ps, love your new blog design!!

  4. the new design looks great Jen! congrats!

  5. Love the manicure and omgosh cute puppies!!! :)

  6. AnonymousJune 06, 2012

    Lovely photos! All the food & coffee looks delicious. Oh, and I just love the new blog design, Jen! It looks amazing! x

    Kate {Something Fabulous}

  7. How lucky are you to have a hubby that cooks so well Jen?! I wish!

    Enjoy the rest of your week :)

    Abbey x

  8. Your hubby looks to be one amazing chef! Love your nails too, the gold looks fab! xx

  9. Glad to see that life in NYC is treating you so well!
    Im sure the Nespresso event was fabulous! Jealous of the goodies :)
    And definitely, your husband makes incredible meals!

  10. Such a fun and awesome week! You guys are eating well--all looks so so tasty. And my husband would have freaked if he met padma. He will also probably want to hurt me if he knew I wrote that. She is awesome though. haha. Love the mani in the first picture and I am loving your new blog header. Looks great.

  11. Thanks for sharing! Love looking at bits of your week! Also, the new blog header looks great!

  12. love the gold and pink nails. and that food looks yummy!

  13. I love Jane! I haven't been for brunch yet, which is weird since they're famous for it, but I love their Sunday night dinners! The steak frites and the salmon are absolutely delish and at $15 - a total steal. :)

  14. I have the same LV bag and love it! You both cook the most amazing meals! Loving all the pictures :)

  15. Jen, it seems like the move was a good one for you!!! :) Love seeing bits of your week & NY culture.

    Vanilla ice cream, in coffee...sounds deliciously rich!

  16. Wow- I LOVE the new layout! Looks great Jen! The ring you are wearing in the shot of your nails is gorgeous!

    I'm jealous- You eat so well! He should start a food blog!?!?!?!

    Have a great day, beautiful!

    holly foxen wells

  17. Jen...all of your meals look outstanding. Great documenting of what looks like an amazing week! xoxo

  18. Thats looks like a pretty good week.. and you have a husband that can cook.. and I don't mean open a jar of marinara and boil pasta (my husband can't even do that) but he can actually cook.. wow. and then I see your plate and you do an equally amazing job..

  19. Hi Jen,

    I love your new header, it looks fantastic!
    I don`t know how you were able to resist all those yummy cakes and watermellon, I wouldn`t have been able to! Darla looks so cute and you need to post the delicious looking chicken recipe you made. I need some new recipes. Has your hubby ever considered doing some guest food posts for you? I'm sure they would be a hit!


  20. Love your dog bed, where is it from?

    The nespresso shop in Soho is SO amazing. It's crazy how big it is for such a small little pod of espresso!

    Love the photos,


  21. so cute.
    loved this watermelons...


  22. Aww another sneak of the house! Wahhh where are those pictures?! And my dog has a facebook page...and she's listed as my daughter. My friends wait they KNOW I'm a total kook.

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  23. First of all, love Padma. Second of all, boxer gas has got to be the worst!

  24. AnonymousJune 06, 2012

    The pic of you and Darla is priceless!

  25. MY STYLE VITA: Thanks! Its the greek key bed from canine styles...i actually blogged about it on my blog :)

  26. I love the look of your new website!!!!

  27. I love the new look of your site !! =)

  28. love the market and love the meals your hubby prep for you! I so thought you were at a restaurant! lucky you!

    Can't wait to come visit NYC next week. Had been a few times in the last couple of years and yet still couldn't get enough of it!

  29. What an incredible week! I especially love drooling over you and your hubby's dishes!

    Your new header is INCREDIBLE! Love all of the images that portray a bit into each part of your life ;)

  30. Just bought the Aeroccino milk frother and it´s amazing. I´m gonna have to try out that caramel thing.

  31. AnonymousJune 07, 2012

    Another amazing week! It looks like you're not to shabby in the kitchen too =) Take care!

  32. I want to eat all of your food and drink all of your lattes! :)

    P.S. LOVE LOVE LOVE the new design! SO CHIC!

  33. I would love to get that steak salad recipe looks delicious!

  34. Oh my gosh, I laughed out loud reading about gas. Our Boston Terrier has THE WORST gas also. Looks like you're quite the cook in addition to your husband!

  35. AnonymousJune 07, 2012

    Love your nails and ring in the first shot! I've been following your blog for a while and it is definitely inspiration for the new (small) place I'll be moving into in a few weeks. Thank you for sharing!


  36. What a great blog ! The picture of you and Darla made me literally laugh out loud. My own dog loves to sleep with his cautious end towards my face.


  37. AnonymousJune 11, 2012

    You are lucky, your husband not only cooks, but also the presenation.... it looks so beautiful on the plate! My dog does the same, aren't they adorable? You have a great blog, soooo interesting. I just realized that there is not a single day, when I am not visiting your blog.

  38. omg wish my hubby could make at least just a plain salad! he doesn't care about cooking at all :( those plates look awesome Jen! have a fabulous day, darling!

    caroline @ patagonia gifts and jewelry


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