Food: Cookie Hearts

Hello Friends!!! It is Lori and Michelle from pure2raw

Today we have a super easy and super tasty Valentines Day inspired dessert!  It can be made ahead of time too! And another great part about this chocolate dessert is that there is no baking required, so whipping these cookie stacks can be done easily!


This dessert is made out of cashews for the cookies and is layered with a creamy banana cocoa mousse. Perfect for those chocolate lovers at heart like us. And any amount of chocolate screams Valentine's Day right? These may look difficult to do but promise they are not. An exquisite looking healthy dessert that anyone can do! Just our kind of recipe! We pulled out our Valentine day heart cookie cutters and decided to use 3 different sizes to make a cookie stack. 

We love desserts with layers. What about you? Recipe: Cashew Banana Cocoa Mousse Triple Cookie Heart Stacks prep-time: about 10 minutes the amount of cookies it makes varies depending on what size cookie cutter you use.  

Cashew Cookie Ingredients:
  • 1 cup cashew pieces
  • 1/2 cup coconut flakes
  • 1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 1/4 cup agave nectar (maple syrup or honey would be fine, or even a few pitted dates)
Directions: Place all your ingredients into food processor and pulse till combined. You want the batter to be holding together but without being to wet. 

Place cashew cookie batter onto a cutting board and roll out. We used a rolling pin. You can use your hands (great for kids) 


Once the cookie dough is rolled out grab your cookie cutters and start cutting into the shapes.


Set aside the cookies. And the hard part now is trying not to eat them all.


Now time to make your banana cocoa mousse for the filling. Banana Cocoa Mousse Ingredients:
  • 2 medium bananas
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 3 tablespoons coconut oil
  • splash vanilla
Directions: Place bananas, cocoa powder, coconut oil, and vanilla into a blender and blend till smooth. Pour filling into a bowl and let sit in fridge for 5 minutes to set. This makes it easier to use on cookies for layering. Once you have everything ready time to begin building the stacks. We got three stacks with a few extra cookies. 


Place one cookie down on the bottom and top with some mousse. Repeat layers till you get a stack of 3 cookies. With our cookie stacks we did 3 different sizes of hearts so we started with the large cookie heart on bottom followed by the medium size heart and then topped with the smaller heart.


We feel with the 3 different sizes really helped give this dessert more personality and depth. But if you only have one size cookie cutter that is totally fine too. The stacks will still look amazing!


After building all our stacks we placed them in fridge and let them set for a few minutes. This makes them a little easier to eat. 


We hope you all enjoyed our Valentine Day inspired dessert! Making these cookie stacks are a perfect way to show that special someone how much you love them. 

 Enjoy! Lori and Michelle



  1. If I wasn't at work right now I would serioulsy be licking the screen ... yum!

  2. Yum!! Okay, now I'm hungry! xo K

  3. those look kind of good!


  4. I love how they are done without added refined sugar... and look incredible!

  5. Looks sensational! Will have to give it a go!


  6. Those look awesome! I love a no bake recipe.

  7. Very cute - happy V'day!

    I’d love it if you would stop by Tulips&Tulle sometime!

  8. YUM...YUM...YUM
    I love simplicity

  9. AMY- I know right..thats one of my have parts about this recipe.

  10. They look so yummy, I think we will try those tonight!

  11. so clever, and they look yummy x

  12. Oh wow! These look amazing!
    Emma x

  13. These look amazing! I love the cashew coconut and chocolate combo :D

  14. What a yummy treat! I think I know what I'm making for dessert tonight :)

  15. These look so good! And pretty simple too :) Can't wait to give them a try!

  16. yummy


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