Almost there....

Hey everyone! Hope you're all enjoying your Wednesday! We're getting things situated little by little...on the other side of this room & everywhere else - we STILL have a mess of boxes.  I will show it all when it's ready....

images by jen ramos



  1. looking good!!!! love the starbucks cup! xoxo, ashley {a {little} dash of ash}

  2. It's definitely coming together! Looks like you've been enjoying the new city. So fun.

  3. I adore these pictures - thanks for the snapshots!

  4. That view is amazing!!! Can't wait to see how you've spruced up the place!

  5. Looks like the unpacking is coming along! how are the dogs adjusting to the cold/reduced space?

  6. ah! welcome back to the 10021, my old hood...jels!

  7. love seeing the evolution of your journey and THERE'S THE COUCH! yayyy! keep on! x

  8. so glad to hear you're settling in! can't wait to see the full tour! it's always impressive :)

  9. Already LOVE your apartment! So excited for you!


  10. Your place looks like it coming along better than my new place LOL! Its taking me forever...Love the NYC images, I'll be in NYC 19-20 & can't wait.

  11. I don't know how you can get any unpacking done with all those awesome places around you.

  12. WOW really are in the heart of it all glad it has all come together for you nicely..look forward to hearing more about your new adventure ; ) x

  13. Settling in nicely =) Love the Starbucks' Cups!

  14. Your images makes me miss New York. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed this post a lot.

    Jeavon @ Interior Design News

  15. Love the living room decour! Can't wait to see more. Ur pup is adorable! Did u get a chance to take him to the famous dog park here? P.S. u must try " little brown chocolate bakery" and get the natella latte, they r amazing!!

  16. I love the way you've layered the throws on your fabulous white sofa!

  17. That tuna looks so good! But more importantly, can't wait to see how you decorate the entire apartment!

  18. Caren: I only have one dog now... The cold isn't as bad.. It's the noise that's taking time for her to get used to. Too much stimulus for her...!

  19. Bee29: ahhh that sounds delicious - ill check it out thx!

  20. Anna white: yup... In the middle & it's great! So much going on, I love it! ;)

  21. can't wait to see the rest of your place. I pass by that Valentine window display every time I go to work. hope you are loving your new place!

  22. these photos are giving me chills! it's so inspiring to see someone who wanted something and went after it...i really cannot wait to see what you have in store for NYC!

  23. Is the fur throw on your sofa from West Elm? If not, where did you get it?

  24. donna : yes its from west elm...its super soft & good quality too!

  25. Love the snapshots-that view is so lovely. I can't wait to see the rest of the apartment once it's all decorated!

  26. Hi Jen - I think your blog and products are fab and congrats on the move. Just an FYI from a native New Yorker - it's pretty easy to tell which building you live in from the shot of your corner taken from the balcony, like the pic posted. NY street corners don't have the same visual anonymity as streets or yards in Las Vegas, so it's easy to tell which building the photo is taken from just from the store front and restaurant facades across the Avenue. Just wanted to let you know in case you don't want your address basically posted on the blog. All the best -

  27. What a great post! Everything is looking great!

  28. Cannot wait to see what you do with your new apartment! Looks great so far. xXx Ashleigh,

  29. YAY! Your boxer is SOOO cute, hope she/he is enjoying NYC.

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  30. Love to see your apartment getting done. I know it would be a chic outcome when things put together the same as your previous home. Just love to see the photos you in Corporate with your post and May I say you're beautiful in your outfit post.. Really gorgeous gurl!:)

  31. You look SO happy being in NY! I am glad you are getting to live where you are meant to :)

  32. Hi Jen! Love your blog and your black boots. May I ask where you got them?

  33. welcome to the neighborhood! there are so many cool places to try on 3rd and 2nd Ave. enjoy being back in the city! :)

  34. Ashley: they're the Brit boots by Jeffrey Campbell. Got them at shopbop... But free people carries them. They run small.. I'm an 8 1/2 & had to get a size 10 for them to fit!

  35. Wow Jen it must seem a little surreal to wake up in NY knowing that you're not going back to Las Vegas! What a whirlwind... looks fantastic though and I can't wait to see how you're going to decorate your new space. Great pics as always :) Have fun!!!

  36. Great!
    We have the same carpet and table:)

  37. Looks like you are having the most fun! NYC is truly the center of the universe as far as I'm concerned. Makes me want to get back there myself. Can't wait to see what you do with your new digs.

  38. I'm in the process of moving right now too (from San Francisco to Sao Paulo, Brazil!) so I've loved following this process. Hopefully we will love our new city / country as much and as quickly as you! All the best. xoxox ash

  39. ashley harper: wow! thats a pretty big move!! good luck with everything :)

  40. Your home already looks great! And you look amazing, and I think I want all those coffees and food you have!

  41. Yay! New York! :)

  42. You seem to be doing fantastically!

    Emma xx

  43. Hi Jen,
    Welcome back to NYC !
    This is so awesome - i live around most of those places in today's entry. If you need any advice on shops around there, let me know !
    I have two of your mini paintings and 1 big painting. They are often my desktop background too ! I am a fan !

  44. Loving what I see!! The starbucks cup made my day the other day when I got one :) So cute.

  45. Cant wait to see the new place come to life ! I am sure you are gonna create an inspirational space !! Love your blog!!

  46. You are making us all yearn to move to NYC now. Use to live in Hoboken (7 mins on the PATH train to NYC). THe Dont honk sign is making me laugh. I have never seen such, and they fine you a whole $350 if you do? Whao. What is the reason behind that anyway. I wish We had one in my apartment, there is this one particular dude who comes for his girl friend everymorning ( i guess to take her to work or something) and he always honks - which isvery rare but i guess he must be new to this town where i live - I wish he wouldnt do that. He honks in the mornig and he honks in the evening. I been meaning to tell the leasing office about him. He always startles me out of bed. LOL - I feel like standing at my window like Eddie Murphy in Coming to America and shouting at him to stop it sometimes. I live in a quiet and decent neighborhood so that his honking behaviour is so rare.

  47. sorinko: ha! you should def complain about him...has he tried using his cell? geez...

    As for the city....the honking is so it won't get OUT OF CONTROL...basically if everyone honked all the time..the city would be way too loud. Its annoying because so many people live in buildings so close to they have to set rules.

    In a quiet neighborhood, like my old one, i also heard honking and would get startled...funny, because here it doesn't bother me as much. figures.

  48. Oh Jen, I'm so nostalgic for my time in NY- I see you were by Rainbow Hardware- I used to live down the block on 75th and 1st. Such a great time in my life. Definitely do Corrado's- excellent bread!

  49. Your pictures are making me even more excited about my upcoming move back to NYC! Love it!!!

    Liesl :)

  50. P.S. You must, must, must go to Pastis for brunch, lunch or dinner in the Meatpacking District near the SoHo will love it! :)

  51. Your appartment allready looks good!
    Can't wait to see more ;)

  52. Hole in the butt underwear! Classy! I love your new neighborhood. Enjoy!

  53. we went to NYC for the first time this last Novemeber for my guys birthday. I always wanted to go and I LOVED it just like I knew I would. So excited(and jealous ;0>) you are living there again ... I will get to see NYC lots through you !! Thank you for moving, hehe

  54. Jen, things are looking great as are YOU!! Congrats on the move and getting settled in. Your family must be so happy to be with you guys :)

    Nancy xo

  55. Michelle: yea just saw that! I was admiring the window display so much that i didnt even notice! LOL

  56. Hi- can you tell me where you found your lucite coffee table in the living room? LOVE it!!! Thanks!

  57. hey there, loved your blog, got a question though, I saw you have a dog. I have a very nice apartment and my son wants us to take a labrador, so I was wondering doesn't your dog ruin your apartment? thanks )

  58. hey there, loved your blog, got a question though, I saw you have a dog. I have a very nice apartment and my son wants us to take a labrador, so I was wondering doesn't your dog ruin your apartment? thanks )

  59. Armenian fashionista: hi! My dog is pretty well behaved.. She's about 7 yrs old so she doesn't ruin my apt. Or my things.. However when she was younnger (around 2 & 3 yrs old) she would destroy a few things. If you want a dog & are worried about your apt, you may consider getting an older dog who is already mature. I can't imagine it's anymore difficult than keeping the place clean with a child.. ;)

  60. thanks a lot ) I'll think about it

  61. hi Jen! nice smile you look like you're happy to be finally home :)

  62. yay! and happy you decided to keep your beautiful white couch:) the dog looks very comfortable in his new home too.


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