Tord Boontje's Icarus Lighting...(Via Made By Girl)

Many of you are probably familiar with Designer Tord Boontje right?  If not, you can view a full range of his work here.  I've always been drawn to his work because of the DETAILS and intricacy involved. He's designed some interesting and thought-provoking pendants such as the Midsummer we've all seen on many POPULAR design blogs. However, the Icarus is the one I find most appealing! You can actually purchase it via Generate.

Sure, it may NOT be everyone's taste, but I like the idea of having unique accessories in one's home. The Icarus is described like this on Tord Boontje's site:

"Through experimentation with cutting paper to create a three dimensional form for a light, we discovered a structure with overlapping feather shapes that resembled a swan's wing. We made the form a-symmetrical to emphasize this and to make it very dynamic. As the light appears as a wing circling a light, the name Icarus seemed an appropriate reference."

image above by Annabel Elston

image above via decorate dk

Does this particular lighting appeal to you? Would you hang it in your home?



  1. i'm obsessing over lighting--right now. i love the lightness of this and well, the bird reference speaks to me. enjoying your blog,as well. :)

  2. For sure. It's so pretty! Angel-wing-ish.. I wish it were a little larger? The photo over the dining table makes it seem a bit undersized..


    (ps yay Emily on Design star! You called that from the get go!)

  3. No, this does not appeal to me. It is pretty, but not something I would hang in my home. But I am sure there are a lot of consumers out there that would love it!

  4. I love it! I think I would hang it over my bathtub, since I refer to it as my "spa."

    Brittany ;D

  5. I love these! I would definitely have it in my home, hanging in the stairwell, kinda like you're ascending stairs to heaven? haha.

  6. this would probably go in my home if I had a room that would suit it. I could see it working in a sewing room or other studio of some sort, if I ever have one--Greek mythology is always inspiring to me, so both the light and its connotations would be both lovely and purposeful.

    ~katie bee

  7. I think that is fantastic! Very reminiscent of angel's wings. Alas, the boyfriend would have a cow if I tried sneaking it into the apartment.

  8. I do like the shape and lightness of this piece.

    As for whether I would put this in my home, it would either go in a study, a kids room or maybe a guest powder room. I probably wouldn't put it in a "main" area, as it's more whimsical than my current taste in decor.

    Sandy K


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