Baking Mini-Cupcakes This Wknd...(Via Made By Girl)

This weekend I'm going to try & make mini-CUPCAKES for the FIRST TIME EVER!! I've gathered lots of pics for inspiration & I can't wait to start!  I heard that mini-cupcakes tend to get dry quicker than standard sized cupcakes, anyone else heard this??!? 

OMG! I hope this isn't the case, but please leave your comments & any tips you have. I've got 3 flavors I'm going to be making: chocolate, banana & carrot (minus raisins)....can't stand raisins in cake, YUCK!! 

Let's see here...I bought the baking pan, the mix & I also bought several of these amazing baking cups via Bake It Pretty, aren't they gorgeous!? Hope they arrive in time for my cupcakes, if not....I'm DOOMED!  Well, not really...they just won't look as pretty! 

images via: country living, bakerella, annie'e eats, bake it pretty and thomas fahey

*Again, if you've made mini-cupcakes and have any TIPS for me, please leave a comment! 



  1. I'm not sure about getting dry quicker but I do know they burn easier because they are so small - so keep a really good eye on them!

    I ADORE bake it pretty, they have such amazing stuff!

    Have fun Jen :)


  2. Love making mini-cupcakes! My only advice: watch portion control. There have been times when I have filled the pan too much and the top overflows too much and it is NOT fun trying to get it out! I'm makng cake balls/pops for the first time this weekend! Hope they turn out good! *fingers crossed*

  3. These images are crazy gorgeous!!! I think you've motivated me to bake cupcakes this weekend :)

  4. LIFE IS PICHEY: Good tip...sometimes I forget to do that with the standard sized ones! I need to leave room for the frosting.... :)))
    Good luck with the cake balls/pops...i've never done those either!

  5. ELEANOR: Ahhhh thanks...good to know too!

  6. I make mini cupcakes several times a year to bring to my kid's classroom for parties, bdays, etc. So easy to make, you may need to simply adjust the baking time.

    Love the little colorful mini cupcake holders you found!


  7. Mmm...they may get dry quicker, but you probably won't notice. Chances are they will be devoured in no time! So easy to just pop one for the perfect little treat :)

  8. Definitely adjust the baking time and watch how much batter you place in each pretty little holder!


  9. These are adorable! I am planning on baking this weekend too, it's perfect with the cooler weather!


  10. What cute photos! I love the first lacey one, it makes me want to go buy a kitchen aid and bake! My advice for you is only make one flavour, I've tried making 3 at once before and you'll be so exhausted you won't enjoy them as much. And then the one flavour you do choose to make will be even better! Good luck!

  11. Sounds delicious!

    Some Tips: Adjust your baking time about 5 - 10 degrees lower than what the original directions are, and you may have to take them out a few minutes sooner, so keep an eye on them (I always have my oven light on and I like to sit on the kitchen floor and just watch them bake - which my husband thinks is ridiculous). Also, if you want to keep them super moist, add about an extra TBSP of oil to the batter. Only fill the cups about half way so when they rise, they get just up to the top of the cup and then you'll have room for some yummy frosting.

    If, for some reason, the mini cupcakes do turn out dry (do some quality control and taste one...) you can fill them with a tiny bit of fruit preserves before frosting them.

    Have fun baking! And post some pics of course!

  12. lovely inspirational images!
    i too hope your cupcake cups arrive on time, they're quite chic.

    advice - it's all about measurements. make sure you keep to the recipe and if you're measurements are correct you'll have moist cupcakes.

    G'luck. can't wait to see what you come up with!

    fellow blogger jenn =)

  13. I'm a keen cupcake baker from Melbourne, Australia and I'm with the other girls - make sure you don't over fill the baking cups (what we call patty pans), watch the temperature and the time and don't under estimate the time. It can be really hard to make sure all the cakes are uniform and then the icing is all uniform. I think it gets a while to get a really good piping style, especially if you're doing that soft serve, swirly icing. Can't wait to see some pictures.

  14. I'm sure they'll turn out great! Just make sure to follow every step on the recipe and take extra care when decorating! They'll be yummy for sure! And I want to see photos! I'm also baking this weekend, have a picnic wedding on Sunday!

  15. Good luck, Jen! Don't forget to take pictures of the entire process and share them with you! happy wknd! xo

  16. mmm nothing better than some mini cupcakes on the weekend! The baking cups are adorable and if your icing looks anything like the pics, I'll be so impressed! have fun... and when's tea time?

  17. I also recommend


  18. I have a tip...sorta...kinda...maybe its not a tip at all...its a question really.

    I just want to know can I come over to help wih tasting?

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  19. Mini cupcakes are my fave! They're super fast and easy. I use a little mellon scooper to scoop the batter in evenly.

    Good luck! You'll love em';)You can always stop by my blog for inspiration;)


  20. Another trick for keeping cupcakes or any cake moiste is to add about 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream to the batter. Seems funny but you can't taste it and it keeps them from drying out.

  21. I haven't tried to make mini cupcakes yet but I am sure you will do fine! y mouth is drooling thinking about the right now!!

    Happy Weekend! xo Jade

  22. The best trick I learned a while ago is to place the cupcake tin on a cookie sheet and then put it in the oven. The extra layer helps keep the bottoms from burning. Works like a charm! Have fun!

  23. Can you bring some over to my house to share? YUM!

  24. Have you seen cupcake wars? its a TV show- that I think you could love! :] i LOVEEE the decorative sleeves for the holders! SO trendyyy!

    Let FALL inspire YOU!

  25. Oooh... I love cupcakes! So much fun to bake and you got me inspired to make some for the weekend.

    XO, Mrs. U

  26. always slightly under cook your cupcakes, they finish as you let them sit. the toothpick should be just a bit sticky, as opposed to perfectly clean. try it with a few and you will get the idea. every oven is different.

    have fun!!
    beautiful wrappers.

  27. Same here -- made some for my sis's baby shower last year, and I just took them out a few minutes early. They may seem ever-so-slightly undercooked at first, but after they cool, they'll be super soft. Just keep a close eye! Good luck. :)

  28. love all the cupcake wrappers!! makes me want to collect some....

  29. SUCH cute cupcake papers!

  30. DANIELLE: aaah! Extra oil to the batter...that's what my husband said too! :)))) Thanks!

  31. Good luck making your mini cupcakes! I am also making cupcakes this weekend for my Daughter's Birthday. I've never been brave enough to make mini's so I can't give advice on that but I'm now totally IN LOVE with Bake it Pretty and plan to buy some stuff for my upcoming bash. (This is why I love Blogs!) Thanks Jenn! ;)


  32. BRITTANIE: oh...that's an interesting one..Im going to definitely do that...I admit I am concerned pretty about burning them!

    No, I actually haven't seen that show....I think the only food show I watch is CHOPPED. But I'll check it out if I see it on the tube, thanks!

  34. AUBRE: Oh my! I'll have to tell my guy this....I wonder if he's heard of that before...sour cream?? who knew!! Thank you!!!

  35. MR. GOODWILL: Haha I dont know if i'll have any left...the cupcakes are for the girls at my bible study class. :)))

  36. wow - those first two pictures of absolutely beautiful cupcakes just made me stop and post. Cupcakes are so popular right now. I have always been a fan since I was little and grandpa bought one for me when I came to visit. They are good memories - and yummy endings!

  37. good luck with them - yip they bake quicker - so watch they don't burn and yes don't over fill the cup cases or they will get stuck to the pan and have big muffins tops which don't look as pretty. I'm sure they will come out great. And the carrot flavor - if it has real carrots in will stay moist for longer once baked

    Betty bake blog

  38. I love it sooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!

  39. Make sure you're using an extra moist batter to begin with.

    If you like mocha flavored ones I just posted a recipe for some regular sized ones here-

    They will work for mini's b/c I've done them before. The milk in the batter makes them extra moist. The chocolate chips take them over the top and if you add in some coffee liquer you're sure to have found yourself a hit!



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