Looking to Remodel your Kitchen??

Before remodeling, ask yourself these questions:

 "Is there anything I can do as a DIY to save money?" 
If you really feel you and your significant other (or a good friend) can install cabinets, tile, back splash or any other, then go for it. My husband installed all of our kitchen cabinets. He saved us a ton of money and we were happy with the results and the savings!  However, the one thing I wouldn't recommend installing is electrical/lighting in your kitchen. Electrical work can be dangerous so it's best to leave that job to a professional.

" Should I hire someone who quotes me a cheaper price even if they don't have a license?"
Always make sure you check references or their website before you hire a contractor. You don't want to end up with a kitchen DISASTER & then not be able to do much about it! We experienced this once, as we were short on funds and tried to save money.  BIG mistake. It turned out for the worse and we ended up having to pay double and take time off work to complete the reno ourselves! All in all, you are better protected if you hire someone who is licensed. 

 "Is my renovation realistic & within my budget?"
Always set a budget. Examine your space & make sure you plan your kitchen layout prior to hiring anyone.  Research online or at your local store for the cabinets you want. Try to choose kitchen cabinets that fit into the style of your home so your house will remain attractive to future potential buyers.

" Should I hire a contractor that has been recommended by a friend?"
I would say that you should definitely consider hiring someone that comes highly recommended by a friend. If you've seen their work before, you will have a better idea of what to expect in your renovation.

 Here are some of my FAVORITES from the House to Home UK  website.   



  1. In my house, hire a contractor to do the roof and made it worse, enters water everywhere! people with no experience and no references never again!

    In my home we do all my husband and I, floors, electrical, cabinets and so on.

  2. So many people who don't have the funds spend a bundle hiring contractors to do things that you can easily do.

    We are in the process of buying our home (see how the entire buying process is coming along on my website: http://ouruglyhome.blogspot.com/) and we plan on doing almost everything ourselves. From finishing the 2nd floor and basement, refinishing all the floors, gutting and rebuilding the kitchen, etc.

    The only thing we hire out are things that require special certification: electrical, plumbing, foundation, and roofing/exterior work.

  3. Love all the stainless steel ~~ so chic!!

  4. Hey Jen,
    I loooove your blog. My boyfriend and I are planning to buy a house that needs some serious updating and you're always such an inspiration. Please promise to never stop! :)


  5. and always add another 1-2 weeks to any timeline!

  6. Hi Jen!
    It's the first time I leave a comment here, and I know your blog since last week. I'm an architect from Brazil and all I wanted to say is that your blog is really nice, the images are wonderful and all the information you write is really interesting! I didn't have time to see everything yet but I'm gonna do it as soon as possible. Congratulations on your web site. I'm following you on twitter @thaisstresser.

  7. Ooh I love a good kitchen, certainly the heart of the home! It must be big, quirky and always smelling of baked goods... in a perfect world!

  8. SO true, Jen! Just 3 q's can determine the direction the reno can take in a heartbeat.

    So much divine eye candy. Hello, sugar rush. =]

    (THANK YOU for dropping by my little blog & for adding me to your blogroll. I'm honored!MadeByGirl, you made my day.)

  9. Great timing - we hope to update our 'tired' kitchen real soon!!

  10. fabulous post... i am so happy to have found your great blog thru coco + kelley.... have a great week...
    x pam

  11. I LOVE love these kitchen. I love the gallery designs the best. I hate kitchens that are too big. Never makes any sense to me. Well, in our house my husband does all renovations. But when it comes to any Major electrical or gas. We call the professionals.

  12. Oh, I want so much to remodel my kitchen!
    But have to save money first :) although my tiles are just fine the cabinets are horrible and need something done.
    I've yet not decided if I do some DIY project and just paint them or put something new...

    Great ideas you posted!

  13. perfect! I'm working on a ideas for a whole new house.I just posted for blogs, entries and ideas for alternative use products, and "on a dime ideas".. thank you!these are beautiful!

  14. Great tips! When we did a mini makeover on our kitchen, we kept many of these things in mind. We painted the cabinets instead of getting knew. That way, we were able to get granite countertops! We used a contractor my mom spoke highly of! That would of been the only way I hired one.

  15. Great kitchens.
    We just remodeled our kitchen...it was a lot of work, but very worth it!

  16. Love those pictures! you are so inspiring and gifted. i adore you!

  17. Excellent advice. This is something everyone should know even when working with a professional. And always check references and their license.

  18. Some beautiful kitchens! I love the cabinets in your kitchen, you two did a great job.

  19. I have to rebuilt my kitchen and my bathroom ( my apartement is old, built in 1978) so i have to look for everything!
    These photos are great inspiration!

  20. that retro style green kitchen is to DIE for. love it.

  21. There is a face in the tree of the 3rd pic!!!!

  22. THAIS:
    Then I'm glad you decided to finally comment :)) I hope to see you commenting again! Thank you for the nice message.

    Of course....I enjoy your blog! oxox!

    The same goes in my house...my husband does everything but electricals.

    hello there...! :)
    Glad you like! My cabinets were relatively easy to install too...and they're from IKEA. :)

  26. MARTA:
    Painting is a great option if you want to save money. If they are in good condition, you could paint, replace the hardware and then get purchase some decent counter tops instead. Trust me, it will make a HUGE difference & save you $$$.

  27. IRENE:
    Super! thank you, i will check it out!

    Ive seen people do that before...and it is a great option when you want to save $$$. Paint cabinets, save your money for some great counter tops instead....

  29. There's nothing like finishing a home remodeling project just in time for the warm weather! Don't forget to use HardieBacker for floors and countertops as its America's best selling 1/4" board. It's the solution you can trust for your wet area floors, walls, ceilings, and countertops. We hope this helps. You can also can connect with us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/jameshardieBP and on Twitter @James_Hardie!


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