Upcoming DIY project - My Home Office

I've always felt that re-designing a space in your home can bring about inspiration, especially work-related.  So, that is why I've decided to revamp my home office!  After noticing so many pretty Parsons Desks on other blogs,  I decided to go for it!  I took my butt straight to West Elm & went crazy shopping.....told the salesgirl, " 2 desks, 1 lamp, 3 storage bins..." and so on!

Here is my DIY list:
  • Painting all the walls white (current color, 'Mercer' by Ralph Lauren Home)
  • Adding this Graham & Brown wallpaper to one or two walls
  • Removing the yellow and white Urban Outfitters sofa & placing it elsewhere
  • De-cluttering the walls and adding less to each area
  • Removing all shelves and keeping only a few
  • Placing more items into bins and closed storage
  • framing some of my press pages & hanging them (finally)!
I'm sure the list will be longer as I move along this DIY (home office) project.....but for now this is where I am at. For those of you who aren't familiar with my home office, you can find photos here.

images above: 

Enjoy the weekend! 


  1. With inspiration like this and your great taste, you can't go wrong. Can't wait to see the final product.

    My Life in Style

  2. I love home offices too!!
    I especially love the ones that seem more open (like with the work desk in the middle of the room) because everything seems more open, and not like you're confined to this one little space. That's just me though :)
    These pictures definitely serves as great inspiration!! I'm sure you'll find one that'll suit you!
    Good luck, and don't get too stressed out! :)

  3. I just saw this on facebook:) I love your home office as it is to be honest, but I love your DIY projects even more hehe:) so I am looking forward to this!

  4. What great concepts ... I so know why you are going with the enclosed storage ... so much cleaner lines and less clutter is actually more inspiring and stimualting in some ways ... can't wait to see the end product - best le

  5. Hey Jen- I'm actually commencing a similar undertaking! White walls etc. My aim is to simplify, which is hard because there is so much artwork I love!! I will be on the look out for inspiration so I'm glad you're doing the same :) Good Luck!!

  6. I love the parsons table, cant wait to see the result, im sure it will be amazing, as always!!

  7. This should be good... I'm excited to see where you go with this!

  8. That's going to be fun! I love the inspiration!!!

  9. I love your office as is and have taken it as inspiration for mine
    :-) Can you send over your old desk to the UK once you have your new one?!? Love your style x

  10. Sounds like a plan to me. Can't wait to see the finished room!

  11. Great ideas! Love all your pictures!

  12. Wau - great inspiration! I am about to change my home office - so thank you.
    And tjek out my blog :)

  13. you are such a rockstar! that is so exciting!!!!!!! i love redecorating my home. especially when you have such great inspiration pieces such as the parsons desk from west elm. i love it!
    have a blast. cant wait to see what you do with the space....


  14. Hey Jen,

    I passed The Sunshine Award on to you...Happy Blogging!


  15. Looks great! Thanks for sharing.


    Thank you so much! XOXO!

  17. Thanks! I love your work, I'm going to get a print for my birthday =)

  18. I love my Parsons desk too! Here's a shot of it in my studio:


    thanks for your comments on my dining room - its coming along, I promise I'll share more pictures soon :)

  19. Just saw your previous post on your home and it is sooo beautiful! I can only imagine your home office will turnout incredible!

    Visit me @ http://www.diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com

  20. I think that this concept is great. :)
    Actually I can't wait to see the final result :)))

  21. oh!so cute
    awesome inspiration:)

  22. I think having free standing desks is a great choice over the partially attached one at the wall. It leaves you with a full wall to hang stuff, and a sculptural work area.

    I went thru your photo tour of your home. Lovely! And I loved the portrait of Darla. She looks like such a character. Boxers seem so intelligent and caring, yet they can be goofballs!

    Mark loves to reorganize and revamp our space, too. It's definitely a creative act. Have fun with it and I look forward to your photos!

  23. I'm droooling...

    I took a look at your pictures of the "before" and your office is already so unique and cool! I LOVE that yellow sofa, so I'm glad you're not totally getting rid of it. I love revamping old spaces- it gives a fresh new outlook.

    Thanks for all the beautiful photos! They encourage me to make a change in my own space.

  24. Love these office looks. That desk is a classic that can change depending on one's style. so great. Can't wait to see how your office comes along. good luck!

  25. KIMMAY:
    Thanks! I love the yellow sofa too..I have to put it upstairs as there is no more room for it. BUT I have a feeling i may end up having to sell it at some point.

  26. Love how they hang those fabric swatches in that one picture!

  27. What a beautiful, versatile desk! I just might have to get one (:

    studded lace.

  28. Impressive!
    We are knee deep in the kitchen project, debating if we want/can handle tiling ourselves.
    Thanks for your kind comment on our post!
    You've got a great site, we'll be back!

  29. looking forward to seeing the finished space...btw i'm a big fan of west elms parsons desk :).

  30. I enjoy reading your blog
    There's an award for you on my blog ;)

  31. Can't wait to see the "after" shots! I love the West Elm parsons desk---I've been lusting after one for a long while. Perhaps I should do the same!
    XX Kate

  32. This looks fantastic! I can't wait to see how it all turns out!

  33. so happy you are going to use that gorgeous wallpaper. cant wait to see it!

    I am with you on the more open office layout....I wish I could do that here but I have to be able to fit 2 desks...and that may not work well.
    It does look better & feels less confined - agree.

    Ha!! If furniture wasn't so pricey to ship, i would consider it. :)

    Oh thank you for sharing yours....i love it! oxoxo!

  37. KITTY:

    Thanks for your comment :)
    Yea, Darla is great...and boxers in general are great dogs. I've had like 6 boxers total...they rarely ever bark, they always want to play and then roll over and fall asleep. LOL :)

  38. i can't wait to follow your office makeover! i just posted the first of my new daily series, desk du jour, today — i hope you'll find something that inspires you!

  39. What a fun project! We're adding an office space to our house as we speak! We just ripped out a wall to open the attic space, and had it framed and dry-walled last week. We picked a wood floor and it gets installed soon!!

    I totally agree that little renovations can be so exciting and inspiring! Good luck with yours!

  40. Loving the Rubie Green office. It's so clean and classy, but still has a creative edge.

    Aaaah wood floor,sounds nice... you're inspiring me!

  42. Great inspiration Jen. I also love Parsons desks. White is my ideal choice but would take one in any color. :)

    Love from Bali...


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