Ok, so I don't need a 'MARIAH CLOSET"...

But.... it would be nice to open my closet door & see a shelf that fits everything! My wardrobe, shoe-shelf needs help! I've been looking at some closets online and was amazed by Mariah Carey's HUGE closet room! But......come on! There is no way I could even fit my shoes into a space that large!  I thought I had a lot of shoes....obviously not!  My closet is the frumpy one below.  Do you notice the awful shelving?  There you'll see some of my shoes, (it came built-in with the house when we bought it). This shelf will NOT fit all my shoes, it's made in such a way that most of my high heels don't even stay, they fall off!  So, the rest of my shoes are on the floor.....all my boots & heels, on the FLOOR! 

 Like most women, I take over the largest closet (usually in the master bedroom) & make it my own! My poor husband, he usually ends up with the hall closet or the guest bedroom closet! Sorry!
Do you have a shoe-shelf in your closet? Do you share your closet with your guy? How do you like it??
My own closet above

via Vogue

Here is a list of what my dream closet would consist of:
  • a mirror
  • recessed lighting or chandelier
  • a beautifully upholstered ottoman to sit on
  • useful shelving for shoes
  • a large drawer just for my jewelry
  • fresh flowers
  • OH & an entire room would be nice!
Mariah Carey's closet -via InStyle Magazine.

(3) photos above via: PSeries Stylist

image top: Jen Ramos of Made By Girl 



  1. I'll take the bottom one please!!! :)

  2. My closet is a mess I'll admit, total re-do is necessary. But Mariah's is amazing, just the shoes itself.

  3. I have closet envy. Mine is TINY - there's is no way my husband and I could share! :) I actually just posted about a little happy update I did the other day!

  4. great post!
    i love closets...and i am dreaming of the bottom one, like Laura.

    and luckily, my guy doesn't have near as many clothes or shoes as I do. so when we live together, they should fit in the hall closet.

  5. It kind of reminds me of my closet in our old house. I think I can even one-up you! I had shoe racks like that, but they didn't have a lip at the bottom! So your shoes had absolutely no hope of staying put. A sad story indeed. Now I have the lower shelves and they work fine, since I don't have as many shoes as Mariah.

  6. Our master bedroom has a small walk in closet that my husband and I used to share until I almost lost my mind - he had to go. We went to IKEA and bought him one for $150 and now life is a little more peaceful :)

  7. I totally understand about shoe storage. My mom's boyfriend ended up constructing an entire shoe wall in my room because I had so little closet space and too many shoes...I've kinda already outgrown the rack...it's sad hahahah!!

    I'm putting up pictures of it on my blog


  8. I totally knew what you meant when I read the blog title.

    Loves it.

    -Studded Lace

  9. I need a closet renovation asap.

  10. Mariah's closet is crazy! I had no idea it was possible to own that many pairs of gold shoes...

    My closet situation is pathetic. I have a dinky closet in the hall next to the bathroom. It only has one shelf, which is where we store towels. My shoes are in one of those shoe bag things with pockets, mounted on the inside of the closet door.

    My fave closets in this post are the next to last one with the huge mirror, and also the one with the woman in the red - I dig those clear glass doors and the fact that the dressing room has a big window. That's neat.

    The last photo looks more like a shop than a closet - unreal!

  11. i just organized my closets...yay!! I will say that I wish I could have a room for a closet too...the bottom one on your list was awesome!!! :)

  12. Redoing my closet is something that I have planned for this year. My husband actually has a little nook in our closet, but the majority of his things are in his studio!

  13. i wish....
    they are great but i don't have them :(

  14. Redoing my closet (okay 'our' closet, as I do share with my man) is one of my next projects. I plan to post before pictures soon. Thank you for the inspiration!

  15. Oh what a coincidence! I was just day dreaming about knocking down the diving wall between my room and may sister's to create a walk in. She wasn't too impressed. My wardrobe currently looks just like image 3.Clothes packed in on hangers and shoes on a rack on the bottom

  16. I take the guest bedroom closet - so I can use the whole room as my change room!

  17. Your closet ideas are very cool...as much as you love to own them,storage and maintenance is also a important aspect of the whole process.

  18. Oh my I love that last pic. <y closet it really bad.....in need of serious help.

  19. so hear you on this post! actually i moved in with the hubby and he already had filled his entire master closet. I got the spare bedroom and had to Elfa the whole closet + wall for storage when the bars broke last fall. STILL have NO room for any of my boots. I'd love the last closet please!


  20. I dream of having a closet like Kimora Lee Simmons. It's gorgeous and full of great stuff. I definitely want a chandelier and an ottoman.

  21. I have a wall of shoes in my closet & two shoe shelves in my man's closet and somehow there are still shoes all over my poor little apartment! How does that happen? Closets are NEVER big enough.



  22. LOVE that bottom closet, or rather room! I have a huge walk in closet to myself and I swear its still not big enough! I have yet to find a solution for all of my boots too...

  23. Give me the bottom one...thanks!!

  24. Fabulous post! I share my "closet" with mr B, and I HATE it! I can't fit half of my items in there, so I have to store away what's out of season. Over half of my shoes are in the basement and also racks of dresses. I should have had my own room... I'm liking Nicky Hilton's closet, looks very easy to keep tidy! (it has to be easy, or it'll be a total chaos...)

  25. Wow!! I like the last one.It´s amazing!!!!

  26. We only built our home last year so right now our dressing room is a blank canvas! I was drooling over Poliform wardrobes the other day, love them but waaay too expensive. Your clothes and shoes MAKE your closet, they are so colourful!

  27. I am DREAMING of having a walk-in closet...great ideas girl!

  28. Jen, I share the closet with my husband and my son 2 years old, is very small but very small closet, we have 2 separate large furniture with drawers and shoes under the bed are some in the closet, your wardrobe is beautiful but used the space is wrong, mine is very small if you could send a photo so you see, this all tight!

    I hope you understand my English is very bad.
    Lucy de Argentina.

  29. I would definitely trade closets with you. =) I have to stack my poor shoes on top of each other. My heels are organized but that's about it.

  30. I think you have a wonderful closet!!!

  31. swooning over every last one of these closets...

  32. hahahaha
    You are complaining about yours?
    I share a tiny closet with my husband... half of my clothes have to be always to be washed, otherwise has no space...
    And my shoes (not THAT much) are on the floor with my husband's shoes thrown on top of them... :'(
    I wanna cry every monring...

    I am dreaming with my own clothes+shoes space!


  33. JIN:
    I had that experience with an EX- long time ago. We went out & bought a dresser drawer for most of his clothing....sharing with a guy may be cute at first, but after a few years, no way haha

    I tried the link but didn't find it...


    I had a similar situation when i lived in Manhattan. Rarely was there ever an apartment that had it's own closet in the master bedroom.
    Hall closets are ok but having one shelf is not ideal. You're a woman, you NEED more shelving!

    Yea... Knocking down a wall to get a closet sounds fun unless it's interfering with someone else's space haha

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

    It's so hard to find a good spot in closet if you have lots of boots...I totally sympathize with you.

  39. I am obsessed w/ celebrity closets. I really love Nanette Lepore's!

    OK, so the trade off with the Mariah closet is that you have to wear lots of clothes with butterflies on them that are ten sizes too small.


  40. I love the last one..it's so girly and sweet! swoon!

  41. To it goes me well an any one of those closet or even if because no... ALL TOGETHER!!!
    However to have a closet like what Big does to Carrie in first film of "sex" I challenge whoever... who would not want to have it, possible overcrowded!! mmm I am dreaming *.*

  42. so glad i'm not the only one who takes over the entire master closet and makes my husband dress from two different closets.
    i feel guilty, but really what can i do? :)

  43. I recently spiced up my closet a bit. It's a work in progress but i still just LOVE it!!

  44. niiiiiice! love seeing what's in other ppl's closets xD


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