Valentine's Day is quickly approaching....

The first thing I think of is how grateful I am to be in a relationship!  I remember I used to hate when V-day came around & I was SINGLE.......argh! Nothing against single people, that's just how I felt!   In a relationship, you should try to make it V-Day as often as you can....very important.  I recently got married to my guy, but before that, we were together for 11 YEARS!  I'm not going to lie, it hasn't always been wonderful & romantic.....& it takes a lot of work.  

One of the things I enjoy the most in our relationship are the notes he leaves for me around the house. The note you see in this post,  he gave to me when he proposed.   In no way am I a relationship expert, but having been in one for so long, I definitely know the things that have kept us together & in love!

So for this Valentine's Day, here are a couple of suggestions: 
  • Send him/her flowers to their job
  • Make an effort to get his/her clothes ready for work once in awhile
  • Leave love notes in unexpected places
  • Send a a text message saying 'you're thinking about him/her' while he/she is at work
  • For the ladies, send a picture of you in some pretty lingerie! (This one they really like)
  • Tell him/her you love them before bed time
  • Make him/her their favorite meal/dessert before they come home 
  • Do date night every weekend, even if you don't go out, sit at home together & watch a movie.
  • Make sure to always say thank you to show your appreciation for the things they do
  • Do activities together. My husband & I do yoga together & we love it!
  • Always take time out to hold hands, talk & hug each other
  • Do little things for him/her
  • Sit with him/her while they're watching TV—even if the program doesn’t interest you.
  • Work to keep yourself in shape in every way

Is there something you do in your relationship that you believe keeps you in L-O-V-E  and together?

Amy Atlas: Valentine's Day inspiration

Is there something you do in your relationship that you believe keeps you in L-O-V-E  and together?


  1. sometimes, we leave each other little notes, and we help each other. and we laugh, a lot

  2. Congratulations on finding such a great guy :)

    I'll keep the list around for the next time I'm in a relationship lol

  3. Congratulations on finding such a great guy :)

    I'll keep the list around for the next time I'm in a relationship lol

  4. Laughter and Hugs. It makes everything better. :)

  5. awesome post...sometimes we can't get too comfy in our relationships and take things for granted and not do things for each other...this year i'm actually looking forward to valentines day.

  6. Communication!!!

    We always try and make time for each other in our daily hectic lives.

    Once a week we make sure to go to a local restaurant and have dinner together. Just the two of us.

    We tell each other when we miss each other.

    We can never say I love you too many times in a day. :)

  7. what a pretty post and that is the sweetest note ever!

  8. It's the little things that show how much you care about each other... love your list, it's exactly what i would put in mine! my bf and i work at the same place, so we'll bring each other coffee or breakfast if the other has to go in early {w/out asking or telling of course:)} i think it just shows that we're always thinking of each other, even at starbucks, ha:)

  9. I really like your list. I found listening to each other's favorite music and dancing before going to bed.

  10. Great ideas! You have made me all excited for valentines day now :D

  11. I love that you put something about keeping yourself in shape (mentally and physically). When I work out I feel happy with myself, and more confident. I think being happy with yourself creates a better relationship.

    Something I would add to the list would be to just lighten up sometimes. We've had nerf gun fights, played lazer tag, and jumped in the leaves. Having fun together is important.

  12. jen-i LOVE love love how you say that relationships take a lot of hard work because they do. making the effort towards your relationship is the KEY to making it work, i strongly believe this. I am not married yet, but we are excited about the day that we do get married and our favorite thing to do is celebrate the day we fell in love, even if we aren't feeling that way all of the time.....
    i love your list. and we read it together and LOVE inspire me + my guy.

    thanks for the post.


  13. THOSE LOOK SO SWEET AND DELECTABLE!! Shame I'm still single.

  14. massive laughing, tickling and rough housing sessions should never go away!

  15. Hello, Jen! I was sooo happy to see you´re following my blog!!!! Thanks for your lovely message and YES, I´d really like to exchange links. Made by girl is already on my list!!!!! I loved the note you showed in this post. I´ve been living together with my boyfriend for almost 5 years but before that, we had been together for 10! Almost like you! We love to prepare romantic dinners together every now and then, even if there´s no special reason. As we both have a very busy schedule and almost never meet at home, I think we need to compensate that by picking a day in the week to go out and have dinner or a few cocktails and talk about work, frineds, trips and life in general... I loved your tips and the inspirational pictures, but here in Brazil we celebrate Valentine´s day on June 12th!!!

  16. ASHLINA:
    I recall a time we had just gotten so involved into our daily lives...3 weeks went by and we had rarely even shared a kiss!!! So, we decided to make an effort to NOT let that happen again. So , YES effort is key. Good luck with you & your guy, thanks for reading 2gether. OXOX!

    Doing little things for your partner without them having to ask is EXACTLY what I am talking about...! If you have a partner who appreciates it, even better. :)

  18. MALAIKA:
    Ha! Glad you guys can dance before guy has no dancing skills...he only busts out one to two moves. LOL

  19. ATAUDS:
    YES! I think a lot of people may not realize the importance of keeping yourself in shape, physically and mentally...very well stated. To me, it shows a level of care for yourself and your partner will certainly see that. Feeling better about yourself brings more happiness into a definitely does in ours.

  20. KATIA:
    I'm so HAPPY to see you back! :)))
    As for your comment, I think it's essential to take (at least) a day out of the week to spend with your guy. That shows that both of you are committed to making things spend quality time together is so vital for a healthy relationship. XOXO! Hurray for date night. :)

    awwww thanks....I melted when I saw the note!

  22. loving your blog,so much.first time to your blog.will surely be on my blog roll..

  23. Hiya,
    Came across your blog on my travels, Looks great, although as a single gal I try to ignore Valentines Day:) Look forward to ur updates. Thanks! Olive

  24. what a sweet blog you've got! i've loved every little bit of it, seriously!

    kisses from rio de janeiro!

  25. I think what keeps us "fresh" and in love is that we always FIND time to be romantic - even if it means planning a romantic date, dressing up, etc. We also love to travel, which always seems to keep the romance alive. I mean, he's from England & I'm from America, but when you're both in Italy together, you can't help but feel more in love than ever...

  26. Hi. I'm new to your blog and like it. You have a good design eye. ;)

    I like your list. I wanted to add my 2 bits; We used to take bubble baths together before we had our 2 cute boys. When you have little ones you have to work extra hard to have "together" time. Babies are big attention getters and takes lots of energy which leave you tired. So conserve energy and try to have little moments enjoying parenting "together" sharing the work. Date nights are essential if you are lucky enough to have support from family or friends.

  27. That note is the sweetest thing!

    I love this post, the points you made are so incredibly important and happily many of them apply to my relationship. But the last one I don't take the time to do. And I know that my already wonderful relationship would be a million times better if I did. Thanks!

  28. Aww I love this list...My fiance and I have written each other "State of the Union" love letters a few times a year (birthdays, anniversaries, moody mondays) since we started dating and I save them all in a book that I cherish! I think taking the time to appreciate the little things, like them stopping to get you your favorite cookie on the way home from a long day, that make for lasting love!

  29. Those were lovely suggestions. Some of them were so simple (I love you before bed, making dinner, watching TV together) that we sometimes forget (but we make a point to do!) and yes... the lingerie texts WORK. As long as it's a once or twice thing...too much and it's not special anymore ;)

  30. I came across your blog by way of Bright, Bold & Beautiful's blog...

    Congrat's on the marriage. I so can relate to the whole Valentine's Day thing when being single. It was probably the worst holiday of the year...LOL...I've been married for 13 years now...not always easy, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

    I like your little list of things to hubby is always thanking me...we do that a lot...we laugh together, tease each other...make comments on each other's facebook page even though we're sitting next to each other on our computers...It's the simple things...never take them for granted. S

    Sorry for the novel...

  31. My scroogy valentine's day heart just melted a little with that note...

  32. It's definitely all of the little things that end up being so meaningful.

    My guy is so good with all of that. From leaving me little love notes in odd places for me to discover all the time, to waking up in the middle of the night once after I had been laid off from my job earlier that day to find that he had reached out and grabbed my hand to hold it. He comforts me in so many ways, I would be lost without him. Because of how good he is to me, I make sure to always try to find ways to let him know how much I love and appreciate him.

    I was single for so many years of my life and can remember how deeply painful and lonely that can be, especially at Valentine's Day. So, don't forget to reach out to your single girl friends that day to let you know you love them too!

  33. We have been married almost 15 years (in May) and since the beginning of our time together, every Friday night and I mean EVERY Friday night is date night - just me and him together - even if we are on vacation! Crazy, I know, but it has worked and we look forward to it every week. Happy V-day!

  34. Hi Stacie!
    That's nice to hear. Yeah, it's good to have someone to share in all of life's shtuff. That would be the "communication" component to a relationship some people have mentioned. It all happens in varying degrees, but having openness is cool, great, and the foundation to having a good friendship. Sometimes couples aren't so open as I see here and there with friends.

    It's nice to see you follow this blog too! It's pretty cool and this morning I was showing it to Jen because it has cool things she and I both like.


  35. We take out time from our busy days and go out for evening walks.

  36. what a great post and lovely photos!

  37. RYAN:
    Welcome! I can see why it may be difficult to find time with 2 young kids....but it seems that you have the right idea by taking time out for DATE NIGHT. The other important point is to take care of the kids together...I also think taking care of kids, one parent at a time, can sometimes lead to frustration and resentment...if one is putting in more time than the other etc. A combination of things may happen. Sharing the experience as much as a good thing, agree.

    the flirty text messages shouldn't be done ALL the loses it's magic, so true! :)))

    Don't be sorry! I enjoyed your comment very much...I laughed at the Facebook part...we do the same! At first I recall asking my guy why he didn't leave messages on my FB page...since then, he hasn't had a problem doing that. :)
    Thank you! oxox

  38. STACIE:
    aww, I loved the way you said your guy reached out in the middle of the night & held your hand after you had been laid off your job... :)

  39. Thanks for the lovely ideas for V Day. Enjoy this month of love and each day with your new boyfriend!!!

    All the best,


  40. its just beautiful I'm happy for you that you have found your special person and yes it is nice to have someone special especially on V day.I've been with my special man since i was 20 now 15 years later we have been married for 11 years & 3 how i still look at him as the day i fell in love with him.He always knows how to surprise & make me feel happy.Congrats on finding your special guy XX

  41. WOW...I cannot believe that another Valentine Season is upon us. Truth of the matter is that when it comes to that special someone in your life...everyday should really be valentines day shouldn't it?

    Shaun (Hopeless Romantic)
    PS...I came across this cute but so funny valetines day video.

  42. oh yum! maybe to pretty to eat!

  43. oh my gosh! this looks so amazing! i love your new valentines posts :) they made me grin!

  44. i love all those goodies! i could eat one right now they look so scrumptious!

  45. I think the best thing you can do for a lover is to communicate how you feel on a regular basis....
    Why did you both wait for 11 years for a wedding?? Just curious??


  46. MELISSA: the timing didn't feel right for either of us at the time. I believe timing is everything. YOU both have to be 100% sure...and that's how we BOTH felt on January 8.

  47. MELISSA: the timing didn't feel right for either of us at the time. I believe timing is everything. YOU both have to be 100% sure...and that's how we BOTH felt on January 8.

  48. Thankyou so much for reminding me what I am not doing most of all.. its been ages since i did sth sweet for him like a date or sth.. and i cannot believe this.. i just grabbed the cell and smsd hi how much i love him.. :) i owe u guys that.. thanks jen for inititaing this wonderful conversation.. and the comments are superb as well.. id be posting all this and gathering it all in my post as well.. so stay tuned.. if i get a chance to do all this from my little 6 month old attention seeker of an angel.. :) it surely is a blessing to have someone with a warm hand in your bed..


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