My DIY home office renovation begins.....

Below is the BEFORE pic of my home office...not so pretty huh? I also have a production studio as well, but you'll rarely see pictures of it....It's very plain & boring! For now, let's stick to my main home office (below) where I look forward to creating a PRETTIER & more presentable workspace! I truly believe it's important to have an office that INSPIRES you....& that it is why I chose to take on this project. Wish me luck!

images: Jen Ramos of Made By Girl

To be Continued...

  Are you currently renovating a space in your home? If so, which area?



  1. I am not renovating because the house is only 1 1/2 year old, but I am improving my studio. Maybe I will get inspired with your project and I will add more decor to my room!

  2. I'm doing our main floor bath right now, can't wait for it to be done so that I can post some pics! Then I too am tackling my home office, which is actually our dining room. I am not sure yet what it will look like, still pouring over pictures, sketching and resketching drawings on graph paper...

  3. I have just move most of my gears into the 2nd room as I want to convert it into my working space. The wall has been painted white so far. Just need to unpack those boxes of books..and rearranging & relocating the tools and materials which are surrounding me at the moment.

    House wise, will be installing a floating floorboard soon. All the best on yours! :)

  4. How exciting! Looking forward to seeing the finished result!

  5. i thought you're home office was already amazing. so now i'm looking forward to seeing the new renovation...i'm sure it'll look even more amazing.

  6. Can't wait to see the rest! Do you have the Manhattan/Tribeca sign for sale that was in your before pic? Would love to purchase it. Thanks! Mary

  7. Looks like really hard work. I look forward to the results. I am currently operating off the dining room table surrounded by paper and frustrating my other half! We have a study but the wifi doesn't work in it! Plus the dinning area is surrounded by windows and I like working in light! ;-(

  8. Good luck - can't wait to see it all done! I am wrapping up an entire home renovation, including my home office. Can't wait to be all done!

  9. Can't wait to see the finished project. I just wallpapered my son's room with old maps. It was so much fun!

  10. How exciting! We are currently homeless while we prepare for our move to Denmark, but we are collecting many things in preparation!

  11. oh, i can't wait to see how it turns out... i Love home makeovers!!!

  12. very cool. thanks for showing us the process :)

  13. I'm moving soon and want to work from home like you are, how did you do it? It seems like there's a lot of red tape and bureaucracy just so I can sit and design from home!

    Working from home is a piece of cake. All you have to do is file for a business license (which varies from state to state)....and then keep at it.
    If you have any questions, you can contact your better business bureau.

  15. Really looking forward to seeing the results. Have fun!

  16. Great work so far! Excited to see the results! I will be starting my family room soon. I'm pretty indecisive, so wish me luck deciding what items to purchase and colors to use :)

  17. Oooh I love DIY home projects! Me and the HGTV are pretty tight:-)

    Can't wait to see how it turns out!

    We just finished our kitchen, and the next is our guest bedroom, flooring and all!

  18. i am painting a room..cant wait to see what you do.

  19. london's mommaFebruary 08, 2010

    Can't wait for the inspiration to come from this transformation! I'm currently in the middle of transforming an unused library into my toddler's playroom. I'm so excited to make ti a very 'grown-up' kid space, much in part to many of your fabulous and lust-worthy ideas!!!

  20. We're building so no renos for us but we have an open study that can be seen from the main area so it needs to look good. :) I LOVE your style so I'll be following this makeover for inspiration. Have FUN. :)

  21. Jennifer how exciting...Im sure the results are going to be just spectacular...fingers crossed the hardest part is over..and there will be lots of inspirational designing now to do....keep up the fab work :) x

  22. ooh Jen very exciting indeed! I loved your office as it was, but I'm sure now it will be amazing!! Good Luck, cant wait to see the result!

  23. I'm currently renovating my 130 year old Victorian home in Sydney, Australia. I'm starting with the bedroom (which takes up the entire top floor), so we at least have somewhere lovely to retreat to each night. If only it would stop raining every weekend, so we could get the painting finished.

    I'm looking forward to seeing your new home office.

  24. Oh I LOVE DIY, it's so exciting! Good luck with it Jen, it looks like you have a great space to work with too..good size

  25. Well, this is as close as I can get (I'm a renter): I'm expanding my business by renting an additional massage office (the size of a SMALL bedroom!). I get the keys and start priming this week!

  26. Looks great so far! We are working on our nursery - our baby girl is due May 3rd :)

  27. Jen, I´d love to renovate my home office! It´s such a mess because our shelves are soooo full of books!!!! We need more room for them...but the space is small! If you wanna take a peak, I posted some pics of my little home office/guest room here:

    I´m very excited about your renovation...looking forward to see how it´s gonna look when it´s ready!!!!!

  28. funny thing, I think your office looked nicer in the before pics than many offices I've seen done by designers online. I'm now so eager to see the 'after'.

  29. Exciting, exciting! Can't wait to see what comes next!

    (although your office looked lovely before also)

    Happy Monday to you! xo

  30. I'm looking forward to seeing the final reveal! We've been doing minor renovations to our entire house since we moved in just before Xmas. I don't know what I'll do with myself when we're done.

  31. WOW!!! All that mess and I still find you incredibly inspiring!!! Can't wait to see the finished results!
    Good Luck!!

  32. Yes... Our entire house! Blah! So, we're living in my townhouse with 2 dogs and a cat. Yikes! You can see pictures of our renovation project at It's just beginning, but it is hard work! I feel your pain!!


  33. J how very exciting! I can't wait to see more progress in the coming days! :)

  34. So exiciting! I'm looking forward to seeing the result!

  35. Girl, you have your HANDS full! I love seeing the process!!!

  36. It's so great to share this experience with you...I really liked the way your home office was before, I can only imagine what it will look like now!

  37. Jen,

    I wish you the best of luck with this. Can't wait to see the final project!

    Sam @PrettyLovely

  38. so exciting... can't wait to see the big reveal!

  39. I am currently renovating my entire home! I feel very lucky to be able to take on such a huge project, but it can be overwhelming at times! I can't wait to see how this turns out!

  40. Yay for organization! I'm doing the same overhaul right now!

  41. Way to keep your readers in suspense...I can't wait to see the finished room!

  42. Can't wait to see it with the wallpaper up! I'm currently "re-doing" our guest room. Technically all of our rooms have been re-done since we just moved in, but the guest room is changing significantly from how it looked at our old place. Pics to come soon on my blog! :)

  43. So sorry for not being around much lately, manic busy with new Ghost stuff.
    Am taking some time today to do the rounds of the blogs and catch up - refreshing the soul
    Much Love
    PS Wish I had time to renovate a space. I need to clean the bathroom first :)

  44. Oh this is great fun...however I never like "to be continues!!!!" The anticipation drives me nuts!

  45. Oh wow, you're really seriously renovating, not just redecorating! I liked the grey walls with white fixtures, but I'm sure the new decor will be great too!

  46. WHOA, we're talking major changes here! Can't wait to see what you do with it!

  47. Can't wait to see the finished room!

    Oh, I'd love to see your reno as well...keep us informed! :)))

  49. MINA:
    WOW an entire house?? yikes... having to be displaced due to renovations is a pain in the neck..ugh! Will check out your blog as well, thank you! XOXO!

  50. Oh, it's going to be so beautiful when it's done! Enjoy seeing the transformation!

  51. Renovation...big time! Just bought our first home (a 1920s Dutch Colonial)...and the projects have begun. First we decided to gut the kitchen, which led to the mud room and adjoining powder room. Now we've added the main bath to the mix, too. Sad though. We still have the original 1920s subway tile with the gray grout. So cool, but it needs a bit of a facelift. I plan on selling the tiles to a salvage yard. Saw them selling for 4 bucks a piece. Hey, it could help pay for my bathroom re-do. So point is...don't get too carried away with the reno...even though I have! Guess I should take my own advice.


    I know what you mean. That is one reason why I decided to do my office. There were so many books and papers in visible, plain just looked really messy!!

    I'll definitely take a look at yours, thank you!!

  53. I can't wait to see the office finished, but I'm sure it's gonna be a very beautiful and inspiring space!
    I really wanted to do my projects at home too, but I'm not sure if I would be so organized with my schedule, that's why I haven't made the decision yet.Would you recommend to work at home?

  54. I need to renovate my condo, hopefully in the summer time.

  55. HI MARY:
    The MANHATTAN print is currently a prototype design of a possible upcoming design. Funny, I got a few other emails asking about it. I haven't yet posted it for sale...but yes, you can purchase it now (as I have some samples of it available in my inventory) it goes for $28.

    If interested shoot me an email:

  56. exciting! can't wait to see what you do

  57. Can't wait to see the wallpaper!!
    We're in the process to renovating our whole townhouse. With our small budget it's been interesting.

    Not sure what you mean...are you asking if I'd recommend working from home?? OR that you do work on your home??

  59. i love it! can't wait to see how it all comes together. i am currently re-doing my (old) bedroom and bathroom. i graduated from college and since moved back into my parents house.

    love the blog, keep it up!

  60. Well, my parents have decided to majority of my home so I'm living in chaos! HAHA! Luckily, I get a bigger closet and I'm painting my room a "vintage white" so im super excited :D

    Good luck on your project!

  61. i am about to take on an entire apt refresh, so i love seeing what others are doing.

    i am starting with the easiest things first like covering the windows with window film to correct my light deficit without inviting the neighbors into my bedroom

  62. Jennifer,

    Your blog is a dream! I love it!

    Kisses from Brazil


  63. can't wait to see what you do ... I'm STILL trying to get my craft room sorted. Secretly I'm hoping to win the lottery and get one of those fabulous log cabins to put it all in.

  64. Can't WAIT to see the finished result! I'm constantly in the middle of fixing things up. Right now we have a tiny office that i'm trying to turn into a library, but it keeps turning into a junk room where we dump stuff we don't have time to deal with.

  65. Ooooh can't wait to see how it turns out!

  66. I'm also renovating my home office - so this series is totally inspiring for me! Can't wait to see more :)

  67. oh, sorry Jen sometimes I don't express exactly what I want in English, maybe because my first language is Portuguese lol...
    i was asking if you think it's better to work at home, if you recommend that...
    and I have one more question I didn't find on the blog, because I'm new here, are you an architect or a designer? I love your blog!!!

  68. I can't wait to see how this turns out. I want to do the same thing in my kitchen. I have this ugly shelving that has to go.

  69. THAIS:
    I prefer to work at home...but I have a home business. I have a home office and a studio that i work out of. It is VERY convenient.
    I am not an architect or interior designer, no.... :)

  70. So exciting! I can't wait to see how you end up organizing everything. I am turning a spare bedroom into an office right now - but all I have done is paint the walls. I have a lot more painting ahead of me... furniture. I wish the weather would warm up, so I could paint outside. Good luck with everything, and I can't wait to see more!

    Yes, it's super exciting to renovate a room in your home...feels anew all over again when it's done. That is too bad about how much painting you still have..I honestly can't stand painting. Good luck with everything!

  72. Exciting! Although, I think the shelves looked very useful. I would love to have something like that in my office. I'll be curious to see how you do your new organization instead of the shelves.

  73. Hi Jen - I am so intrigued to see how it turns out because your 'before' is so similar to what I have right now - colour, shelves and all.

  74. I love the promise of a new renovation project! I am just found your blog and I love it!

    I'm currently working on an entire house :) Well... Kitchen, Master Bedroom, Family Room, Front Porch, oh it never ends.

  75. I'm renovating my home office too....or rather, my hubby is. Trying to decide what color to paint the feature wall!!

    Looks like a fun demo!

  76. Jen why are you renovating? Are you just over it? I COMPLETELY understand! We are going to be renovating my room and it's going to be paris glamour! I already have a big photo of Audrey Hepburn for my room! Oh is she just so lovely!

    Love, Madison via

  77. Ooh how exciting! Can't wait to see all the detailsa s your new office space unfolds x


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