My Engagement Ring... !

After getting several emails & tweets asking to post my engagement ring.... here it is.
I love it!  Thanks to my guy who placed it onto my finger on August 2, 2009. 
The date is set ....We'll be preparing the last minute details for our wedding during the Holidays. 

Because this is my first wedding ever, I'd love to hear from any of you out there. Does anyone have any wedding planning tips??



  1. Beautiful!!!

  2. gorgeous ring!...congratulations again...few more weeks 'til your big day ^_^...yay!

  3. Oh.. how beautiful this ring is!!

    Unfortunately I can't give any tips, I'm still waiting that my boyfriend is asking me ;-)

    But I wish you all the best!

    Love, Karin

  4. have delicious food and delicious cake. nothing sucks the life out of a wedding more than shitty food and dry ass cake.

  5. don't say first wedding. say ONLY wedding. good luck!

  6. this ring is beautiful! How about putting one of those disposable camera at each guest table, and ask to the guests to a pic of what they like the most at the wedding?

  7. Stunning!!!

    Happy holidays to you as well :)

  8. This is my only and probably the most important wedding planning tip ever:

    Remember that this is not about a wedding but about marriage. The wedding, as grand and as beautiful it might be is only one evening out of a marriage life that (hopefully) will last forever.
    It's not worth getting into fights about, or going nuts over or trying to be something you are not.

    I know that for me, understanding that, let me really use the "before wedding" time as a time to process the fact that one part of my life is over and another is beginning. Both me and my husband really used that time to get closer and stronger as a couple, and to some extant morn the lose of our single life in favor of a marriage life.

    It made both our wedding and our marriage more meaningful then any type of huge expensive event could ever have.

  9. Breathtakingly beautiful.

    My tip: Enjoy it. The wedding goes by really fast.

    A Taste of T

  10. My best advice is do not get swept up in all that you "should" do, buy, invite, wear etc, for your wedding and focusing on what you what, what makes you and your soon to be hubby happy. Another great bit of advice is to make wedding appointments/dates to talk about wedding-related material/plans with you fiance, this will keep you both sane and not let the wedding planning take over your life. My hubby really appreciated our wedding date nights because he wanted to be involved but did not talk about it day and night with me. This allowed us to enjoy our time being engaged as well. Last but certainly not least, stay focused on what your wedding means to you, and that it is all about you and your soon-to-be hubby and what makes you both happy. Congrats!

  11. Hi Jen,
    Your ring is beautiful. I actually got married a year ago this January. There are not a whole lot of pictures out there for January weddings so I am pasting photos from our wedding off of our photographer's blog... (Emily and Jim).
    January was a great time to get married (even in cold Chicago- we got lucky with 40 degree weather). Prices were really good and we were able haggle a bit since there are not a lot of weddings at this time. I am not sure exactly where you are but we had a city themed wedding and it was a lot of fun. My one piece of advice is use your credit card for everything even if you have the cash! You might as well get the points...our entire honeymoon was paid for with points! Also, my sister's caterer went bankrupt and because she used a credit card she was able to get the money returned to her. Good luck!

  12. trying this again.
    Your ring is beautiful! Congratulations.
    I got married a year ago January. Since there are not a whole lot of January weddings here are some pictures of how we did it (city theme)
    Best piece of advice I can give you is to put EVERYTHING on your credit card even if you have the cash. First of all you get the points (we used our points to cover our honeymoon using a starwood card). If something goes wrong with your your caterer goes bankrupt (happened to my sister this summer) you can get your money back if it was on your credit card. Anyway, good luck with everything! I really enjoy your blog!

  13. i got engaged in jan and married 4 months later in Vegas. This was no drive thru wedding. it was small and 40 of my dearest family came for the entire weekend of fun. long story short get a organizer or a friend to help you out. you can't don't this alone. you need someone thinking with you so they can help you handle the little details! good luck and now we want pictures of the dress!

  14. oohhh...its beautiful!!! i'm engaged too. but in malay tradition ways...feel free to visit my blog ;

    i love to share it with u... :)

  15. Ok the ring is beautiful. Gorgeous... but can we talk about the candle it is on?! Voluspa is my absolute favorite line of candles EVER! Are you a fellow fan?


  16. Congrats!! It's so beautiful! You are going to have SO much fun planning it! Just make sure to plan it for you guys and no one else....

  17. Oh lordy Jen - that is pretty much my dream engagement ring. Saving image now for future reference if that's ok... ;)

  18. love love love the ring! my tip: make your wedding about the two of you and your love!

  19. my tip is to enjoy the planning process, and don't let anyone bring you down. Take in every moment on the day of, it feels like your not really there. And days that follow feel like it was all a dream. Congrats.

    Jennifer M.

  20. dear jennifer....

    just take your time and enjoy! give yourself tons of extra time, maybe get a massage if you can before! and after ;)

    the ring is gorgeous.

    congratulations. being married has been the best decision I ever made... we laugh together all the time and we are going on 3 years... still feel like brand new newlyweds ;)

  21. ASH: Aww thanks! :)
    Yes! I'm a BIG fan of Voluspa candles....they smell amazing and the scent actually stays!

  22. It's beautiful! My best advice is to set a deadline to stop the madness. Say, after Wednesday, just stop. Start the pampering... no more projects or stressing. It'll be here before you know it!

  23. Really pretty ring!

  24. Your ring is gorgeous!

    My advice is just to have fun and don't let the planning process stress you out. If you come across any issues, it's really not that serious, as long as you are married at the end of the day that's all that matters :)

    Also, bring your own camera and take pictures from your perspective if you can. I did this while I was getting ready for my wedding and during the time that I was waiting around in the bridal suite before the wedding started. I got some great shots!

    I wish you guys the best!

  25. beauty! please post pics of the wedding...

  26. congratulations:)
    i'am getting maried in 2010,too but
    We havent decided yet about the ceremony,your wedding date is too soon, get relax and enjoy your wedding,forget about all the tips:)

  27. Perfect in it's simplicity. I love it. My advice is just relax. You will always have too much to do, no matter how organised you are. When you 'walk down the aisle' (whatever that may be) look around you at the faces of those celebrating with you and then of course at your lovely man. Relax, enjoy and savor that moment!

  28. Definitely second the comments about it being about the marriage- not the wedding.

    That being said, I was told to make sure when you're walking down the aisle (after you look at your guy) to look around at the guests too. You'll remember all the smiling faces of your friends and family & it keeps the walk down the aisle from blurring by too fast. I did that and am SO glad I did. I have picture perfect memories of some of my closest friends smiling at me as I walked down (of course, make sure you start and end with the man at the end of the aisle lol) :) congrats & good luck!

    PS- I also made sure to tell my videographer that if anything went wrong to MAKE SURE they got it on film- that way, you can laugh it off and say something like America's Funniest Home Videos here we come! :) Helped me not freak out or worry at all about catastrophes.

  29. what a gorgeous ring! so beautiful. no wedding planning tips, but a definite wedding tip from someone who is about to celebrate 19 yrs of marriage ( i was a child bride!); on the actual day, breath and take in every single moment, surrender to the fact you have done everything you can do - relax, enjoy and hang onto every second, because it flies! all the very best. x

  30. Stunning! Do you have a petite wedding ring pillow to place it on? I'd love to make one for you as a congratulations gift. Just let me know.x

  31. hi and congrats!!! Need some wedding inspiration? Come on over to The Perfect Palette and get ideas on wedding style & wedding color in particular! Id love to make a inspiration board for you! ring looks great! congrats! Happy planning

    Hi Anna!
    No, I actually don't have a pillow for the rings work is super PRETTY!
    Let me know, thank you!

    ps. that would be such a wonderful gift, I would definitely mention you in postings about my wedding...!

  33. congrats!

    my tip - Hire a wedding planner - even if just to do day of. You don't want to spend the whole day running around like a crazy person!

  34. My advice.... dont wait so long to get married!!! Being engaged is sooooo stressful! I would just try to get it together as fast as possible... Also, if you have any friends or relatives who like doing this kind of thing... delegate. For my wedding, all I did was pick a dress and show up and I honestly could not have handled more!

  35. ohmigoodnessssssss you are incredible! planning a wedding in 5 months! i got engaged in november but we're not getting married till september 2010. i havent even started planning.

    how lovely!! be sure to post lots of pics, you are going to have an amazing wedding! congrats friend! xo.

  36. Congrats Jen!
    Jan 8th is soon approaching, my advice to you as a new bride is don't sweat the small stuff. Enjoy your day and take in every minute of it cuz it'll pass right by before you even know it.

    So happy for you!!!!! Can't wait to hear and see all the great details of the wedding which I'm sure you'll make stunning!

  37. congratulations
    i get married too in june
    and my boy buyed me a engagement gucci bag jajaja

  38. Congrads!!... your ring is Stunning :)..Wish you and your fiance the best of luck , God bless you both!

  39. First wedding?? Seriouly just have good cake, good booze and good music. That is ALL that matters if you want your guests to have fun.

  40. Shandy GreenleafDecember 19, 2009

    Take a deep breath and take it all in!!!!! It is an amazing feeling!! Everyone there to support your love for one another! I have been married for one year!!! It awesome! Congrats!!

  41. So Beautiful!! I love it!

  42. Serve really delicious cake! A must!

    Pretty, pretty ring!

  43. Lucky girl- your ring is beautiful! I've never been married, but one of my friends is planning her wedding and she said there are tons of wedding blogs out there so they may be a good resource!

  44. My Tip: Use real flowers.

    Not that you wouldn't, but you did ask.

    Happy Holidays!

  45. Congratulations Jen,
    gorgeous ring!I wish you guys the best.

    קטנים של אהבה what is LOVE?
    A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. ~Mignon McLaughlin
    To mix his coffee
    To hold hand when you cross the street
    To take dancing lessons
    To write a letter and seal it with your red lipstick
    To find a nick name
    To send him a text,just to say i love YOU
    To know that you are never alone


  46. hope that you have fun planning the wedding... i also getting married in 2010 but in April.
    I would like to share with you some of the links that i have been following...


  47. beautiful! congratulations on your engagement, jen! how exciting!

    happy happy holidays,

  48. OMG so beautiful! Congrats on the upcoming nuptials!

  49. Gorgeous ring and congratulations on your engagement! I wish you the very best. :-)

    If you get the chance, there's another lingerie giveaway happening on my blog now. It's for a black satin bra, panty, and garter belt set worth $85. I'd love for you enter! :-)

  50. Gorgeous ring! I might be a little biased, though, it looks a lot like mine! ;)

    My wedding, in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico was amazing, but my food turned out to be not quite what I expected. You don't have to go fancy or huge, just make sure what you have is delicious!

  51. Gorgeous ring, Jen! Yowza!

    I have two bits of advice that really helped during my wedding...

    1) Select a good friend or relative to be your go-to person on the big day to handle anything negative - even if you have a wedding planner or event coordinator, I think it helps for your own piece of mind to know a trusted friend is keeping an eye on things!

    2) When you wake up on your wedding day, make a conscious decision to just roll with whatever happens and enjoy yourself. The time for controlling things has past - it's time to live in the moment and enjoy the experience!

    Congratulations again & happy holidays!!!

  52. Oh, it's gorgeous!!! Hopefully, I'll be getting on in the near future - I think 5 years is long enough to wait.

  53. that ring is gorgeous! :)


  54. Beautiful ring & can't offer any advice dear but congrats again:)

  55. Gorgeous ring. My brother is getting hitched the same day. What a fun Friday night it will be. Enjoy your party!

  56. Beautiful ring Jen!

    My advice, which I've told to a few friends who have asked me - take time out on the day to yourselves. Just the two of you. Find a quiet corner and reflect on the day. You'll be surprised how crazy things can get on the day.

    Most importantly enjoy your new lives together. I wish you both all the very best for a long and happy life xx

  57. Love your ring. My advice would be this--take a minute or so every hour and just look around at the people who are sharing your day. And dance--we stayed on the dance floor for most of our reception and so many people joined in instead of just sitting there. We didn't get to talk to everyone but we had a blast and no one complained. And make sure you eat something:)

  58. Wouuww !! Gorgeous ring!!!
    How excited to know that you are going to marry!!
    Congratulations again!!!

    Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy( but I don't doubt about it)New Year!!!

  59. remember that the money spent is all going toward that one day. It may be worth it to be super cost effective, outsource (considering the number of followers you have and that's not even including those that have your link posted to their page)bartar product for advertisment, ask for help and save the money you would normally spend for you and your new honey to grow. Congradulations btw.

    married 5-25-05

  60. The ring is simply gorgeous!! Looking forward to hearing more about your wedding!

  61. I'm in the starting stages of planning my wedding. we opted for a long engagment to try to get our feet under us.

    You don't have too much time left to change many things around, but I can only advise that you ask for help from friends and family for those last minute details that you have to pull together. whether it is putting together safety kits for the day(stain remover, advil, sewing supplies, kleenex, etc) or picking up an out of town guest from the airport.

    Good luck and Congratulations!

  62. 8/2/09 was my son's 3rd birthday. :)

    Congrats! :)

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Wow , thanks so much for your responses. I have to say there is a lot of great advice here that I'll definitely take. Some that really stood out were, enjoy the marriage...the wedding is only one day, don't let the wedding planning take over your life, having wedding date nights (to talk about the wedding on certain days only), don't let anyone bring you down, get a massage, bring my own camera and take pics from my own perspective, look around at the guests too while walking down the aisle and make a conscious decision to go with the flow that day...whatever happens, happens.

    All were so great, thank you so much once again!! I will have pics to show all of you as soon as our photographer gets them to us....

  65. congratulations! it's gorgeous, just the type i'd love to receive. what can i say, great minds think alike!

    xo katherine aka. urban flea :)

  66. yes- I have tips! My sister just got married. She made it an adult affair only. They saved alot on food PLUS it was nice not to have kids running around. Also, she had no brides maids & it was simple. Gorgeous! Everyone will pressure you into doing something & tell you who to invite. Stick to your guns & you'll keep your cost down:)

  67. Gorgeous! Congrats!

    My only advice is to just enjoy the process. Try not to stress and enjoy your day. Don't sweat the small stuff and just concentrate on savouring the moments.

  68. Congratulations! I have a princess cut diamond on my engagement ring and just love it.

    Just enjoy it and make it special for you. Do what makes you happy in the end and don't bust the bank on it. I think about the things I paid for and I didn't need all of it but having said that my wedding was the most wonderful day ever.

  69. This is my idea of a perfect engagement ring. Its so classic and timeless..

    I wish you all the best!

  70. Congratulations! Your ring is simply beautiful. My advice: have fun. It makes me sad when women think back to their wedding day and mainly remember how busy and stressed out they were. That's the way mine was. I'm going to semi-elope next time. I have to invite my mother or she would never forgive me!

  71. domicileid.comDecember 29, 2009

    wow...i just came across this post, and i became speechless. so weird for me. this is my favorite candle brand, and that is what my engagement ring looks like. i'm dying. congrats!

  72. Hi Jen,
    I love your blog and your things. Actually I bought a pic yet: I love you, blogs and tea.

    I have a blog in Brazil about Bridal Shower. Will be perfect with you write something about your shower for us. What do you think?

    Congratulations for the wedding!!!!



  73. Oh wow, that square cut is so elegant! This and the pear shape are my favorite diamond cuts. They exude a classic and timeless romanticism, no matter how big or small the stone is. I also think diamonds look best on silver bands instead on gold.

    -- Bridget Rossi


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