Dwell Magazine Modern Home Renovation.....

Dwell Magazine is one of my 'must-buy' magazines! I have a ton of them! Dwell's website is quite a treat as well & you can be sure to catch some amazing (good sized) interior shots there.

Don't you hate when sites don't have good sized photos?? What do I mean by good sized?? Well, photos that you
can actually see, where you don't have to squint every time you look at it.

Dwell h
as a section called 'HOMES' - which I am addicted to, seriously. This one home in particular caught my eye. It's a renovation put together in San Francisco. The house itself, was built in 1901 (5 years before the terrible 1906 earthquake). It was an old Victorian home measuring 1,040 square feet & after renovations it measured just over 2,170 square feet. Doubling in size, amazing! Here's the project in it's final state.

Below: Before Renovation

Below: After Renovation

For more renovations, visit Dwell.

Architecture by
Studio Sarah Willmer



  1. This reminds me of a home I stayed in in Austin. Love the details!

  2. whoooooo, this is an awesome place!! Thanks for sharing Jen!

    Lise M.

  3. Whooooo, what an awesome place! Thanks for sharing Jen!

    Lise M.
    Urban Style Vibes

  4. Wow. Amazing transformation. Very angular. I think that would drive me crazy! :)

  5. What a wonderful home - not at all what I expected a home from 1901 to look like. I especially love the tilework in the bath :)

  6. i love the walls of the shower!

  7. dwell is also one of my must haves :).


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