Book Review: "Fall to Pieces".......A Memoir

I love reading books & today I'm reading "Fall To Pieces" by Mary Forsberg Weiland. It's a memoir that chronicles her early life as a model, mother & wife of Scott Weiland, (former Stone Temple Pilots lead singer). This book is quite candid & very honest.....she definitely offers a window into her soul and the intense lifestyle she lived. The book is basically about Mary's journey into drug & alcohol addiction, along with a common condition called bi-polar disorder.

I found it interesting that the first time she met Scott Weiland (an aspiring musician at the time) was when she was just 16. He showed up to drive her to & from her modeling gigs for $8 an hour. You can get a copy of Mary's book here.

Click on the image for a larger version. The book cover design is so fitting to her story....very creative! 

images: Jen Ramos



  1. I heard her interviewed on the Opie and Anthony show. What a life!

  2. I have a soft spot for Scott Weiland as Stone Temple Pilots was one of the first bands I was introduced to when I first really started getting in to music.

    This is very interesting, thank you for the review. Love your blog! :)

  3. Thanks for the reco, I'm looking for my next book as I just finished East of the Sun, which was fabulous.

    Lovely blog & designs!

  4. oh wow! this looks very interesting! I will have to get this. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Really interesting story. I have to get this book :)
    Thank you.
    Have a great day :)

  6. thank you! your post saves the day! I was just searching for a new book to devour....


  7. Sounds like an interesting book - love biographies.

    AND, you won the giveaway!! Check out the post today and we'll be emailing you tonight. :)

  8. I'm not a really avid reader, but thie book sounds so interesting. I could just imagine what a crazy life she's led being married to the STP frontman.

  9. Jen, I'm a bookworm myself. A friend just introduced me to where you can list the books that you are reading, want to read and put reviews. Your friends who you accept can see your "bookshelf" and recommendations. Thanks for the review!

  10. ALKEMIE:
    Oh! Sounds interesting, I'll definitely check it out thanks!

  11. Another riveting memoir on living with mental illness is Carlton Davis' "bipolar bare" (no capital letters). Talk about a hard life -- drug use, sexual deviation, how mental illness affected his childhood, adulthood, everything. And in the end, it's uplifting -- bipolar disorder is a God-given gift, in his opinion. Fascinating book.


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