Guest Blogger: Melissa from Lil Bee (6 Things To Buy For Your Home This New Year)

Hi MBG readers! Lil Bee here. When Jen asked me post about some items I'd like to buy for my home in '09, I was thrilled! Not only am I a big fan of Jen's work and blog, but I've just moved to my first home outside of NYC and have been working 'round the clock to furnish it. So, here goes. I'd like...

Rose Tabletop Clock from Urban Outfitters.

Orion Bowls by Noi from Maxwell-Silver.

Blue Opalescent Tumblers from Anthropologie.

Brooklyn Bridge Pillow from Urban Outfitters. A little something to remind me of the city I love so much...

Hope you enjoyed my picks, and feel free to stop by mi casa anytime. Thanks again, Jen!


  1. Cute things. Love the post! More please, more..

  2. all these are so gorgeous, I want them ALL!

  3. I love the dining table! I wish my dining room was large enough for it. My table only seats 6 comfortably.

  4. i love that walnut slab table.

  5. Love that pillow with the Brooklyn Bridge!

  6. oh my...I adore everything...especially that sweet clock and perfect table...lovely post...xo t

  7. LB love these picks! that pillow would look kick ass in one of your newly done rooms.


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