Does it make a difference ???

With so many awesome and creative companies out there I'm VERY curious what most people think of packaging. When I order something online I LOVE getting it in a pretty or creative package, just makes it that much better! To me, it shows a certain amount of effort was put into it, and I appreciate that. I'd love to hear what other people have to say about this.

These pics are from packaging I place my cards in. For all of my greeting cards, I use brown kraft paper (recycled) and hemp twine! Any thoughts on how packaging makes you feel when you receive a product? Does this type of effort from a store make a difference to you?? Shop at: MadeByGirl.



  1. Darling packaging! To me packaging makes a difference. It’s all about the details.

  2. Hi Jennifer,
    Memorable packaging makes ALL the difference. It's the crisp touch of class that will cause positive word-of-mouth marketing and it's also a reflection of your personal pride for what you do.
    Keep it up!
    Jessica McDougall

  3. Definitely love great packaging! Youre not just buying a product, but a whole service! Your packaging looks adorable!

  4. I think its great! It especially goes along with your eco friendly look...nicely done! :)

  5. I think this packaging shows that you care. Its like you took time out to specially wrap my order. I love it!

  6. love the product that much more when i love the packaging so much I don't want to open it!

  7. love the product that much more when the packaging is so fabulous i don't even want to open it! by the way, where do you purchase your hemp twine and kraft paper?

  8. Hey Jessica....Glad to see you pop by thanks!! Good point about the positive word of mouth marketing...that is very true and helpful toward a successful business obviously.
    Love your blog of course :)

  9. p.s. thanks to everyone for the input....i will be reading them all!~

    Jen Ramos
    '100% Recycled DESIGNER Cards'

  10. Hello Molly,
    I've purchased my kraft paper from different sources, but you can get them at office depot, kelly paper, Uline and other outlets. Depends on how big you want the roll etc. I usually buy 12" around 1300 ft in length or so.

    The hemp twine in the picture i purchased from walmart for a very good price -on sale. Its beautiful in person. However I also purchase from this website:

    Hope this helps!

  11. I've always loved packaging. Packaging is a part of the branding and the image you want to send to your clients I think. I like the kraft paper and your logo. I think the hemp string is a great idea, but I don't like the color combination on the string. That's just a personal opinion though. I think the color on the string doesn't match the colors or the feeling of your logo. Again, only an opinion. Otherwise, I love how you've really taken the care and time to package it so nicely! There's nothing like the excitement of opening a beautifully wrapped package.

    BTW, I hope you don't mind, I've referenced your post on The Plaza on my post today.

  12. The packaging means a lot! When I buy a product, I have made a desicion that I need/want it for different reasons, and I think the packaging adds to the percieved value of the product.
    Apart from the psychology of it, I just love to recieve pretty packages in the mail! It really shows that the seller puts a little extra effort into it.

  13. I'm forever questioning my packaging for English Tea Paperie, but always fall back on pink ribbon and a tea bag favor. I like the look you have, it's very apt to your work. The label is great!

  14. Hi Cloggsy,
    THANKS! Trust me i also question my packaging, but i want more than anything to keep it as environmentally friendly as possible. I do realize it may not be all green....but to do at least 90% is a good and i send it out feeling great! I will work on making things more green...i know i should. We all should make some efforts. Off and on i change the color off the twines too, depending on what's available and whether its a HOLIDAY etc. Keeping it fresh is the key.

  15. Presentation. It rules the kingdom of sales & marketing. Keep doing what you are doing.

  16. Absolutely, 100% ---packaging matters! It's all in the presentation. Many great companies use packaging as a marketing vehicle...Tiffany's coveted (by many) blue bags & boxes and Hermes boxes are a prime example.

    Companies love people like me...I'm an impulse shopper and I've always joked that it doesn't matter what the product it, if its packaged beautifully, I will buy it. No joke!

  17. I must say I really love your fotos of the packaging, to me it's the most important and fun part of getting what you've ordered.

    I often save the really nice packaging, and take care not to rip or tear what I want to save. It's a first impression thing, and it matters deeply to me.

  18. Have you read The Dieline blog? Very cool ideas and examples in packaging.

  19. yes, yes, yes it makes a huge difference. The Europeans have done it for eons and it always makes you smile. Keep up the good work

  20. The packaging looks fabulous. I love beautifully wrapped things...

  21. packaging definitely make a difference -- it's the first thing you see when you get it and it just completes the whole experience...and i think you've made an excellent choice with this one! =)
    - Jessie -

  22. 100% yes--the packaging is what makes the product memorable (and exciting to order again). All of my favourite shops, even if I'm there to purchase it in person and it's for myself, will still take care wrap it prettily for me--it's a special added touch and as you said, shows extra care.

  23. packaging is so important, like the precursor to the thought put inside the package. sometimes it's unavoidable to be frugal about packaging, but when it's a nice gift for someone... i think thoughtful, and green packaging is nice :)

  24. Clearly we're all in agreement here about the importance of packaging. They had a talk thread about this very thing on Etsy not long ago and I was personally amazed at the number of people who thought it was extraneous and didn't matter...?!?!?

    Jennifer, this is perfect packaging! Not just because of the eco factor but since your work is so poppy and colorful I think the plain kraft paper makes for a wonderful reveal of your product when unwrapped. Like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon.

    I could go I haven't already.

  25. I agree! Packaging makes all the difference. I transforms just a regular piece of mail to a gift - and who doesn't like to get presents now and then? I think the kraft paper wrap and twine bow are fabulous!

  26. Love this packaging Jennifer!! Yes, it sure does make the difference!


  27. Uncle Beefy....i like what you wrote, good point.


  28. I'll be honest, your packaging is okay. I don't mind the kraft paper or the hemp twine. It's the label. At least in the photos, it looks like an Avery label and that kind of cheapens the look.

    If you have a professional paper store in your area, like Kelly Paper or Xpedx, you might want to check them out. Many large paper companies are on the "green" bandwagon and they make matching labels with their papers--though they may be a special order. That way you might find something more harmonious with the rest of your packaging.

    I hope you take this in stride, as I am not trying to bash on you. Just offering some constructive criticism.


  29. David,
    Thanks for your honesty, however, I am a small business at this time and i'm not looking for extraordinary packaging. I'm looking for something simple and pretty. Professional paper stores like Kelly Paper aren't always reliable from my past experience with them, so I prefer to do it all my own. Special order at this time.... i cannot afford, but may look into it in the near future. As for this packaging i'm quite satisfied with it and it serves its purpose, simplicity. Thanks for commenting.

  30. I am just loving the kraft paper and twine combo, J. Great job!

  31. One of my absolute favorite things about buying anything is recieving it with cute packaging! It's like an added surprise that comes with pleasures of recieving something in the mail.


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