Thoughts + Nursery

As we get closer & closer to this adoption journey - my head is full of thoughts. But I've been so busy I haven't put much thought into a baby's room / nursery.  I know we haven't signed up with an adoption agency yet, but we've narrowed it down to two & will make our selection this month! Exciting & nervous?? Yes.  Anyway, living in NYC will pose a few challenges when baby enters the picture. Hint: Apt. size.

We currently live in a 2 bedroom apartment - but the 2nd bedroom is my office. I work there every single day...& honestly, not much room for a crib.

So......I was glancing around at nurseries online today for a total of 15 minutes (crazy busy day) - I realized, we may not be able to pull this off, at least not as gorgeous as this one below designed by Sissy + MarleySomething will have to give, right??  I can't say I'm ready to move to Brooklyn or anything - because we love our Manhattan, but we have to be able to make an area for the baby while maintaining some of my office space.  Anyone out there currently facing these challenges? Apt. size??  These thoughts have been on my mind the last few days......luckily, we still have plenty of time to think about it - so that's a good thing. Phew.


-images via moms best network

Sometimes I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl... 

Funny, this picture below has been on my hard drive for several months now - I labeled it 'future' - to remind myself of the future God has waiting for us.  I pictured myself walking in on my own child as she/he put their toys away.  And above her/him would hang one of my Cocoa & Hearts paintings....the art that led to this journey.

pic above via


  1. I'm so excited for you! It will be such a great journey, life will never be the same. xx Jill

  2. So gorgeous

  3. Such elegant inspiration for a nursery, doubt the walls will stay that white for long though!
    Wishing you luck on your decision :)

  4. so cute!! ; ]

    new post

  5. It's so exciting that you are now thinking about nurseries. I babysat two beautiful adopted girls for a number of years. They brought so much happiness to the family!
    As for the space dilemma, I'm just not sure. Is there any way to move a desk space into the main living area? I know you guys will figure it out! xo

  6. Those are great inspiration photos -- I know you will make it work! Just like you'll find the time, you'll also find the space!

    x Lily

  7. We currently live in a 2 bedroom condo in Chicago with 2 kids. My office is far from practical as it is in my bedroom, never free from distractions and makes my sleeping quarters quiet the eyesore. We were going to convert a closet into my new office when we found a beautiful home in the suburbs. I'll always love my city, I was born here and I grew up here but I feel like I just…outgrew it. You'll be fine where ever you chose as long as it feels right. Good luck and congrats.

  8. Love your inspiration. We had our little lady in our one bedroom apartment! You can totally make the space work. While the lighting on this pics are a bit horrific, here's how we divided the space. We did it for 6 months, but could have easily done it for longer!! Best of luck!!

  9. @SUGAR- i've actually thought about that for the first year ha! I'll check it out thanks!

  10. We live in a small basement apartment in Seattle and it works perfectly with one kid but with number two in the works I've been pretty skeptical about how we will fit. Baby #1 bedroom is not technically a bedroom - it is about the size of a queen size bed, no joke. You can see it here:

    But I'm thinking I can rearrange the wardrobe and dresser in my bedroom to make a little half wall and split the room for the next. I really hope it works because I too love our inner city neighborhood!

  11. this post gives me such happy tears, Jen! The amazing thing about babies is that they require very little space!

    Even now my children share a tiny bedroom & it is amazing how they play in this mini space for hours.

    I love that you are allowing us to take this journey with you & mat. xox, shari

  12. First of all, congrats on the adoption decision! My brother and wife literally just adopted a baby boy in January (I'm and Aunt!) with Spence Chapin in NYC if you want to talk with my sister in law, I'm sure she'd be happy to! They are over the moon so happy...secondly, back when we lived in NY, we had our super build a half wall in our second bedroom, the area towards the window was the baby room and the area towards the front was our little office, worked out great! CONGRATS:)

  13. Sissy+Marley are great aren't they? They do such wonderful work. Yes Manhattan is tough when it comes to space and raising kids. Have you ever thought of Bronxville? Haha if Brooklyn is putting you off this is a wee bit further but very nice/pretty area.

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

  14. I don't have any advice about the space issue, but it's all gonna work out, you'll see, and it'll be fabulous! Such an exciting time for you and your hubby!

  15. ZHUSH-
    ah! we thought about spence chapin ...since it's super close to us, but i think they only do international & we were hoping to go domestic. :) Glad that your brother adopted a little boy - so awesome!

  16. What a surprise to see my little Lucy on your blog this morning! I still adore that Cocoa and Hearts painting that was in her first room and I'm transitioning it into our new baby's room (due in 3 weeks).

    Wising you and your husband the BEST of luck through the adoption process. Enjoy every single moment, it will fly by. :) :)


  17. What a surprise to see my little Lucy on your blog this morning! I still adore that Cocoa and Hearts painting that was in her first room and I'm transitioning it into our new baby's room (due in 3 weeks).

    Wising you and your husband the BEST of luck through the adoption process. Enjoy every single moment, it will fly by. :) :)


  18. First new about your future adoption!
    So happy for you ; )

    I have redo a provisional nursery for my second kid, a little girl of 5 months

  19. Sending you happy vibes! My sister is in the process of adoption after 5 years of trying. They are working with an agency in New Jersey. For the first 3 months, my son, Benny slept in our room. He is 9 months old and I'm still working on his room adding fun new things all the time! It never ends :)

  20. Jen, I am so happy for you guys! Our daughter, Stella, is adopted, and we are adopting again at the end of the summer. It can be scary, stressful, and exciting all at the same time! For the first little while, you can honestly put your baby in a basinet, and minimize the space he/she takes up. It's later on when they get LOTS of stuff! Good luck! Prayers for your family!

  21. I'm so happy for you! You deserve it! Can't wait to see how you fit everything into that apartment. :)


  22. Oh wow, we are in the same boat as you right now. We bought our place before we knew we were pregz. Now our lives are upside down cos the place is fine for us 2, but not for anyone else. Since our 2 bedroom is really tiny, we have sacrificed the 2nd room for the baby and have decided to have a carpenter build us a built in desk in the cupboard in the lounge area. What is nice is that once work is done we can simply close it and no-one will ever know there is a built-in office space. This is still a plan of course, but I think it should work otherwise we have to buy a bigger house sooner than we had planned.


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