This is a new series called -  "Morning BEAUTY Routine" - it's all about what YOU put on your face every morning.  I, (Jen Ramos) featured myself in the first one, which you can read here. we have Jenni from the beautiful blog, Love & Lion.  This is a great way to learn about beauty products others are using & what they think of them!

I have battled acne since my late middle school days, and pregnancy did NOT give me a “glow”. It just made my skin issues worse. I had originally tried Proactiv’s first 3 step system years back, and found that it only worsened my breakouts and over dried my skin. No thanks! Out of sheer desperation to really gain control over my skin, I decided to give their new system a go. SO glad that I did!! You can completely customize your package (additionally I use the mark fading pads & purifying mask), have it delivered to your doorstep monthly and the customer service has been amazing so far! My favorite part of the ENTIRE system is their new moisturizer! WHOA!! It is so refreshing and smells incredible!! I would dive into the actual jar if it were big enough. Also, the toner is a must for me. It restores my skins PH balance before I complete the rest of my routine.  Since I have started using this system, I can’t stop touching my face. It is the smoothest I have felt in years. I am also happy to report that I have had NO breakouts since my first week of use. I will actually leave my house with no makeup on, and that is big for me. I can’t rave enough about these products! I highly recommend giving it a try if you deal with acne at all.

I have tried several bb creams, and it is hard to find the perfect one if you have fair skin. I read a really enthusiastic review on this one in particular, so I decided to try it on a beach getaway we recently took. I was previously using L’OREAL’s bb cream, but I officially made the switch to Olay BB cream. It is so lightweight, but still offers such great coverage. It is not as “orangey” as the L’OREAL I was using. The Olay just gives me a really nice dewy glow. It really feels more like a lotion rather than a foundation AND its got the sunscreen I need, which is super important to me (especially while using an acne fighting system). It is all kinds of amazing! I am a forever fan!!

OK! You know, how the dad on “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” thinks that Windex cures all? Well, I guess that would be me with Vaseline. It is just a product I always have on hand. It is great for healing dry skin (especially cracked heels in the summertime), chapped lips and even great for removing stubborn makeup. I alternate between this and Nivea chapstick to keep my lips hydrated. They are ALWAYS dry, so applying Vaseline at night before bed and before any makeup goes on in the a.m. really helps replenish any moisture that my lips might have lost overnight. Smooth, hydrated lips make you look younger....true story!

This product called my name from the shelf with its packaging alone. I am a sucker for great packaging! I tried Balms Away in the store before purchasing, and I couldn’t believe how smooth it made my skin feel. I use it in the morning to remove any excess liner or mascara that may have rubbed off while I was sleeping. I try not to wash my eyes with facial cleansers as they can be drying and irritating. This eye makeup remover is  fragrance free and not as greasy feeling to me as Vaseline. It is perfect for my sensitive eye area.

- If you're a blogger & would love to participate this series, email us pics of your FAVE morning beauty facial products & a pic or two of yourself.  Pls send in a similar format as this post above. If we like what you sent, we will feature you!!

-post by jenni from love & lion blog



  1. Folks, I just Discovered a really Great Coffee a few Days ago. And I have Tried Quite a few Coffee's over the Years too, but NOTHING like this one though!! It actually gives you Energy, and lasting energy too. And this is all done Naturally too, which is on a Lot of Americans mind now too. Really Unique Coffee for sure, Guys!! You should check it out for sure.

    The Energy you get off this Coffee is just Nuts for sure. One Cup, it lasts me ALL, and I do mean All Day Long too! You got to Try it too, and it is out of Panama too.

  2. Folks, I just Discovered a really Great Coffee a few Days ago. And I have Tried Quite a few Coffee's over the Years too, but NOTHING like this one though!! It actually gives you Energy, and lasting energy too. And this is all done Naturally too, which is on a Lot of Americans mind now too. Really Unique Coffee for sure, Guys!! You should check it out for sure.

    And, the Energy you get Off this Coffee, it Lasts, from 9-5 too, like the Old Song out there too!!! It is Crazy, this Energy is!!

  3. Ah what a great idea! Love this, and I use that BB cream too, it was in the swag bag from the Lucky FABB conference. I love it.

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

  4. What a light, natural routine! Love it.

    x Lily

  5. Great stuff! I used to use proactiv years ago, then it just stopped working it seemed. Now i use a medicated cream called Acanya- so far works great and no real dryness at all for me.


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