Speaking at Love Your Life Event

This past Monday I had the opportunity to speak in front of several women here in NYC at the Love Your Life event.  My beautiful friend Lynette Lewis shared the stage with me as I spoke about how I started MADE BY GIRL, the many failed business attempts, including a CHOCOLATE truffle business. We also discussed the story behind why I started painting & how I launched Cocoa & Hearts, the desire to have children, the times I felt hopeless in my life, my faith & encouraging others to follow their dreams. This is one of the few times I've opened up about PERSONAL things in my life in front of an audience - it was a beautiful experience that I will never forget.

Lots of WOMEN came by to ask me questions after the event & one woman even prayed for me, which was really beautiful.  I thank all my friends & family who came out to see me on Monday & for all the women who read my blog & showed up, thank you for your support!  I continue to pray that God will open up more doors for me where I will be an inspiration to other women whether its through my business or through my Faith.

 The top I was sporting is  from MANGO & a blazer from Zara.

I also advised women on (5) simple tips to starting their own business.  In this video below, you'll hear me talk about one of my first businesses where I made chocolate truffles & how that DID NOT WORK for me!  Although I LOVE chocolate. Ha!

You can watch the video & hear me discuss that part - it's about 3 min long- enjoy! 

This is the first video I've posted of me on my blog (I think!) -it's very odd...but, here you go! 



  1. You are such an inspiration Jen! Thanks for sharing that important nugget of advice. God Bless!


  2. I really loved this post and you're like just I imagined you to be, pretty voice and all! :)
    I also loved your 5 tips and I think they're very accurate and useful. When a person has the will to start a business, failure, no personal life (to some extent) and sacrifice is part of the process.
    I wish you a lot of success in the future and I wish you keep creating wonderful, heart-warming and inspiring art!
    Sandra @ Blasfemmes

  3. It was a great evening! So glad I was able to be there and meet you and Lynette. xo

  4. Very inspirational Jen. Would love to hear your story, how it all started etc but the video was only 3 minutes. Will you post the rest?

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Very inspirational. I would love to hear how it all started for you, how madebygirl came about etc but sadly the video was only 3 minutes. Will you be posting the rest?

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Wonderful! So good to hear your thoughts and voice! I love what the Lord is doing for you and thru you!

    xo -Taj

  7. How lovely to almost meet you in person via the vid! I love your 5 tips, so inspiring - I'd love to hear more about your business journey x

  8. Hi Jen! I've never commented before on your blog but I am a long time follower and I felt inclined to thank you for sharing this video! My favorite is when you said... "Whatever your good at is part of your purpose". LOVE it! I would have enjoyed hearing you in person.

  9. I'm so glad I was able to meet you and hear your inspirational words at the event! Thank you for being such a role model!

    Cristina Marie

  10. It's nice to wake up in the morning and be inspired. Because that's what you give to me. Inspiration every single morning. Great way to begin your day! Hope you are always there and hope one day to meet you in person.
    This is Christina from fauxbilicious.blogspot.com. It's early morning in Greece!

  11. I really enjoyed hearing your story-so inspirational. And what a pleasure it was to meet you in person!:)

  12. Jen thank you so much for sharing that video!! You are such an inspiration! I am so glad that I found your blog. I love what you said about not just dreaming, but doing! Totally spoke to my heart and just confirming what I believe the Lord has been telling me for a while! I hope to move to NYC in the near future and maybe meet you one day! You are awesome and and I pray actually I know that the Lord is going to be opening up more doors for you. " Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that that works with in us." Eph 3:20 I pray for an abundance of favor for you and your family! Thanks Jen you rock!!


  13. This video was perfect and was exactly what I needed. Thanks for posting, you are incredibly inspiring. xx

  14. Not at all odd...Quite inspiring and courageous that you ceased dreaming and just DID IT. I pray diligently to finally get to that point..."the doing"...You should definitely share your story more often...Thanking God for your existence & the gift that is, "Made By Girl"...So proud of you girlie ;-)

  15. Not at all odd...Quite inspiring and courageous that you ceased dreaming and just DID IT. I pray diligently to finally get to that point..."the doing"...You should definitely share your story more often...Thanking God for your existence & the gift that is, "Made By Girl"...So proud of you girlie ;-)

  16. Not at all odd...Quite inspiring and courageous that you ceased dreaming and just DID IT. I pray diligently to finally get to that point..."the doing"...You should definitely share your story more often...Thanking God for your existence & the gift that is, "Made By Girl"...So proud of you girlie ;-)

  17. Not at all odd...Quite inspiring and courageous that you ceased dreaming and just DID IT. I pray diligently to finally get to that point..."the doing"...You should definitely share your story more often...Thanking God for your existence & the gift that is, "Made By Girl"...So proud of you girlie ;-)

  18. Great tips and I agree with all of them!!

  19. That's great Jen, and congrats on that. It was great to hear your voice.

  20. Thank you so much for this great inspiration! I love that you put God into everything.
    Great video.

  21. I was there and it was truly an inspiring night. It was nice to finally meet the women behind the blog and learn how she turned her losses in to triumphs.

    Allie of Dressing Ken

  22. I wish I was in NYC to attend your event. Congrats on launching Made By Girl. It has worked well for you. Keep the inspiration going. Muchas gracias!

  23. Wish I was in NYC to see this event. Glad your business Made By Girl has done really well. Muchas gracias.

  24. Ah! After years and years of following you, I finally got to see a video with you in it and it was awesome. I am a huge fan and I hope to meet you someday. Truly glad to see you're doing well in NYC. Cheers!



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