Kelly Wearstler Rhapsody Book Event NYC

We attended the Kelly Wearstler 'Rhapsody' book party hosted by The Rug Company.  Even though I didn't get to participate in Fashion Week, (due to other things I'm working on) this was a great way to kick off the festivities going on throughout the city!  

Rhapsody is Kelly's fourth book which offers a look into her glamorous life and work. She's by far the BEST designer, truly innovative in every way. Her background is interesting if you ever read about her - but that didn't stop her, she's a RockStar. Truly inspirational.

My assistant Daisy & I just arriving.
Tons of Rhapsody books available for purchase- I got my hands on one, then she signed it!

Here is Kelly standing in front of the Serpent rug, my favorite from her line. This rug is gorgeous in person!

What did I say?? AMAZING rug. It's like a piece of art.

She also has this cool colorful Ombre rug - what do you think?


my signed copy of Rhapsody

Totally amazing work on carpet by Alexander McQueen

Hamish Bowles & Kelly Wearstler

Even the bathroom was totally inspiring - don't you love the tiles??

Me with Dawn Cassidy of Enterloop blog!

Love Too by Paul Smith - classic piece

chatting with Kelly before she signed my book - the ring I'm wearing is one of her designs, she smiled when she saw it.

Daisy headed upstairs

- images by jen ramos


  1. Ah, amazing! Love Kelly Wearstler and definitely want to get my hands on her new book. Love all the rugs you were able to snap! ~ ashleigh

    My jewelry blog:

  2. So fun to look at your photos. I remember that LOVE rug as a poster in Carrie's renovated apt in the 1st Sex in the City movie.
    That Snake rug is incredible and the McQueen skull one too.
    Loved Daisy's shoes!


  3. love that bright green chair and your skull sweater looking great hun! xx. gigi. food and beauty blogger @

  4. Yes she is truly talented,in a league of her own! Can't wait to read the book.

  5. Gorgeous post! Thanks for sharing! xo Caroline

  6. That is SO awesome you got to meet her and chat with her. She is truly an inspiration. I LOVE your sweater too, way to make skulls chic ;)

  7. I am so jealous of you right now it's not even funny. She is amazing. What was she like in person? - Brandy

  8. It was so great to meet you in person after following your adventures on MadeByGirl for so long! Hopefully, we'll bump into each other again soon!

  9. That is awesome, what a night?! :) Those rugs were amazing, I didn't realize how much I'd love a good snake rug, haha! :)

  10. This looks like a fabulous event! I love her! She is amazing!

  11. This looks like a fabulous event! I love her! She is amazing!

  12. Kelly Wearstler is fab, love her work...I'll be getting her new book!... xv

  13. Wow Jen, lucky, lucky, you! I adore Kelly and her work, she is truly inspirational! And even though I hate snakes, that rug is to die for!

  14. omgg that alexander mcqueen rug is amazing!!!

  15. that would be my extreme wild dream to meet kelly wreastler! i am sure it would have been an amzing experience.. love those rugs! esp the ombre one


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