Sofa: To Sell or Not to Sell...

Hello everyone! We've been busy packing things & selling stuff around here, my head is spinning! Today I came to a STOP & wondered if I should sell the  white provincial sofa I purchased in 2006. Yes, 2006 & it's been wrapped in (plastic) in my garage ever since - have never truly used it.

For those of you who don't remember when I wrote about it on my blog, you can check out that 2006 post here. I begged my guy to pull it out of garage today (with my help) & put it in our living room...I needed to see it in a home setting & not the garage. It looks so cold & lonely down there, not a pretty sight, know what I mean ladies?!? He was sweet enough to help me - it was crazy - but we did it.

Anyways, I'm faced with a dilemma, my guy likes the sofa but doesn't think it's practical to have a white sofa as our 'main' sofa! Perhaps he's right...but I paid for it & have never used it. I feel like I'd be cheating myself.  He says we'll have to be covering it up with throws, like you see in the photo below...and again, maybe he's right. He also told me that he wouldn't feel like he could relax on it without me watching over his shoulder...

I'm so confused, I don't want it to get dirty...should I care that much??  Should I get creative & paint a black pattern or spots on the couch with black fabric paint???  I figured the dots would conceal any potential dirt, basically making it harder to spot it.

So, I could just SELL it as new since I've never used it or haul it to my new place in NYC. PLEASE let me know what you guys think......I'm seriously at a loss.  It's so pretty & comfortable...I want it, he doesn't so much...

This is what it looks like in my living room right now....& what it would probably look like in my new place, all covered up in a fur throw. Do you guys think it would look good with my white daybed in the same space?!?

This picture below was the inspiration for getting the sofa reupholstered in a white fabric...

- top 2 images by jen ramos
- last image domino



  1. I would be torn if I were you. That's a very pretty sofa and it looks comfy too. I think I'd reupholster it in another color/ prints and bring it to NYC if I have extra money on the side to do so. Good luck Jen!

  2. Although he has a good point of it possibly getting dirty, that last picture with Rashida Jones makes me say, take it to NY!! It's such a gorgeous sofa and it looks so cool w/ modern accents. Good luck, Jen! xx

  3. I say keep it! Use it for a while at least (since you never got a chance to), and if you end up wanting to get rid of it, sell it while you're in your new city. After all, your man likes it!

    If you're worried about it getting dirty, I don't think it'll get stained that easily, especially with the fur throw covering a big portion of it.

    Good luck deciding!

    SWEATshirt DRESSshirt

  4. While I absolutely love the couch, I say try and sell it and use the money towards one that you both love. Since it will be your main couch, you want it to be comfortable and something you both really enjoy doing together, without having to worry about dirt or spills.

    Good luck with the rest of your move! Can't wait to see what magic you do with the new apartment.


  5. I say keep it if you love it. It's a timeless piece and when it's white fabric isn't as dazzling as it once was, you can reupholster it in a more practical fabric.

    In the meantime I would find a wider fur throw for it.

    Good luck in NYC!!

  6. Ya know what's funny? That white sofa is actually what drew me to your blog in the first place! I think you used to have it in your header, and I LOVED that Rashida Jones one, so when I saw yours I was like, yup, I like her style! So of course I would vote for keeping it! I absolutely love the style of it. I would do some fabric paint or something though like you said, because practicality has to factor in somewhere and white upholstery is just too much pressure! Look at how amazing this white upholstery looks with black splatter paint, I could so see you doing this:

  7. Jackie: ha! That's so funny.. I've had other people tell me the same thing about the sofa (being on my blog header) .
    This link you sent me is sort of what I was talking about, but I didn't really think of splattered paint, it's GENIUS, I love it!!!! Will show my guy thx! ;)

  8. I am currently considering a light colour sofa for our formal lounge but unless it is leather I don't think it will be practical :( even if not used very often.

    I love the sofa, but if you are planning on keeping it white I would sell it. But if you are planning on painting a pattern over it I think it's a definite keeper :)


  9. Don't sell it! Well, if I were you I wouldn't sell it. Even though I think it probably won't go very good with your chaise in the same room (and I say this just because your decor style seems to me to be kind of minimal) you could always find another spot for it. I would just get it reupholstered. It's a gorgeous classic piece of furniture. My vote: don't sell ;)

  10. Oh man, I would say don't sell and enjoy it. It's beautiful. And maybe if it gets real dirty THEN you can experiment and paint on it!

    Hope you are managing all the crazy packing & selling etc. Hugs!
    Nancy xo

  11. I love it! It depends if you think it will match what vision you have for your new place! Please come visit Tulips&Tulle :)

  12. It's a very pretty sofa, but for me the main question is: if you haven't used it once in 6 years (6 years!), what makes you think you are going to use it now? Is it worth to move it to NY never to be used ... again? I agree with Maria, I would algo suggest you to sell the sofa and use the money to buy one you both love and USE.

  13. The sofa is gorgeous...but first off how comfortable is it??
    Does your man fit on it well? Because let me tell you if you take that sofa to NYC and he isn't comfortable on that day in and day out you will never hear the end of it. We have had two sofa incidents in our house I always loved the they were smaller in scale my husband is 6'4" so they didn't work for him...comfort is key if it is the sofa you will use you have the NYC flea markets to shop for a new one!
    Good Luck to you!

  14. that sofa was designed to live in a city like NYC. bring it!

  15. Sell it. I had a white sofa when I lived in NYC, it was terribly impractical. No amount of black dots would cover the grungy overall dirty look that white couch gets in a NYC apartment. The couch I had had a slipcover and after only a year of constant washing, the slipcover was trashed.

    Sell the couch and get a couch when you move to the city that you both love.

  16. You could use a fabric protector like Scotchguard. It actually works but you need to reapply every so often. You don't strike me as a filthy sort of person so it should not be that hard to keep clean and by the time it gets dirty you will want a fab new fabric on it.

  17. I love it! i know its stressful if it gets dirty, but if the sofa makes you happy use it! its worth it :-)

    i love it


  18. keep it I say. Scotch guard it if you are worried about stains. See how you 'live' with it and then if you are not feeling it sell it. It is a gorgeous piece.

  19. love it!!!
    if you keep it you will just have to not get upset with it getting stuff on it. the real question is it comfortable to sit on after a long day? that's my #1 concern with a couch - i've had couches that are so uncomfortable i just never wanted to sit on them for too long.
    good luck deciding :)

  20. It's a gorgeous and classic couch! I say keep it.

  21. WTF? You own it, it's comfortable and it's aesthetically WOW! What is the problem?! Scotchgard the damn thing (professionally) and IF in a few years time it looks a bit worn, investigate then, your paint splatter or re-upholstery ideas!

  22. I love the shape and lines of that sofa. I think you should for sure take it to NYC, but I would probably reupholster it in a funky pattern. It's way to beautiful not to take it with you!

  23. Its so downtown swanky. I say kepp it and re-upolhster later if needed.

  24. Jen, I would keep it and paint it! Then it wouldn't be too much white with your day bed in the same grouping. It will look awesome :)
    Good luck with the move, I can't wait to see your new place!

  25. I do love the sofa! I would say keep it, since you never got to use it before why not use it now! I don't think you should worry about getting it dirty too much, but if you are, then you should try and get it reupholstered!

  26. I love the sofa but I can't imagine it being worth the hassle of moving it cross country. Sell it!

  27. Oh my gosh - with my three girls that would be covered in glitter, nail polish, yogurt, peanut butter and who knows what else.

    I say keep it -and enjoy having a white couch while you don't have anyone to draw on it with crayons.

  28. awwwww that sofa reminds me so much of when i first read your blog! with the pink ikat dot pillows on it!

    could you take it to NY with you? May be just the thing you need to warm up a barren NYC apt!

    Hmmm, good luck with the choice - gotta be a hard one!


  29. I love that sofa as well. I say keep it and paint it with fabric paint.

  30. I would have to say keep it. The couch is so gorgeous. It is modern and vintage at the same time. Reupholser it in another color or pattern. I think if you ended up selling it you would have wished you'd kept it. Good luck!

  31. At first I would have said reupholster it in a different fabric. Because there's no arguing the lines of that couch are classic. BUT after reading Jackie's comment, I say go for the splatter technique on the couch. It would be super chic in your NYC apt, and you can still have it reupholster back to white or something different if it doens't come out exactly right. I say KEEP IT!

  32. I think it's beautiful, but sell it. A white couch in NYC is a terrible idea. From opening the windows in your apartment, you will get so much pollution and dirt coming in that it will start to look gray and dirty.
    *This all coming from personal experience living in NYC.

  33. That's a gorgeous sofa. I'd keep it and use it. The white is fabulous, and will go with anything. And if you do keep it white, and need to recover after a while, here's a hint:

    I have a friend who wanted a cheap chic upholstery job on a sofa, and she used painter's canvas drop cloths instead of upholstery fabric, and it looks great…and is sturdy. Just something to consider.

  34. Ohh--I love it. He does have a very good point--but with small spaces, as you know, all pieces need to be functional (albeit--can be beautiful too). I would keep it. Keep it white--then paint a design on it if needed.

  35. I seriously love white sofas and have one. I have never minded having a white couch until we moved to NYC. It's REALLY hard to keep it clean here in the city because this city is SO dusty (and I am a neat freak to the max and still have a hard time with it). I would advise against the white. Beautiful couch though.

  36. It's too pretty to let go. I would take it with you as long as you're sure it will fit!

  37. I love it. I have always had a white sofa, through 2 kids and numerous dogs and cats, and if you give it the respect it deserves, it will stay white. Although I did spill red wine on mine and it came out completely with Oxyclean! I think you should keep it, and use it with a daybed...

  38. I vote to keep the couch. I love mixing classic and modern pieces together. One of the other ladies suggested reupholstering it.. a big bold fabric makes it look less traditional and could work really well with the white day bed.

  39. Oh, that's such a tough decision. On one hand, I think you should keep it, since you love it. I don't think you should reupholster it in a different color right away since you spent all the money to reupholster it in the first place.

    I think if you are going to take it to NY, you should make sure you're definitely going to use it, so it's not taking up precious space in your new apartment!

  40. I vote for keeping it, but making it practical enough for everyday use. Living in an apartment makes it all the more important to love all the pieces you bring in there. Why cover it up with fur when you can show it off in a different way? I love the idea of painting it in a pattern. Good luck with the move!

  41. omg I would soooooo not be able to bring myself to sell it!!!! Its gorgeous, it deserves a fighting chance :)

  42. Don't sell it!!! It's too amazingly gorgeous. I would prob leave it white for as long as possible (maybe no eating allowed on it) and get some folex cleaner Crome home depot. Then maybe paint dots or recover when neccessary.

    Xx. Patience

  43. I say keep it! It is such an incredibly beautiful and versatile silhouette that you could use it for years to come. I recommend either doing the black splatter paint Jackie recommended or reupholstering it.

  44. It's too pretty to cover up!

  45. i sat deciding what to type... i'm at a loss too! i bought a couch like this in a wine velvet and loved it for a year, but when i moved, it wasn't right for the space, so i had to UNWILLINGLY sell it.

    sometimes, something you love just doesn't fit your lifestyle anymore...but you'll get something you love to replace it x

  46. God, it's gorgeous!! However, we couldn't do a white sofa at our house ( that's why ours is black!) you could use it in your office perhaps? And or re-upholster.

    good luck!

  47. It is a fantastic sofa. I would have a hard time selling it but it also has to work for you. If you would be forcing yourself to make it work then I would sell. Although with that being said it is a classic sofa that works with modern and traditional spaces. You could eventually reupholster it in a fantastic fabric down the road. I probably didn't help much:)

  48. Keep it. It's beautiful. When it starts to show too much wear, reupholster it, but enjoy it and KEEP IT. :)

  49. I love that couch! I would say keep it - if it gets stained who cares. You can always reupholster it to a darker or patterned color.

    - Sara @ Gameday Stylist

  50. I remember when you got that my opinion keep it as it has great lines & if you can reupholster it, if anything just the seat cushions in a checron style (black & white since you liked it on the walls).

  51. Michi: I didn't use it because I already had a sofa... But in NYC it would be the only sofa, so I'd definitely use it. :)

  52. Don't get me wrong I LOVE The couch... But had a similar one for about 6 mths before my BF and I had to opt for a sectional at West Elm. There was just no way to get comfy on it, especially both of us! Watching a movie was out of the question and we'd end up in bed. If you truly want to use it, I'd go with a more functional couch. These are great pieces for LOOKS but not necessarily practicality. So... how often are you going to USE the thing?? I just moved to NY from Dallas and know that you are in for adjusting to a drastically smaller place! Make sure it's livable, not jsut CUTE :)
    Oh and I didn't even touch on the fact that it's WHITE! You're taking the pups I assume!?? DANGER! GOOD LUCK! You'll make the right choice! ;)

  53. hey girl! i love your work! and i say keep it! it's sooooo gorgeous and versatile!

    follow my new blog, if you wish of course....


  54. it is gorgeous! you would probably be heartbroken if you sold it.. I mean to hang onto it for almost 6 years means you didn't want to let it go, right? :)

    do you have a studio space or home office space that would make a great home for it? I think the throws over it detracts from its beauty. it needs to shine and not be covered up.

  55. Sell sell sell. It's just a couch and your honey is so much more comfy anyways.

    All the best in New York.

  56. It's a keeper! You can always sell it later or change the upholstery or do some fabric painting. You haven't given it a chance. I'd try it out with the throw and maybe one of those sprays that repels dirt/stains. If you feel like it's too much hassle then at least you can say you gave it a whirl. Good luck on your move, I love NYC!

  57. I really think you would regret selling it! Why don't you use it for the time being? If it gets dirty, wash it or get it reupholstered. If it's comfortable you should keep it (as those sorts of sofas are rarely comfortable!)
    Oh please don't sell it - it's so beautiful!

    I own a light light grey sofa and it gets a lot of wear and tear - only recently has it begun to show its age.

  58. Keep the sofa! {That's what I'd do anyway!} It's soooo pretty. I wouldn't change a thing about it or even cover it up (unless I was eating on it). Since you're willing to paint it/change it to hide stains, maybe you could just wait and see if any even happen. Then, if you eventually do end up with some marks, you could then decide how best to paint it, or recover it. But for now, if you love it I say keep it, just the way it is! :)

    {btw- I think it would look fabulous paired with your white chaise}

  59. As a person who just paid a ton of money to have a couch disassembled then reassembled the first thing I would do is measure the couch. Most NYC apartment doorways are very small, smaller than more modern buildings. Our doorway was about 33 or 32" wide. If you think the sofa will fit, then I would totally keep it. All the hours you put in finding the sofa, then picking out the fabric for the's a labor of love. A lot more thought went into it than simply going to the store and picking it out. It's gorgeous, and you should live everyday like it's your last. That includes china and all other "fine" things that we all consider dainty. use it. And if it gets dirty then you can A.) have it professionally cleaned or B.) reupholster it.

    That's just my 2 cents :) I just bought a couch.

  60. The sofa is fantastic! I also think that the pairing of the daybed and sofa together would be perfection - seriously, you couldn't possibly get a better juxtaposition. Pure genius. As for it being white, I have 2 off white sofas in my living room and 1 white armless sofa in my office, I also have 3 boys (youngest is 3) a very messy husband and a black Persian cat that sheds everywhere. My sofas are fine. I vacuum them (have a power brush attachment) and a little upholstery cleaner called a Bissel little green (cost $70 at Walmart). I only spot clean them maybe twice a year. In addition, I have a white sofa at our cabin that we have a large Hudson's Bay blanket on, this has kept it very clean, I have never had to clean that one. I have not had any issues keeping them all clean and the Bissel has been able to clean items such as chocolate milk and blueberry smoothie without a problem!! I vote keep (obviously)!! Good luck with the move.

  61. you should keep it, it is a good memory especially of your blog. i remember when it was a picture on your blog design and i feel like your blog and business has really grown since then. keep it!!

  62. Oh girl...for sure take it to NY! Such a beauty and a timeless piece, you can't get rid of it!

  63. Its gorgie and its sooooo a one-of-a-kind piece. I would Never be able to part with it!

  64. Keep it, its beautiful!

    Lifestyle by Moi/ Sweden

  65. I would have a VERY hard time getting rid of it! If it were me, I'd probably haul it to NYC and end up keeping it in storage... impractical? yes, but that's a GREAT piece!!

  66. I may be the only one to say this but SELL IT! I mean you are moving to NEW YORK city, new beginnings! Dont hold onto to "stuff" Yes, it is a beautiful piece, and you know it! There is more to come, a lot more. Someone said ..bring it, if you love it! You love your man, you love your life! Everything else can be replaced, with new stories, new stuff!

  67. I certainly understand your dilemma. I would be going through the exact same thing if it were me. I have to say that the picture of your lovely white sofa with the pretty pink pillows is what initially drew me into your blog. I could definitely see your sofa reupholstered in a bold black and white graphic print (chevron?) I suggest to wait until you get your apartment before making the decision and see if it can work. You can use it white for a while. Painting it might be a lot of work, even though it'll keep the cost down. I am not sure if that is worth the effort. It should be easy to sell in NY should you change your mind down the road and purchase a different sofa. Whatever your decision, I am sure it will be the right one.

  68. Jen!
    KEEP the couch - you always wanted to use it - it would still look gorgeous ( just different) with a Tailored slipcover - I think that a slipcover is both cleaner looking than a blanket & offers the security of throwing it in the wash when hubby drops his chili! Then you can both breathe easy! I live in NYC and have a white slipcovered couch - everyone thinks I'm crazy but I live it and washing is a snap ( ps An oxyclean soak Works wonders)
    Im sure you have plenty of offers from amazing people- but I would be happy to show you around when you are settled here in NYC! Good luck with everything!

  69. Keep it! I'm obsessed with this kind of sofa and it's so tough to find. Do you love it as much as I do? Then keep it! If the white gets dirty in a few years, reupholster. By then, you might be tired of the white anyway. Let us know what you decide! I LOVE it!

    P.S. I haven't had a chance to say it yet, but congrats on the move! So exciting!

  70. Ooo, such a dilemma. If you haven't used it, it might not be worth bringing with you. I was all set to leave a comment telling you to keep it and just use it but I saw another comment saying to sell it and put the money toward another sofa that fits your life better. That seems smart. But hey, maybe you won't find a buyer and then the decisions is made for you . . .

    Either way, it's a gorgeous sofa. Maybe in New York you can find a similar one and have it redone in a darker colour - like a sharp black or something equally graphic?

  71. what I would do is to change the fabric of that sofa, perhaps to a pale blue color, it will still looking cute and elegant.
    You must take it to NYC, why would you sell your old brand new treasure c: ?

  72. Don't sell your couch! I think that link Jackie posted is brilliant! I really like that sofa which is almost similar to my furniture in my living room. I have two playful boys and a crazy little dog so my covers on my sofa are washed weekly. Maybe you should make slip covers so you can wash them?

  73. DEFINE1LADY: Hmmm I'm hearing some people say slipcovers, but I'm just not fond of much rather place faux fur throws over it over slipcovering...

  74. I want you to KEEP IT!!!! maybe an upholster can add scotch guard to it?? KEEP IT!!!

  75. I say keep it and use it as is. I LOVE IT and I can't believe you had it in the garage. If you don't use it in your living room, throw it in the bedroom if you have space. XX


  76. It is a very beautiful sofa! I say take it with you to NY, try it out and see how you feel once you get into your new place. If you can't use it you can always sell it in NY. I'd give it a try first.

  77. Yeah, you're right. I think throws may be perfect for you since the sofa is gorgeous. My husband wanted to get rid of ours to upgrade to a larger sofa since we have kids but I just can't seem to let my furniture go. I love the vintage legs of the sofa and the elegant details of the wooden frame adds sophistication. Let us know what you will do to it. Good luck! ;-)

  78. Keep it!!!! You will regret it if you don't AND once you get to NYC and you think, no, then sell it :)

  79. I love your sofa so much but I have to say that you make valid points about having a white sofa as your main sofa. Living in Manhattan is so amazing for a zillion different reasons but you do only have one living room so you might as well make the couch one that you know will be used daily and might get a bit dirty or super worn. the throws look gorgeous though. If you get a two bedroom and one room will be your office then you can always put the sofa in there instead of your day bed and when you purchase a new couch get a pull out. There are SO many beautiful and stylish couches that also pull out. I always thought of pull outs as boring and ugly but you can definitely find one. If you have guests they can sleep in the living room like most people who visit friends in NYC.

    If you love it and you bought it and can't let it go then you should absolutely keep it. You can always decide to change the fabric or use it when you move again to a bigger space or don't want to regret selling it.

  80. That's a hard decision. I have 2 white couches that I didn't use for the first 2 years I lived in the house and then I finally started using them and they're great and comfy--I do vaccum hair every other day, but it's minimal. I guess the biggest question is whether it goes with the other piece. I'm sure you'll make a great decision--your decor is always wonderful!

    xo Mary Jo

  81. I say keep it and use it. So what if it gets dirty? Then you clean it, have it re-upholstered or feel better about getting something new, knowing you had used something you loved at least for a little bit of time.


  82. Sell it- as a NYCer, there's no way I could have a white couch. Every piece in your apartment has to be functional(and stylish). Moving furniture in and out isn't easy- so you should be VERY confident in each piece you decide on. If you're not 100%, dont bring it.

  83. what I've learned from white lounging:

    white + men = dirt like you've never seen before

    We have a white sofa and as much as I love it, I hate how much I have to clean it and how yucky it looks when it gets dirty. If you do keep it (which is not a bad choice at all!), throw a blanket down so you can avoid cleaning it every day ;)

  84. keep keep keep - you can always re-upholster it if white becomes too problematic, but you might score a place that is big enough to make it a feature in a bedroom or closet - which would be heavenly for you.

    Don't sell, Keep!!


  85. I love white sofas and had a white twill one that wasn't cheap. I felt like I always had to cover it up, but even then, the covers get tossed around and moved aside and over time it'll get dirt and stains anyway! It wasn't worth the stress or disappointment for me. I WILL have a white sofa again but it will not be the main sofa that my dogs and boyfriend have daily access to! I just threw it out and we're getting a dark sofa this time.

  86. I think you'd be crazy not to hang onto it, you'll never find another!

  87. I would only vote to sell it if I was in the area to buy it. Otherwise, I totally think you should find a way to keep it. It's amazing!

  88. I know how you feel as we also have a very light sofa (beige). It's not even white and I'm always paranoid it will get dirty, and yes, sometimes watching over my bf if god forbid we eat on it. I regret paying so much for it and plan on replacing it eventually with leather. I'm too much of a control freak and all I really want is to just RELAX on it!

    It seems to be giving more grief than pleasure. Plus the fact that it's been hidden away, all covered up says something, doesn't it?
    You could sell it or b)reupholstering it again.

    I know you love white furniture(as do I!) so, I think you should sell the sofa. Then in NYC buy an amazing white chair (for your home office)! What do you think?

  89. Have your upholstery/carpet cleaner treat it. I had my white sofa treated. It comes with a life time guarantee against stains. Was expensive to do but worth getting a couch I really wanted!

  90. Yes, this settee woud look fab with your daybed. I have a white settee and a black barcelona daybed in my living room! I love mixing the two styles! Keep them both:)

  91. I love this sofa. I bought one to recover, but now trying to sell it without much luck. I'm convinced there is no imagination in Dallas. I'd cover it in a velvet since they are indestructible.

  92. I actually love the white sofa but I am with your Mr. that with it now being the main couch, its just a bad will be difficult to clean & also to move out of your apartment to while its super chic and lovely..

    I say either sell it and really find something you both love or you can at least have him compromise on for your sense of decor :)


    go with this

    [which you said you wanted your next sofa to be in.] also super chic, cozy & relatively easy to clean as well :)

    Best of luck! Cant wait to see your new apartment & decorating choices!

  93. No, no, no!!!! Don't sell the sofa!!! It's beautiful !!!!

  94. If you keep it, depending on if the back of the sofa shows, you could have guests draw and sign on the back so it gives a fun touch. I saw it a few years ago at a designers house. It was a gorgeous French provincial sofa(just like yours) and the back was her kids artwork totally all over the fabric. That way you won't be too worried about the front getting a spot here or there. :)


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