I'm Moving!

Hello everyone! Remember this post?

Well, my guy was just informed he got a job in NYC!  He & I sometimes chat on Skype video when he's on his lunch break & TODAY he held up this sign....

I SWEAR, my heart skipped a beat! I'm so excited to be moving!!  You see, this past weekend we flew to NYC on a last minute trip for his interviews. While there, we took advantage & viewed a few rentals. We probably saw 20 places, some nice, some not-so-nice. I felt like I was on House Hunters, narrowing it down to 3 places - all on the upper east side- our fave neighborhood.

Now, the challenge is to sell some items in my home, in my closet, sell our car, rent our home (yes, I gave in) & figure out how we're going to ship a few pieces of furniture & clothing! ....AND do this all by Jan 27th.

We need to find a moving company to move a few pieces...as I'll be SELLING my large Crate & Barrel dining table, possibly the dining chairs, my sectional sofa from West Elm, Master bed tufted leather headboard/bed, a few lamps & possibly my dark brown West Elm coffee table (which I love).  Oh yes, & our cool car.....
I'll be posting items FOR SALE on my blog within the next few days...however, if you see something in my home you'd like to buy, just shoot me an email & I'll let you know if I'm selling it. Wish me luck.

Below are some photos from the trip last weekend, including the hotel we stayed in & some of the apartments we viewed!

Came across this building below & thought it was interesting. It's an actually entryway to an apt building...only in NYC.

The hotel - was called "Marmara" - it's a cool place with a nice staff located on 94th & 2nd avenue. Very affordable too! The only issue I had was with the construction on 2nd avenue, but it didn't bother me that much in the morning!  Having a full kitchen was well worth it & saved us a few bucks by cooking.They also have an AMAZING deck area, with views of the city!

 How cool is this? A chandelier in the elevator!!

-images by jen ramos



  1. I'm so excited for you! What an amazing adventure! The lights and the busyness of New York has always appealed to me. Best wishes with everything!

  2. Yay for YOU! It's the best city in the world! :)

  3. I'm so happy for you! Good luck with your move... can't wait to see what you do with your new place!

  4. omgggggg my favorite blog everrrr is gonna be my neighbor!!!!!!! good luck with the move!! can't wait to see what you do with your new apartment! so stressful yet exciting all at the same time!!

  5. That is SOOO exciting! I would die if I was able to move to NY! Congrats an good luk! Can't wait to see your new home! Xoxo

  6. While I'm sure it's going to be stressful moving so quickly, welcome to the east coast! We're glad to have you and I'm sure you'll find a fantastic new home to call your own. Best of luck!

  7. like i said on twitter - HUGE congrats! going after what you want and succeeding, woot!


  8. How exciting!!! I think this is going to be a fabulous change for you!

  9. Congratulations to you and your hubby! I am so excited for you, I know you always wanted to move there! It was meant to be!

    Good luck with the move. I am looking forward to hear about your new adventure in NY!


  10. Best wishes to you guys while you pack up and make the big move!

  11. So excited for you Jen! You must be on cloud nine! Moving can be such a fun/stressful time but it'll all be worth it in the end- can't wait to see which place you choose. I particularly love the place with the dark hardwood floors!

  12. How fun! I love NYC, never been, but I love it. Good luck with your move!

  13. WOW That's exciting!! Congrats and I hope you get through with selling, packing and moving!

  14. congratulations. best wishes on your move!

  15. How exciting! I love New York. I visited NY for the first time over Christmas and I fell in love. I wish I could move there.


  16. WOW That's Exciting!! Congratulations!! I hope you get through with all the selling, packing and moving

  17. Jen....I follow your blog daily. I am so happy for you and "your guy".

    God Bless!

  18. Congrats. How fun, moving is such a great adventure. I love the city. You can get it all done, with style I am sure of it.

  19. I am So Happy you are moving back the NYC!

    God Bless

  20. I go to NYC for work all the time and have never heard of this hotel, but THANK YOU. I really prefer to cook for myself other than the fabulous dinners out there so this is for sure where I'll stay next. You're the best and good luck with the big move!!

  21. Exciting news!!!Those apartments that you posted are SO fabulous!! Congrats again!

  22. a MILLION congrats! We are only about 9 months behind you (i hope!) If you are looking for a real estate broker in the City, my brother is fantastic! I'm sure he would loove to help you find what you're looking for. Just email me if you want his info! Ah, NYC, the greatest city!

  23. Wow! I am very excited for you Jen. You are a very lucky girl. Manhattan is the best city in the world!!! that's where I lived the best years of my life...... You will go far, keep succeding. Many Blessings to you and your Guy. :)

  24. CONGRATS!! Definitely hire a good moving company & I recommend having them do the packing of your things too (clothes, dishes, etc, etc). - with exception of your most valuable things the more they can pack up for you the better. Makes it so much easier to not have to worry bout that.

    CONGRATS!!! Looking forward to your posts in a more inspiring environment ;)

  25. Congratulations! I know what it's like to live out of a big city when you're from one. I sometimes second guess myself now I'm back, but we moved pretty quickly too, and had to ship things "home". It was a harried, stressful time but I didn't regret it for a second. I hope your move goes smoothly & I look forward to seeing photos of your new home as it comes together!

  26. Congrats on joining the fray of NYC livers and lovers. Im sure the move will be stressful but you'll get through it. And how much fun will decorating a new place be?

  27. An exiting new chapter with some nostalgia thrown in the mix; you can't beat that! Many happy thoughts to you! You will have a whole new place to design--hope we all get to see the process!
    Good luck, Jen.

  28. So exciting for both of you!!! :)

  29. Wow that's so exciting! NYC here you come!!! :)

  30. Congrats!! This is so exciting! Looking forward to your new home styling!

  31. Congrats on the move! That is SO exciting!!

  32. This is so amazing! Congratulations on your new adventure! I would loveee to be in NYC and am so, so jealous of you! Good luck getting everything done in time! Y'all certainly are on a tight budget!

  33. Looks amazing!
    I'd love to go to NYC!
    Style in the City

  34. yahoooo!!! so excited for you. i could tell you were ready to live in NYC, so this is great news...I'm also really excited to see posts from your life in the city! :)

  35. CONGRATS!! And might I say welcome home!

    Good luck with the move and transition, I remember my move to NYC eek!!! It's always an adventure!

  36. Congrats on the big move! How exciting to follow your heart!

  37. Oh, lucky girl! ( And congrats to your guy! ) NYC is a place like no other and to live on UES? Fan-freakin'-tabulous. That hotel suite looks nicer and bigger than a lot of Manhattan apartments!


  38. A chandelier in the elevator is way classy! :). Congrats to your guy on the new Job =] and I'm looking to buy a car!

  39. Congrats! Wow... the 27th is soon, but I'm sure you'll manage getting things done by then!

  40. You must take the apt with the iron windows and the view of the Chrysler Building.

  41. Woo woo!! I actually got a few butterflies when I read this post! Haha. Congratulations--I know you will so happy. I will say a few prayers for you guys that you find good renters, a good apartment and good movers. :)

  42. So exciting!! Congrats to your guy for the new job and best of luck organising the move, can't wait to see your NYC posts!

  43. Congrats! I'm SO jealous and SO excited for you! Cannot wait to see how you decorate your new place ;) Btw, got one of your paintings for xmas and absolutely LOVE it!

    Thank you! It was definitely BIGGER than a lot of pats..ver roomy!

  45. Congratulations! Those spaces look great; how lucky!

  46. Congrats!!! So so so fabulously exciting!!! I must say I'm totally jealous but it is so great for you, can't wait to see what you'll be selling!

  47. Congratulations! That's so exciting. I love following your blog and can't wait to see you take on a new place in NYC!

  48. Congratulations! I love following your blog and can't wait to see you bring your style to a new place in NYC!

  49. Congrats!! I'm selfishly very happy that you're coming NYC because now I'll get to apply your fabulous tips to my own apt! Apartments are a lot trickier... Although the UES is sort of our arch nemeses(i'm an UWSider), its a great choice and i'm you'll love it! Good luck with the move!

  50. WoW! Congrats!!! Let the adventure begin - good luck and enjoy!

  51. How exciting for you! Looking forward to reading more about your big move and new home :)

  52. fantastic news! i just moved to paris, to a much smaller apartment than the ones you're looking at i'm sure!


  53. I am so happy for you! I can't wait to see what you do to your new place! Super exciting!

  54. Congratulations! Such good news so early in the year!!
    Looks like 2012 will be a great year!


  55. yay!!! You get to move back to the place you love =) Congrats you & your Hubby. Can't wait to see what you do with the new place =)

  56. congratulations! i got excited, looking through all these photos. those views! amazing.

  57. Congrats!! So exciting. I have lived on the UES for 2 years and love it. In fact one of the apartment pics you showed (the one with floor to ceiling windows looking up 1st ave) is my building. I love the building it is fabulous!! Welcome to NYC!! Can't wait to see which apartment you choose and your decorating.

  58. Oh my gosh, I'm SO excited for you! That is amazing and you must be so happy. I'm glad you're moving to the Upper East, that's where I live so I'll be so excited to see all of your NYC posts! And to hopefully see the progress as you decorate your new apartment! Good for you and good luck with the move!

  59. congrats! that is exciting news!


  60. CONGRATS!! So happy for you both, I know how much you love NYC:))
    Definitively will be checking out your sales & we will have to meet up in NYC one day & have a coffee at Juan Valdez:)

  61. Congratulations!!! Good luck with the move - I can't wait to see how you decorate your new place :)

  62. I'm so excited for you! :) I can't wait to visit New York someday (hopefully soon, since it's not too far from me). If I do go, I'd love to meet up & go for coffee or something :)

  63. Congrats!! That's so awesome! I couldn't imagine moving to NYC. Crazy because I almost did, but things just worked out differently. So cool !!

  64. VERY exciting! Congratulations to you guys. I can't wait to see how you'll do city living with 2 big dogs--I've always wondered how we would do it with 1 boxer.

  65. wow wow wow!!! I visited NYC 2 years ago (I come from Rome, Italy) and I would like to come back!! Good luck for this amazing and incredible adventure!! :)

  66. Wow, totally jealous!!!! Talk about an amazing place to live. I would love to do something like and move somewhere exciting and new. New York would be on my list!



  67. COngratulations! What a great venture you will be on soon! God bless you!

  68. Jen congrats!!!! We are so happy and excited for you!!! We look forward to seeing your journey in NYC :)
    best wishes!!

    Lori and Michelle
    Pure2raw Twins

  69. Congratulation! I'm waiting to see your new house..I'm soooo jealous!!


  70. Super excited for you! Congrats! Can't wait to see pics of how you decorate your new pad!!! I could imagine it'd be gorgeous! :)

  71. Congrats on the new job! Hope you both enjoy NY


  72. Oh! That photo of the apartment lobby with the brick and the greenhouse-type glass? I've stayed there! A big law firm in DC (and NY) has a couple apartments in that building for their clients. It was in cute part of town -- a delicious bagel place around the corner (but I suppose that describes most of NY.) Moving is always so exciting!

  73. Congrats Jen, so exciting! Can't wait to see what you'll share with us now that you'll be exposed to so much amazing things, people, and places! Good luck!

  74. Congratulations Jen, what a great opportunity and the rentals look really nice - good luck and can't wait to see some of your sale items! Best wishes for a safe and swift move! ;-))

  75. Congrats! SO, so exciting!!

  76. Oh thats so nice Jen, I wish you the best with your move. And dont worry bout your lovely home in NV, just make sure you take a big deposit from the renters and IF they make a mess - you can redo the whole house and make it look brand new again. I have a great feeling you will move back to Nevada again after a couple of years. I truly respect you and your Guy (tell "M" i sd hey and still look fwd to working together sometime).

    I use to live in Hoboken and commuted 7 mins to NYC working in the World Trade Centers, so check out Hoboken (Pavonia Newport). You will be living in a NJ zip code but like the previous person commented its just like living in NYC except you dont have the noise of nyc - Most apartments in Hoboken overlooks the WTC area and Empire state it literally 7 mins on a train to NYC - but then again all depends on where "M" job is located and if he doesnt have to travel too far from Hoboken.

    Wishing you the best Jen & M. I think NYC will also give you more inspiration for your painting.

    Take care. More Blessings to you both



  77. Wow! Congrats Jen!! Can't wait to see all the pics of your new place! And now it will be much easier to meet one day! ;)

  78. congrats on the new adventure!

  79. Congrats Jen! New York is the best. I loved seeing the view from my old apartment in your picks. (I lived in Normandie Court on E. 95th For 10 years!) It was a great building for me - I met my husband at a party in my apartment. I hope you enjoy living in the greatest city on earth!!

  80. Congratulations!! That's thrilling! I vote you live near a Crumbs...

  81. So fabulous! I'm crazy jealous. Good luck with the move and settling in. Looking forward to those NYC posts!

  82. Yay! Congrats! That is so exciting :)

  83. Congratulations, Jen! I wish you the best in the new city!

  84. Congrats...!!!Love your blog can't wait to see your posts when you move to NYC. It's the perfect backdrop.

  85. Awesome. It's a huge pain to move in to the city, but once you're there it's great! We moved here 6 months ago and it was not fun, but we LOVE it now! Congrats and welcome! :)

  86. Few years back, i was in your exact shoes. I was unhappy where I lived and constantly thought about moving back to where I went to college. I had this quote on my fridge that said,"Love where you live." (ha I think I still have it) I used to walk by it, until one day I decided to just do it. So i did! I am sooooo glad!! By the way, i totally knew that your would find your way back to NYC! Huge congrats and way to "Live the Life you want to Live!"

    All the best,

  87. crazy excited for you.

    i miss and love nyc so much, my heart skipped a beat for you!

    can't wait to see all the fabulous ways that you will enjoy the city.

  88. Congratulations, I wish you lots of luck and happiness....

  89. Aaawwww...you're moving and now I can't stalk you in Las Vegas! jk

    Congratulations to you both. I'm really happy for you! Good luck with everything!

  90. It´s a great news Jen!! Congratulations!! I am excited to know how it will be your new life and style in the big apple. xoxo from Madrid-Spain!!

  91. Congratulations Jen, so happy for you!
    I understand why you wanted to move, NYC is so amazing.. I will be there for my holidays in May.. This is the only way I can stay in the city since I'm Italian.

    Good luck for everything!


  92. Yipee! The upper East Side is the place Girl!
    Are you bringing the Dogs? Lots of dogs in the city as you know. I am so looking forward to you blogging about all this adventure! It's a fast move, but sometimes it's best that way. Before you know it, you'll be living The Dream!

  93. YAY! R`That is so cool,
    Moving to the coolest city ever!
    Good luck with that;)
    Can`t wait to see your new place.

    Lovely greetings...


  94. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you two! I hope everything goes well.

  95. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you two! I hope everything goes well.

  96. How exciting and scary at the same time! Wish I lived in the US so I could rent your wonderful house!

    Emma xx

  97. yay!!! Congrats and welcome home!

  98. OMG, I cannot wait for you! You are going to love it! Now I can buy your amazing work without worry about shipping costs!! (:


  99. I am SO happy for you, I know how you've talked about wanting to move back to NYC. I wish you luck in selling things and getting everything moved:) Keep us posted!

  100. NYC is not a city for me, but I have so many friends that absolutely LOVE the city. Congrats to you both!!

  101. Congratualtions!! Thats so exciting!!!

  102. So exciting for you! Congrats to your man!

  103. Congratulations! The best of luck to you and your hubby :)

  104. Congratulations!!! So exciting you are going to be close to your family again, it´s an amazing city and good luck moving, your doggies are coming with you right?
    Big hug + love Chnatal

  105. BEAU LIFESTYLE: thanks! Yea, I plan to take the dogs, even at how difficult it was to find a place that accepted both! However my oldest dog has been getting more & more sick each day. He's passing out from his heart problem everyday now as opposed to every month... Sad that he may not make it . He's 13 yrs old :(

  106. Congrats!!! NYS will be a train ride away from me! You should have an art show with your paintings in a gallery! I'll come see it :)

  107. I am so thrilled for you! I cannot wait to see how this amazing city inspires you in your art and in your new home.

  108. wow wow wow!!!! very exciting...and some ah-mazing views. good luck....

  109. Congrats! And can I say that I'm jealous! I was just in NY on Wednesday for work and I wanted to burst into tears when it was time to get on the train to head back home to DC. I love NYC and like you would move back in a heart beat if only my hubby was on board with the plan. Now I get to live through you. Can't wait to see what you do with an apartment in the city!

  110. So excited for your move to NYC!!! Can't wait to meet up when you are settled. Let me know if you have any questions or need recommendations when you get here!

  111. congrats!!! So exciting!!!

  112. OMG sooo excited for you guys! Best of luck this month getting everything ready for the move. Ah I'm so jealous..I love New York!

  113. Congrats on the move to NYC - what a fun experience that's going to be!! Wish I were a bit closer to buy up some of your stuff from you! Best luck on the move!

  114. Amazing!! Congratulations to you and your husband!!

  115. oh my goodness Jen! How incredibly exciting!! Best of luck with the move - I know how stressful it can be especially when you have to do it in a short period of time! Can't wait to see what apartment you pick :)

  116. Hi Jen, congrats, wow it is so wonderful that you are following your heart! I have done also Vegas and couldn't stand it for too long, too shallow and no design culture!

    Best luck with the big move!
    By the way I just moved from California to South Florida and I used this company to move my furniture: boxbros.com (my stuff will arrive next week, I will let you know if they are good! but they were very affordable). And I am sure that you are going to make even a tiny apt look like the coolest environment ever!!

    Hugs & kisses from South Florida,

  117. Congratulations! I moved to NYC from Vegas three years ago. It had always been my dream. Best thing I've ever done. Welcome!

  118. Congrats! I love your work! I noticed that you have a special look over light design. I let you one special link:

  119. Congrats! I love your work! I noticed that you have a special look over light design. I let you one special link:

  120. Congrats Jen - fantastic news! Have you considered an apartment in Brooklyn? :)

  121. Congratulations!!! This is amazing news!

  122. Congratulations Jen!!! That is so incredibly fast to do all of that. You are going to be one busy woman!!!
    Praying for you friend!
    Can't wait to see what you do with the new place!

  123. Congratulations on the move! What an exciting place to be moving to! Can't wait to follow along your journey.

  124. Oh wow! Congratulations to you and your hubby! I'm sure you will LOVE living in NYC!

    I can't wait to see how you decorate your new place! :) Happy packing!

  125. Just came accross your blog and am so glad I did, it's fantastic. The funny thing is that I was looking at the apts. u looked at in NYC, one of the buildings u looked at is the one I live in :). However, moving at the end of the month, but staying on UES, you will love the area, it's amazing!! Welcome to NYC! Looking fwd to reading more of your posts!

  126. Weird comment but did you view The Tate building?!

    Me and my husband had to abruptly move to NYC once upon a time and we ended up there- was so easy!

  127. OMG I miss a few days of visiting your blog cause I had trouble seeing it on my iphone and I missed the big news!! Can't believe
    you are moving to NYC, seems like everyone is headed there. I'm so happy for you, so many times in your blog you mentioned how you missed your family there so I'm sure you will be in heaven living in nyc. On the other hand you did such an amazing job on your house, especially the kitchen, it must be hard to rent it out. Are you taking your dogs with you??? I hope so. Let us know.

  128. MIKKY! HI there :) I know its crazy how things work...but i love that city and glad ill be around my family :)

    Yes taking dogs... :))

  129. Congratulations Jen, that's exactly what you wanted and it has come true. I've yet to visit NY as it's a bit far from Australia (but on th eplans for 2012) but I can see the draw for you not to mention to be back close to family.
    Good luck with the move and I can't wait to see what you do with your new place in NY.

  130. Hi Jen,
    So glad you're taking your pooches! You'll get to buy them cute doggie coats and booties for the cold weather. Enjoy your last few days in Vegas.

  131. congrats Jen, how exciting!! best of luck!

  132. Everything is falling into place, happening as it should, am so happy for you guys! What an exciting move, congratulations! May all your hopes, wishes and prayers come true and here is to no longer being the elephant in your room in your local Starbucks! Miss Walker xx

  133. Hey Jen,
    Best of Luck with the move, maybe once you guys live here, we can meet for coffee.

    BTW, Marmara is owned by turkish company. They have amazing hotels around Turkey.

  134. Excellent! Good luck with the new surroundings. It can be so very exciting to explore all the locations outside your new home, no? It's an adventure, with the benefit of having a place to rest close by...

    -Randolph Coleson-

  135. Congrats!! This is so exciting! Looking forward to your new home styling!
    Movers New York

  136. How Exciting, Congrats to you both!! Can't wait to see what you do with your new spaces!! And You will fit right in with us NYer's!!


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