Submit Photos of Your Closet...(Via Made By Girl)

Most women are fascinated with shoes & handbags.

But we need to have a place to put them right???   It's such a gift to be able to have a LARGE closet that you don't have to share with anyone! 

It's not that we as women don't like to share, it's just that many of us really NEED all the space we can get!  I admit, I have lots of purses, lots of jeans & plenty of shoes.  Thank God for my guy, he was kind enough to build an entire shoe rack for the shoes and put together the IKEA closet system you see below....which is so convenient. 

The BEST part is that we do not share closet space, because if we did, it would be VERY cramped!  So, with this post, I'm going to put a call out for submissions of YOUR CLOSET.

Do you have a nice closet? If so, I'd love to post it here on Made By Girl!!

What I'm looking for:
  • It has to be your own (not shared) and must be shot in daylight without a flash (if possible). 
  • It doesn't have to be GRAND or anything like Mariah Carey's - but it should be cute enough to share with others! 
  • email me 3-4 pictures describing what you have in your closet & your favorite part about it as well as a link to your blog.
  • not all closets will be posted, but please don't let that detour you away from submitting! Thanks!!

Below is my closet....

-top 4 images via Nuevo Estilo
-bottom image via jen ramos



  1. Wish I could enter my closet this summer, because its a hot mess.

  2. I wish I had a mongo closet...

  3. looking forward to seeing future posts. have a great weekend.

  4. closet! if only! I get one rack, one measly rack, and with the heavy, noisy sliding mirrored doors that grace the "area", I only get to access one half of it at a time.

  5. I wish my closet was finished to show it to you, but I don't think you would do this post as a mensual post or whatever, would you? BTW I'm happy to say that I'm on my way to have my dreamed closet (as far as I can)

    The Elegance Hunter


  6. interesting to see the future closets. I don't have a one :-) I read a book by Karen Kingston "Clear your clutter with Feng Shui". It inspires... So I left just a few things I love. Happy weekend, Jen!

  7. I love your closet! Stunning!

  8. I wish had a nice closet like your


  9. I love your closet! Can't wait to see the pictures you share. Have a lovely weekend!

  10. Ohhh i have total closest envy!!! happy weekend!

  11. I am currently in the process of designing our walk in(through) robe for our new house. It leads into the ensuite and will have a his and hers sides... Can't wait for it to be finished!


  12. These are awesome! I'm actually moving into a place sans boyfriend (ugh, long story) soon but since the closet space is minimal at best I was thinking of turning my bedroom into a walk-in closet that I also happen to sleep in! Just because I can... :-)

  13. I wish I could submit a photo but my own closet is still on the planning stage. Right now I'm sharing my present closet with my hubby:( But I'm very much excited to see what you're reader can post. It will be a great added inspiration for me.

  14. AnonymousMay 07, 2011

    How I wish I had a huge closet. I have a tiny 1930s wooden wardrobe which is CRAMMED full of clothes (and which the cat sleeps on top of). My shoes are in big cardboard boxes under the bed but our home is too small for anything fancier.

  15. Jen, what if it's just a rack of clothes? Which is how half of my wardrobe is kept. Does that count?

  16. I just moved two days ago ! Wish my new walk in closet was set up !


  17. AnonymousMay 07, 2011

    I only wish that I could keep my things so neatly organized. Invariably they always end up in a big heap. If I had a closet like the one in photo #4 though, I might be able to keep things neat. Maybe.

  18. I may not have a "pretty" closet like Mariah Carey, but I have an entire closet room, that my husband and mother-in-law created due to lack of space in our interim apartment, that managed to follow us into our house. It's creative and made with love <3

  19. I wish mine was post-worthy - it is so tiny, and my clothes are exploding out of it! That's what I get for moving into a small apt in Boston's historic district. :)

    ~Kirsten @ Triple Max Tons

  20. Seriously, you should do a post on the closet on HGTV's Million Dollar Rooms {yes, rooms not houses} This woman had a 5 million dollar closet that was two story. It was a site to see. I dvr'd it last week but I am sure there must be something on their site to watch or look at pictures, it is a must see!

  21. ANASTASIA: Go ahead and email me what you have & i'll let you know !thanks! :)
    jen (at) madebygirl (dot) com

  22. I'm afraid my closet could only be submitted for laughs.

  23. Fun! What is the deadline for this? Would love to submit.

  24. MELISSA: sorry about that... Deadline is May 13th ;) look forward to seeing your pics thanks!

  25. sadly i don't have a very big closet, and i share mines with my boyfriend. but where looking to re organize to make it work for us, any ideas on what we can do since we have limited space?

  26. I personally praise the simplicity of closet #4. Even with no chic details, the idea of organization is very much incorporated in the design. Organization is something very important when it comes to designing a closet or clothes cabinets NJ. Anyhow, all pictures are wonderful. Thanks for sharing.


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