For Mom...(Via Made By Girl)

Heading to NYC tomorrow - it's quite exciting! I'll get to see some friends I haven't seen in so long & meet new ones at BlogFest. Very cool.... 

The best part is I'll get to see my family again!  I didn't give my mom a gift on Mother's day because I thought a painting would be a lot more special. So, I sent this piece to her today & hopefully by the time I'm there it'll be hung in her place!

She told me she wanted something with some this is what I came up with. Can't wait for her to get it!

-image by jen


  1. I am sure your thoughtfulness and beautiful painting will bring a smile to your mom's face. What a great mother's day gift! Have fun at BlogFest and don't forget to share the pictures and details. :)


  2. Hey Jenn I paint as well and often use gold in my paintings, do you mind sharing what brand of gold you use it looks great. I've bought a few but they are too dull so I just use spray paint which is much more difficult to manipulate. Thanks!

  3. I love how the metallic gold shimmers through the light of the painting!

    Have a wonderful weekend and safe trip Jen!

  4. Awww I love it Jen!! And so will your mama have so much fun in NY!

  5. That piece is beautiful !! I love the gold.


  6. So pretty! I'm sure she's going to love it! :)

  7. ARIANNA: Hope so! so excited !

  8. LOve Love Love that's it!

  9. Love your ikat shoes! Did you just get them? I remember seeing them on your shoes post this week ;)

  10. AnonymousMay 14, 2011

    Ditto Jody!!

  11. Oh wow, I love your work Jen! Im sure your mum will be over the moon about this gorgeous piece xo

  12. Total inspiration to get my closets act cleaned up asap!

    Delighted Momma

  13. Ahh I commented to the wrong post...but this is beautiful as well! You are super talented. WOW

  14. Beautiful! How sweet of you:) I'm sure your mom will be delighted.

  15. Ooo - I love this painting. So vibrant. I'm sure she will love it - what a thoughtful gift.

  16. I'm in love with your painting style!

  17. What a gorgeous painting! Getting a painting would definitely be special. You need to make more! I love the colors you use. Inspires me to dabble :P

    Karen O.

  18. I love the colours in this painting. It's like sunkissed water, please tell me, do you have an inspiration for each piece of art or do you just put brush to canvas and see what happens?

    I adore painting, it's so theraputic. For a while I've had my paints where I can easily get to and canvases waiting to be dressed but for some reason I just can't begin.

    Haven't painted for years, so out of touch. I'd love to do something for my lounge. Do you have any tips on completing an original piece?

    Saffron x

  19. SAFFRON, you really have to be in the mood to paint. I have days that I don't want to paint at all...and other days where i look forward to it.
    However, I suggest just starting something and practicing..sometimes the first one will be the worst - so keep trying until you get something you like. You can just paint over the first painting if you don't like it...but i wouldn't paint over a piece more than 3 times. :)


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