Personal Photos....(Via Made By Girl)

This post was supposed to be for May 12th & it WAS UP (for a few hours) until Blogger decided to do maintenance for an entire day in a half & DELETED it along with the 60 comments! Sorry if your comment got deleted, but please feel free to comment again.

Thanks to Christie from Chic Love blog who was nice enough to send the post (I thought I'd lost) to me via email (she had it in her reader)! Thank God! I'm sending Christie anything she wants from Made By Girl she wants as a thank you!!
I love it when bloggers post PERSONAL photos of things they own or just pictures of inside of their home. Know what I mean? I find it intriguing to see what people own, what they buy & even what type of dog they have! Nonetheless, it's just a small & narrow window into their lives. 

How about you? Do you enjoy looking at these types of photographs on blogs? 
Even though we shouldn't always judge a book by it's cover.... you can kind of tell (by looking at my pictures) that I pretty much enjoy shoes, fashion, art, jewelry & doggies!  But, I'm far more than what you see in these photos & I'm sure other bloggers you follow are also much more than what you see & read.  

This is just a very small snippet of my life. Hopefully one day I'll add a baby to these pictures....

Ikat shoes by Enzo Anglioni

An 8x10 painting I did - soon to be available at Cocoa & Hearts

Python business card holder & leopard wallet- I'm in love with leopard print - as if you couldn't tell.

A few of my necklaces. My favorite is the cross with the purple stones.

Marc Jacobs handbag hanging in my dressing area.

A painting I originally did for Cocoa & Hearts, but I decided to keep it.  It's now hanging in my bathroom.

One of my boxers....she loves sleeping on her sheepskin

my handy dandy closet- super convenient.

new (earth friendly) business cards...

A white boxer I had a few years ago - she passed away in 2006 - I miss her so much.

One of my current favorite design books 'Undecorate', fresh carrot juice & a small Cocoa & Hearts piece I made. Will be adding some similar 8x10's soon to the gallery! 

-all images by jen ramos


  1. That was an awesome dose of gorgeousness there lovely!! LOVE the new business cards and exciting! :) x

  2. Love your closet it looks like a store!!

  3. Love those Ikat shoes!!! Great pics, thanks for sharing them!

  4. Fun photos! I agree that it's nice to see a little into prople's lives! Have a great day!

  5. thank you for the little peek inside your life! Agree with Anna your new business cards are fab! Also, I have major closet envy ;)

  6. Thanks for a sneek peek into your life! :) I totally love love love your new closet and your Marc Jacobs ... I HEART it!! I also love how you included your "babies" ... they are absolutely lovely. I had a Golden Retr. who passed and there's not a day I don't think about her and miss her.

    Can't wait to see more of your paintings!

  7. Your closet is amazing and don't even get me started on your shoes! Love your style! Thanks for sharing!

  8. i love the snippets of your life, they were beautiful. and i am the same way - much prefer personal photos from bloggers, to photos of others' designs, or something we've all seen 100 times!

  9. AnonymousMay 12, 2011

    Awesome pictures. Thanks for sharing!

  10. I love this kind of posts!!! Especially I love your closet:) Amazing:)
    Im in love with dogs as well! I have one, but I would like to have two:)

  11. Love this post! I also enjoy looking at bloggers personal things,new purchases, and what's in their closet or in their bag. As far as I enjoy looking- at the same time I'm happy that they able to purchase new things that they love.:) Awesome marc jacobs bag:)

  12. Jen,

    Everthing is beautiful at your place, but I can't imagine seeing it w/out the colors you bring with your art. They look like the rainbow! I love every single one.

    Have a blessed day!


    Luciane at

  13. LOVE IT!
    Will you be adding prints as well?

  14. awww. i love your white boxer <3 I had a white great dane with blue eyes who passed away too young.

  15. Yay for white boxers. We currently have one and he is the best dog EVER....

  16. Jen,
    Where to start?! You are such an inspriation. I love your new Cocoa & Hearts site!!!

    Leopard, snakeskin....a resounding yes from me!

    And, your sweet pup. My new KCC, Molly, is laying over my lap as I type. Have had her less than a month...and can't imagine her not being here.

    I'll be looking for you at Blogfest!!! I would love one of those new earth friendly cards!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  17. You take gorgeous pictures and I'm still so envious of your closet.

    Oh and your boxer? So sweet. My pug loves his sheepskin too!

  18. How did I not know you had boxers!! Mine was a naughty girl this morning, but I can't stay mad because she makes me so happy every day!

  19. oh the things i would do for your closet! leopard print never seems to get old does it :) x

  20. Ohh I love this post! That Ikat print shoe has me squealing :-)

    A Girl's Next Best Friend

  21. Hello!
    I'm from Brazil and I liked to know your blog.
    Good morning!

  22. thanj you for that as i agree its always nice to see some of peoples lives, we might be getting an australian bulldog yours looks really cute its sad when we have to say goodbye to our loved pets your boxer looks very cute and spoilt xo

  23. Love this post. I have been trying to share a little bit more lately too. I started a new "fashion focus" serries showing styles/jewelry/clothes I'm wearing. It's been fun.

  24. It's so nice to see bits about the person behind the blog!
    Jen, you are such an entrepreneurial/creative inspiration.

  25. yes! my favorite blogs are those that let us into their home and give us a snippet of their personal life. so....envious of your closet and shoe/boot collection. jen over at "i heart organizing" gives a great idea for boot storage. take an old magazine and roll it up and slide it into your boot. an instant boot shaper! of course, i haven't done this yet, i need to....but seeing your sweet boots in your closet made me think of it. ;)

  26. I love personal photos - that is what makes blogs so great!!! So excited to see pieces you've painted in your home. Will you post about the piece you kept in more detail? I'm so curious to see it hung up.

  27. please do more of these! I agree I love to see glimpses into other artists lives... your work is BEAUTIFUL jen!!!!

  28. Most of us love to take a peek at other people's belongings or new purchases because it's fun and intriguing at the same time.

    By the way, I love your ikat print shoes, the decorative coat hook, the painting and of course, your fabulous closet!

    Good post, thanks for sharing!


  29. This is a random comment, but I just love the colors of your paint.. I was wondering what brand acrylics are your favorite?

  30. Wow! I love it....that closet!?! And your boxer is the sweetest thing ever.

  31. oh my-- I'm totally in love with your closet-- especially your shoe collection!

  32. AnonymousMay 12, 2011

    Oh! You would be the perfect person to ask! I lost my pup a few months ago and am missing having a doggie in my life. I've always loved boxers but never owned one.. obviously you're crazy about them... what are their positives and negatives (if any!)

  33. I love looking at peoples stuff too! This is the link to my blog, i don't keep up on it that much but i just did my own little home tour. i am simple decorator, and wish i could be more like the peoples homes you post but it is good for me!

  34. i love your closet! i'm in love with leopard prints too. your dog is so cute. mine likes to sleep on our sheepskin rug too. thanks for sharing. love your work.


  35. this may sound cheesy but... i feel like i know you from following your blog and this post def. helped! you seem like an amazing chick with kick ass style!!! jb.

  36. Great photos. I love looking at personal photos people post. The painting that you hung in your bathroom is soo pretty!! And love the little painting too.


  37. your biz cards are too cute. cant wait to grab one at blogfest. i am going to want one of your 8x10 paintings they are gorgeous
    manvi @ mochatini

  38. Oh, I love your artworks!

  39. Fab post Jen! You have amazing style!

  40. I just found your blog, and am officially a new follower! Love those shoes your wearing, and that photo of your pup :)

  41. I also love a glimpse into someone's life...especially if they have a fabulous shoe collection! I'm also a fan of your art...check out some of my art and distressed frames if you have a chance. Jennifer

  42. great pics, Jen!

    I'm in love with your closet; you could rent it out like a hotel room!

  43. CHIC GEEK: Sounds fun! I'll check it out! :)))thanks!

  44. MOCHATINI: Ha! Of course....:) Looking forward to meeting you as well! :))

  45. MERELY MARIE: Aww thanks! Im glad you like!

  46. TANYA: It's hanging in my bathroom...the picture may actually appear in the next issue of Adore Magazine, so I may have to wait to post it :) Dont want to spoil it.

  47. AnonymousMay 12, 2011

    I LOVE the Ikat heels! So haute :D

  48. ELISABETH- BOVAGOODS: Ahh yes ...someone else told me about this. I thought of doing it and then decided to just leave them as is. Who knows maybe i'll try it sometime, thanks!

  49. AMANDA LEIGH: i love Golden acrylics or Atelier Interactive acrylics....even though i use others- those are the two i prefer :)))
    Sometimes i'll add some oils...depends.


    Pros- they are very affectionate, they aren't barkers, really dont bark that much at all unless someone is at the door. They love to play, very smart.

    Cons: They are not guard dogs, if thats what you want. They will bark at door but will want to give the person kisses when they walk in ha!
    They don't live as long as some breeds, most of my boxers have lied up to 8-9 yrs old, even though they can live more than that ....

  51. LUCIANE: Thank you! :)) Enjoy your day too!

  52. KELLY: i know what you mean...when they misbehave i get a little upset...but for the most part they are pretty darn good so i cant complain.

  53. LAYERS OF MEANING: Prints of what?

  54. AnonymousMay 12, 2011

    OMG I am in love with your closet!!! What did you use for the shelves?

  55. AnonymousMay 12, 2011

    Omg I am in love with your closet! What did you use for the shelves?

  56. BERNADETTE: My guy made the shelves- i believe he used 1 x 2 regular pine from home Depot for the shoe shelves. :)

  57. I love seeing personal photos, it is like a sneak peek into your real life! Love all your paintings, and the shoes - love the shoes!

    Hugs & kisses from Rio!

  58. I know. It deleted everyone's last posts! What a drama! Cute shoes!

  59. Yes I love seeing pictures like this. It's the little things that make life so sweet!

  60. Lovely pictures...the boxers are cute, love the closet, and ready for an 8x10


  61. Love this post. Nice to have a glimpse on the more "personal" side of my favorite bloggers. Have a great weekend.

  62. i love this post, Jen! your dogs are so sweet. blogger is such a PITA! i just switched to WordPress and am a little intimidated but loving all of the useful plugins! have a great weekend, shari

  63. I loved this post the first time....and I love it still again.

    Looking forward to meeting you next week at Blogfest! Have a very merry weekend!!

    xo Elizabeth

  64. I love the photo of your shoes and bags

  65. So sorry! I know I made a great comment but I don't remember now. I love the pics!

  66. Love this post! Yes, I love seeing what others have in their homes, the style of clothes they wear, and books they read. I'm so drooling over that closet of shoes!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE accessories!...and have more than I have space to keep them. Such sweet dogs! Love your art!!! Happy weekend to you! ~OxO

  67. Always love your closet with the shoes displayed so beautifully! And course pictures of the doggies are the best!

  68. LOVE your closet!'s on my list of must haves. Thanks for sharing.

  69. LOVE!!!! I would definitely love to buy a few 8x10 pieces! I still have to send a photo of my LOVE print. It's my favorite.

  70. LOVE!!! I would definitely purchase a few 8X10 pieces! I still have to send you a photo of my LOVE print. It's my favorite.

  71. I love seeing what things people have in their homes too. It's always quite special. Nice shoes! And those smaller painting are just gorgeous! x anastasia

    Enjoy your NY trip!

  72. I am absolutely LOVING those ikat shoes...


  73. Love this post! Those shoes are awesome! I have the Francesca MJ bag in the same color and get compliments on it all the time. So pretty! Happy weekend!

  74. your boxer is adorable. She looks just like my Layla:)

  75. Great post. I am totally jealous of your shoe collection... and that wardrobe! And, yes love having glimpses into other people's lives - especially when they're as stylish as yours! C from Stylish Irish

  76. I am INSANELY jealous of your closet! :)

  77. Sorry about all your comments deleted Jenn! Comments on my blog never came back either. Loooove your post though. You are right, looking at pictures of regular everyday things is fun! Might have to do this someday and take the camera off my kids for a little bit, LOL!

  78. I love seeing pics like this. They're original, and it's quite clear you have so much style!

  79. loving your closet. lucky lady.


  80. You have amazing style. What kind of paint do you use for your artwork? I love the color combos you choose. They're unexpected and femenine.

  81. Hey Girly! hope your moving is going great! I just wanted to see if you could provide the company you used for your business card. I would love to do my eco-friendly!! Thanks!

  82. I've come to realize that the only time I ever get jealous is when it coems to other womens shoe storage. I want to showcase my heels terribly! I want to walk into my room nad see them and get instantly happy....that would be the best, lol.


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