My CANON Rebel XS SLR for Sale...(Via Made By Girl)


Hello everyone! I wanted to let you all know that my CANON Rebel XS SLR is for now for sale at Jennifer's ClosetReason? 

I've purchased another camera & I'm no longer using this one anymore. This is a FANTASTIC camera if you really want to UP the quality of the photos on your BLOG & so on!  It has 10.1 Megapixels & I've shot most of my recent BLOG pictures with it! I rarely ever used the flash, so it's practically new.  


4.9 x 3.8 x 2.4 inches

This cam retails NEW for $479.00 or higher in some stores. You can see what I'm selling it for here.
It's in great condition & shoots gorgeous pictures as you can see below: 

MINOR ISSUE: The only thing it has is a bit of WEAR on the rubber, where you hold the camera at the bottom, but it's very MINIMAL and doesn't affect the camera. It is not a chip, just wear on the rubber piece.  Lens is a little dusty on the outside part where you hold it, but the lens glass itself has nothing wrong with it & is CLEAN. Does NOT include memory chip.

Includes everything that it would normally come with when you purchase it from a store. Includes battery charger, lens cap, strap, original box, cd, and a few cables. This is a great camera and has gotten great reviews on Amazon, you can read more here.

So, if you want a great SLR camera with 10.1 MP and want to SAVE A little $, then this is a good deal!



  1. I wanted it, too. Guess I was too slow! Now I'm hungry after looking at those photos!

  2. Cool and what´s your new one? Can u tell us?

  3. Hey Jen,

    what is your new camera?? I am in the hunt for a new one. I am big Nikon Fan but ppl tells me to change it to Canon.

    My heart is at Canon Mark II 5D but retails over 3,300.00.. Should I settle for Nikon D90 for 1K? Pls helppp

  4. NEW YORK MUTHARI: It really depepends what you'll be using the camera for. I learned my lesson a few years back when i bought the NIKON D100 for $2000. At the time it was the best megapixel you could find (6 megapixel)!!!! Now its sitting in my garage, and even though i used it, it really depreciated in value. I now have the Canon EOS REBEL t2i - 18 MP. It's amazing and shoots HD video too.

  5. Hi Jen,

    I'm considering purchasing a Canon XS and would be using it for my new blog. (I wish I had seen this post a few hours before Sarah beat me to the punch, haha!)

    Were you happy with it overall? Your photos are always so beautiful. Any tips?


  6. ERIN: Yes! I loved it..I only sold it because i needed something even bigger in pixels. The one I sold was 10.1 MP which is GREAT for blog photography. But i also shoot my products and so on, so it was something i felt i needed. I definitely recommend CANON SLR cams.

  7. Thanks so much Jen.. I will take a look of that model.. I am not so familiar with Canon (except for Mark II D )..

    This is currently a hobby but I was asked to be a professional photographer for an event.. I did not make up my mind yet.. But I really want a good camera..

    I feel for your Nikon purchase. I have the same dilemma. I remember buying 4 mp camera for $475.00 (employee discount) and I thought what a technology.. now ppl have 21 mp... I really wanna have big prints that's another reason why I need a new camera.

    Thanks again.

  8. Jen,
    Did you get 13-55 or 18-135??
    Pls advise.

  9. NEW YORK MUTHARI" I just have the lens the cam came with 18-55

  10. This is a great camera - I bought the same one last year. Whoever bought it will love it!

  11. Thanks so much, Jen! Great to hear Joanna loved it as well.

    Really appreciate the feedback and Happy Friday!


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