Montse Esteva's Home In Spain...(Via Made By Girl)

We are now officially back to work & ready to tackle whatever may come. During the weekend I came across my DREAM home via Nuevo Estilo. This home belongs to decorator, Montse Esteva and it's a gorgeous home situated in Spain. My fave part?? The black DRAPES & wood floors!

I'm not even KIDDING when I tell you I envisioned long black DRAPES like this for my master bedroom windows!  Unfortunately, I have yet to find the time! Either way, this home was truly inspirational & I'm now wishing I could FLY abroad & visit Spain this year!
I heard shopping there was a real treat..... from fashion to this true??  
Is Spain a great place to shop??!? 

 -images via nuevo estilo



  1. Beautiful!! Those drapes are so lovely and the colour palette is awesome!

  2. Her house is beautiful....very inviting! I would LOVE to have a backyard garden like that!!!

  3. Everything about this house is just so inviting and homely. Love it!

  4. Seriously love the drapes...creates a dramatic effect. All rooms are very romantic and dreamy! I would love to paint something similar to the large canvas from the living room!

  5. I love the backyard area. How amazing would dinner be there? Moving to spain ASAP

  6. I love long black drapes, it adds so much drama to the room:-)

  7. The architectural details of the house are stunning. The decor really compliments it.


  8. Yes, shopping in Spain is awesome. Love Lefties (Zara's old stock at great prices) & Zara Home, wish it would come across the pond.

  9. agree! this home is stunning!

  10. WOW! What a great home! the curtains are fantastic and the garden/lanai is just perfect place to unwind, read books and sip coffee or tea! What a relaxing place to come home! I hope you could able to post more photos like this one. Truly an inspiration!:)

  11. Stunning!

  12. It's beautiful, I love how they have seamlesly mixed new & old, post modern & elizabeathan!

  13. Wow really gorgeous! I adore the use of different chair on their dining room table, they mixed the famous Panton chair with louis xv ones - how cool is that! Thank you for the inspiration, I will save for future reference for my dream house!

  14. Beautiful place! Simply so charming and cosy :)

  15. GORGEOUS home! I love every bit, and I could totally see you in this space Jen! Love the white walls and moulding details the most :)
    Nancy xo

  16. that house is clean and glamorous!!!

  17. I die over the Panton chairs and rustic table combo! I did an entire post on it!
    Luv it!

  18. Oh pretty please can I have that pink bedspread!

  19. What a stunning home...every single detail is gorgeous!! and yes those drapes...fabulous!! I love Panton chairs, more so when paired with traditional chairs, so the dining room is my favourite part...I'm going to buy a pair soon to put at both the ends of my dining table!! love that pink suzani too!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day, Jen...hope you'll keep visiting!! xx meenal

  20. for Spain...I've only ever visited Barcelona...can't recommend it enough...absolutely beautiful, vibrant city!! shopping, food,street scenes...everything is just fabulous...I'd go there again just for Gaudi's architecture too...I dream about the Passion facade of La Sagrada Familia often!! xx meenal

  21. People in Spain seem to have impeccable taste! The shopping is fantastic and the people (of Madrid at least) are ALWAYS dressed to the nines. I loved living there and it's a fantastic place to visit.

  22. People in Spain seem to have impeccable taste! The shopping is fantastic and the people (of Madrid at least) are ALWAYS dressed to the nines. I loved living there and it's a fantastic place to visit.

  23. White walls never looked so good. Love it all!

  24. WOW this house is amazing! So many pretty colors and furniture! the light in the house is amazing too!

  25. What a beautiful space, very calm and sophisticated, but still homely.

  26. I LOVE the white panton chairs! They look perfect with the black drapes.
    Last month I bought 10 panton chairs for our dining area. It looks fantasic :)

    Spain is a great place for shopping. 2 years ago i visited Valencia. It's such a stunning city. So great design and furniture shops. Love to go there again.

    Greets from Germany!

  27. I love the windows in the lounge and that courtyard/garden area is amazing!

  28. Yes Jen, Spain is a great place to shop!! Especially shoes!! There is so much offer and qualities that you'll find shoes for all tastes and budgets.

    I think the States are better for buying clothes and sports equipment.

    Home furniture... is begining to grow... but still lofts of old, traditional and rustic stuff... not my taste. Zara Home is getting very popular, they sell nice quality things, although a bit expensive sometimes. Ikea is the King right now like everywhere else in the world.

    If you ever come to Spain, please email me, I'll give you a few tips to enjoy shopping and especially eating!!

    Lots of love from Spain


  29. I live in Spain and I must to say that you're going to see a lot of beautiful things. You should come to Madrid and go to Barcelona too.

    I love your pics :)

  30. What a beautiful stunning home! Such refined eclecticism... I could move in and be very happy there, and not change a thing!

    I adore the home tours you feature and all the fantastic inspiration you feature. Your blog is one of my addictions :)

    ~Meera @ firstsense

  31. Absolutely stunning! Love the whole house! x

  32. In LOVE w/ the office! xo

  33. I love the dark wood floors - beautiful!

  34. Beautiful hallway! I love that old bench :)

  35. Do a post about Spain if anyone gives you shopping finds! I am dying to go!

  36. LECKERPIXEL: Wow 10 chairs?? I would love to see a pic of how you put it all together!

    DELIKATESSEN: Thank you for the tip. I like some rustic items, but more like one more. OH & YES! I heard Span was great for shoe shopping! :)

    BOBBIE JO: That is something i noticed too. Every time I see tourist from Spain here in town,they look so chic and their outfits are (like you said) to the nines. Soo true. I need some of that inspiration...

    AMY- thx! Will check it out.

  37. Oh my goodness, this space is gorgeous. I'm very into black drapes and lamps right now - this place has it all.

  38. Yes, shopping in Spain is AMAZING!!


  39. just had to say, love it, love it, love it.

  40. Love shopping in Spain! Is it just me or is everything less expensive than the states?! Spanish ZARA alone makes me dream of going back...Forgot how much I miss traveling there...thanks for the post!


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