Blogging...(Via Made By Girl)

Every so often while reading other blogs I come across a post about real feelings & emotions. What a person is REALLY thinking. I love reading posts that I can relate to....a post where I leave thinking, "I know exactly what she means." 

This particular post by fellow blogger Tamara from Get it Girl Style is one I think you should read. If YOU blog, I'm SURE you'll know what she's talking fact, it reminded me of when I first started blogging back in 2007 & how many of the BIG name bloggers didn't even give me the time of day. The UGLY competition, constant cliques & so on.  

Till this day, I can HONESTLY tell you that Holly Becker from Decor8 was one of the ONLY bloggers (in 2007) that was genuinely nice to me. For that, I thank her.

There were days I received UGLY comments & days that I felt my business was going nowhere! There were also a few BIG name BLOGGERS who weren't so nice, but that's another post. Anyhow, check out Tamara's post (which got me thinking about all this) here

-image via get it girl style


  1. That post was wonderful! Thank you so incredibly much for sharing that Jen. Really. <3

  2. Tam is a good friend of mine and that post was so truthful!

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  3. Every once in a while you chance upon a post that feels like someone wrote that with you in mind...same with Tamara's post many issues that go through my mind every day...generosity indeed is a very rare attribute and very few possess it. I'm sure the established bloggers are well aware what a comment from them can mean to a newbie...not only as a traffic generator but also a genuine morale booster...I've had a few uplifting experiences....they do help get over the deafening silence ( of comment-less posts)sometimes. Louise, of Table Tonic will always have a very special place in my heart as she featured my tiny blog on hers...a complete surprise to there are kind people...but they are few and far between. Thankyou for such a relevant post and the link to Tamara's post you must know what your little comment on my blog meant to me :) xx meenal

  4. Tamara is one clever cookie! And I think she sums it up pretty well by just saying..DO YOU...if you are true to yourself and what your blog is all about..then that is all that matters. To be genuine and be grateful for the blessings that come along the way. Thanks for sharing Jen x

  5. Great article thanks for sharing!

  6. I'm really sorry to hear that you were ever treated like that Jen, and I'd like to say I have always enjoyed reading your blog. I hope that positive people in your blogging circles far outweigh the not so nice ones. Well done on all your achievements!

  7. Thanks so much Jen for posting the link. I was unsure if I should speak the truth that was in my head. But I knew I wasnt alone, so why thanks again. I appreciate you, and everyone that blogs their truth. I honestly feel 10 pounds lighter.


  8. You know, that post left me thinking, for it says a lot of unspoken truths. I think the worst part for new bloggers is precisely that, realizing that the blogosphere is not a frendly environment and there are lots of hidden interests, fake alliances and hipocresy. It's like everywhere after all. Personally I believe that it's one who decides how you're going to play your part; becoming a flatterer to get featured or just enjoying to share what you like, do your best and learn. Thanks for sharing the link. Xo

  9. Thank you so much for sahring that with me. I appreciate it so much. Its funny because I have been thinking about that for the last 2 weeks now and felt her post was truthful and sincere.I like people like that.Thanks deb

  10. I agree, it's a good post. It's always sweet to receive comments from nice bloggers whose blogs you've visited, but I do recall in the past some bloggers who never cared to say hi at my blog even once, or react to any of the dozens of comments I've posted on their blogs. I felt like I was talking to a wall & after a while, I lost interest in coming back to their blogs. But I'm glad some of my blog readers now are bloggers who do react, and their reactions encourage me to keep coming back to their blogs...and now I do feel that some kind of friendship is growing between me and them. :-)

  11. Oh i feel the same way! but i always try to just keep cool and stay nice :D

    hope to some other blogger, i'm also the other (or one of the few others) who are nice to them :)

  12. On your recommendation I read the post. It was a great read. I love it when people are honest. A great post about what blogging is really about for some people.

  13. So glad you posted this Jen!!!

  14. I will go check it out. I don't care how many followers you have... everyone starts somewhere! It does pay to be nice and helpful, I think. You do truly appreciate it when you are starting out and are received warmly. xo

  15. I must be incredibly naive, but I just assumed everyone would be lovely! One of the reasons I wanted to start blogging was because I thought the community was loving and supportive. Luckily, I haven't really come across too much negativity yet, but I've recently read blogs were people are thinking of stopping there's because of the negative comments they've received. So sad :( Anyhooo, I'm rambliing ;) xxx

  16. Thank you for sharing that post, I think most bloggers can relate to these thoughts!

  17. Starting blogging is painful and yeah, there are lots of cliques. If you aren't in one of those, then sorry for you (I'm saying this as someone who's not in any cliques). But the only way to work it through is to just blog on and do is as you do.

    Getting people to comment and interact these days is really really hard. So sometimes it feels like there's no reason to continue doing this.

  18. I'm so glad you directed me to Tam's post. Most days, I feel so insignificant in terms of the design blog world. Not knowing any of the "Big Bloggers" personally, I can't say if their intention is to be clique-ish, but it certainly comes across that way with some of them.
    I've certainly had instances of unreturned emails, total lack of "courtesy comments," etc, and it just seems in such poor taste.

    The other day, I saw a tweet from a well-known design blogger who had been among the "glitterati" during a flurry of design events. She joked about what a small, "inside" group designers/bloggers are. I believe they covet that certain, exclusive status.

    *sigh* Sorry 'bout the soap box! ;)

  19. Look forward to reading this. I definitely remember the bloggers who were so gracious to me in the beginning.

  20. Thank you so much for sharing Tamara's post. It makes me sad to think that people won't support others. There is so much to be gained by helping and supporting each other.

  21. i've gone through similar struggles with my blogging journey! i am finally at a peaceful place where i can mostly say that i just don't care- and then i get an anon comment that is just plain mean! those anon meanies still irk me!!

  22. Great link. I'm a new blogger so I haven't seen a lot of the befriending yet. I do love the part about a blog being a dictatorship!

  23. Thank you for sharing this! I totally agree with most of her points and can really see the cliques that form.

  24. That was one of the BEST posts I have read since joining the blog world. Thanks so much for sharing. Hope you have a great day.

  25. Thanks for the link. I really needed to read this post this week.

  26. I find it so strange that people wouldn't be nice to others. Get over yourselves's blogging not the mafia! I've always loved your blog Jen and you've always been nice to me, so thank you.

  27. This was truly a wonderful post. I've been following your blog for quite sometime and i love it! I just recently started to blog (keeping my fingers crossed)! xo

  28. Jen,

    I completely understand how you felt when you started. I felt the same too. The difference is, that in my case, many or maybe the majority still don't give me the time of day. I get amazed at how many bloggers out there come into my blog but they have never included BV in their blog roll (some have everyone but me). That's why I've always made sure that I reciprocate those who welcome me and come into my blog. Sometimes it gets to the point where I feel "Am I being sabotaged here?" and no I'm not paranoid, that's how I really feel. I did what we all do when we start blogging, email, comment and maybe one or two replies back, Nicole at So Haute was one of the ones who replied back. The person who was nice to you didn't even reply to my email.
    Some bloggers will only mention others when there is something they ca receive back. How sad is that? I guess it's not much different from real life.

  29. Jen, you should know you are the ONE big name blogger that does give me the time of day and I really appreciate it. I will always remember that! Thank you!

  30. Jen, you should know you are the ONE big name blogger that does give me the time of day and I really appreciate that. I will never forget it. Thank you!

  31. Great post Jen! I am relatively new to blogging and the reason I started was to have an uninhibited space to express my creativity within a community of fellow bloggers. I have not experienced this ugly side yet and am hoping I never will. I appreciate your candor and that you are staying true to why you blog in the first place!

    ~ Julie

    PS. your boxers are adorable!

  32. What a great post! I went over to read Tamara's post about blogging. I have been blogging on and off for a few years, I am still struggling with it.....Anyway, it sure made me feel like I am not the only one who feels that way!
    P.S. I love your blog and your artwork is great!

  33. LOVE this kind of honesty. These issues translate so nicely to the non-blog world too. I love the chance to really see people's true emotions, fears, concerns, etc., because I think we all get so good at hiding that side of us. Thanks for this post! And for being so kind to the tiny blogs!

  34. It makes me so sad that other bloggers were rude and unwelcoming to such a great newbie like you back when you started! But I'm glad you kept blogging, despite the negativity. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and Tamara's too.

  35. heading over now -- thanks for sharing.

  36. Thanks for sharing this post! I am new to blogging and haven't experienced this yet but it made me realize that I am doing it right by staying true to myself and just enjoying blogging for the fun of it! Thanks for looking out for fellow bloggers, it greatly appreciated!

  37. Thanks for sharing Tamara's post with us, Jen! You're so sweet!

    P.S. I don't think I comment often, but that doesn't mean that I don't love your blog, okay? 'Coz I really, really do!:)

  38. Thanks for posting this, Jen. It was thought-provoking. I haven't had many negative experiences in my blogging career so far, so maybe I've just been lucky.

    Thanks to you and Tamara sharing the wisdom you've gained from your experiences. I'm sorry that you've had to go through all that. I appreciate your collective honesty in letting bloggers know that not everyone will be kind. And I do appreciate your efforts to showcase other bloggers as you can. :)

  39. Thanks for sharing! when I first started blogging, I was really worried about how others might perceive me and my musings. But Tamara is right. Your blog is YOUR blog. It is a dictatorship and not a democracy. I really appreciated reading that.

    Btw, might I add that you are the first "big name blogger" to ever correspond with me. I was so grateful you gave me the time of day! Thanks for being so positive and supportive!


  40. well, that takes care of the feeling that I was the only one!

    Thanks for sharing.

  41. MEENAL:
    I totally understand what you mean about moral booster. I felt very similar when I first started & I got a comment from a BIG name blogger. I remember it made my day...I felt even more hopeful, weird huh?

  42. I adore you and your lovely blog. What a shame that people have to be rude and unsupportive. I don't care how many followers I have. If people love it, great. If they don't, then there are many other blogs to read. I just blog about what I love. I haven't had any negative comments, but have gotten the cold shoulder from some bloggers I have reached out to via email. Thanks for sharing this with us, Jen. xo

  43. Oh My Goodness Jen, I read Tams posts and felt exactly the same way. It felt as if she was reading my mind. I love the honesty of that post and I told her so. As a blogger myself I totally understand the whole clique thing and how some BIG time bloggers only promote other BIG time bloggers. It's really sad :(


  44. Hi there! I'm so glad I found your blog and happened to read this particular post today. It's so true. Blogging for me, has been such a creative outlet and when you're first starting, you really need the support from others. And it's so nice when you reach out to a bigger name and they give you support. I was lucky enough to get it from Taylor at Sterling Style.

    And now... even though I'm only a year in, and still just growing, I try to do the same with other bloggers. As women we should support one another!

    Following you now!

    Again, lovely post. And thank you.


    November Grey

    Visit my new side project on redesigned thrift! Secondhand Star

  45. ANNA WHITE: Yea I also like when she she said " DO YOU". I admit though, at first I was like , what is she talking about with DO YOU...but after I finished reading her post, I got it. :))))

    GRET: Unfortunately, yes... I was treated a bit mean by certain bloggers. But at the end of the day, I forged ahead and am quite happy where i am now. :) Thanks!

    TAM STYLES: Of course! Thanks for writing it.

    MACARENA: You made some great points...and that is true, there are lots of unspoken truths about blogging.... so this was a good example of what some of us will encounter while out there blogging.

    MARIE: I know what you mean. Unfortunately that even happens with me...I will visit a blog several times BUT never see that person comment on my blog. I sometimes try to be positive and say -perhaps they're busy....which sometimes can be true. I know I am probably guilty of that myself at times. Not being able to visit all the blogs that comment on mine. I try to get around but have such limited time.

    DEBBY: Agree, it does pay to be nice & helpful whenever possible.

    GAWGUS THINGS: Yea ,it's a true fact that this does happen. Maybe NOT to all bloggers, but it's out there. I noticed the more traffic and comments I started getting the more UGLY comments started popping up as well! Its sad to think some people will consider quitting because of the rude comments. They made me feel down at times when i first started blogging, but NOT anymore.

    The cliques thing is really annoying...I dont consider myself to be part of any click & i hope people see that about me. In 2007 when i first started writing on my blog, I thought being in a clique was the ONLY way to be successful. I quickly realized its NOT about cliques but who you are and how you write, as well the content you bring to those who read and so on.

    I hear you...
    No one likes un-returned emails..but sometimes that happens. It can be many reasons, person is too busy, emails get pushed to the button, lost and so on. For me, I usually will tend to write back 2-3 times if no response...and after that if no response, I get the picture. Don't feel insignificant....cliques are going to happen, but like tam said just be yourself. Don't worry about what others are doing. A blog is about sharing your inspirations, experiences, trials, projects and so on with others who may be interested. Trust me, i dont like cliques...and its clear there are bloggers who feed off of them. Hang in there! :))

    EMILY CLARK: I remember mine too!

    SPEARMINT BABY: Anon comments...i got rid of that option, so i get the mean comments alot less now.

    TIFFANY:'re welcome!

    SARAH'S FAB DAY: Haha no kidding.

    SAMAH: Yes, it was. Good luck with your blog and welcome!! :)

    JULIE: Alot of how you feel, I felt throughout the first 2 1/2 years of blogging. Sorry to hear you didnt get a response back, odd. I always got an email back when I emailed Holly, she was very pleasant to me even when I had like 7 readers! I do notice the whole mentioning thing that you gain something out of it. I've seen that around as well.

    MORGAN LASKE: aw thank you!

    JULIP: welcome to the world of blogging and hope that you dont encounter things like this :)
    Thanks...they're adorable but can be pesty at times when im working...hehe

    GBLOOM STUDIO"- Many people still struggle after years of blogging, I cant say I know why, but hope things change. Thank you!

    Welcome then :)

    LIZZY: ha! No worries, thanks for reading!

    STEPHANIE: Me? really? Oh! Well, you're welcome. I also like when you she said "your blog is YOUR blog" - love that!

  46. Thank you for the post and link. Very eye opening for sure.
    XO Carrie

  47. ugh, it's so true. It's funny now too how I've watched bloggers go from being nice {to me} and allowing me to help them, then get a little success and stop following me and acting like they never even knew me or even remember that I was their ONLY commenter when they first started. It's very strange. I feel snubbed constantly and it's probably because I don't ever know when to shut my mouth this comment, for instance ;) Going to read the post now . . .

  48. Thanks for the post. As a new blogger this is very helpful.

  49. I totally feel for Tam and since we're being honest here? I have to say something on this. In these comments alone and on her posting as well, there's a HUGE amount of bloggers whom I and my friends have personally commented on their sites MANY times AND sent sincere/interested emails to that never responded or said as much as a BOO. So really? I fully understand that people "get busy" but if you want the love on your blog? You have to give it back too. Not sometimes. All the time. You've created something people enjoy and want to connect with and it doesn't take a lot of time for a simple thank you or acknowledgement.


  50. you are so right. Sometimes I get really frustrated that people who began blogging after me have gained so many followers and opportunities. The content I blog is who I am. If I acted like someone else, it'd be obvious. And to be honest, I wouldn't feel comfortable with myself.

    Thanks for sharing the link. It's nice to hear someone else's opinion on the matter.


    I can see your point... but for me, it's nearly impossible to comment ALL the time on everyone's blog that visits mine...
    In fact the more traffic you gain, the harder that task becomes. I am trying to work on visiting as many blogs as i can without killing my own work. However, there are bloggers that don't comment at all on anyone's blog & they just feed off the attention. That isn't cool.

    I also get a ton of emails each day, so I have to be mindful to try and respond to those people's definitely a lot of work.

    One thing I do is set my google alert so that I can find anyone who mentions my name on their blog. When that happens- 99% of the time i will visit and leave a thank you. That is what I think everyone should do if you know someone took time out of their schedule to write about you, promote you and so on. :)

  52. Thanks for sharing this link--definitely speaks a lot of what is just not often said. It's weird when you're a new blogger and reach out to people for help/advice and don't get the response you expect. You always remember the nice ones that were so helpful and the other ones that were not. Often when you're reading you feel like the big bloggers really don't read or comment on other blogs but I often see your comments and mentions of other blogs which I'm sure makes their day (it definitely made mine!). Jen, you have always been one of the nicest bloggers and I am inspired every time I visit!

  53. SARAH: Thank you! By the way, I enjoyed your latest post about Guilty pleasures.... :))

  54. Wow- what a real, honest, and amazing post! Thanks for sharing!!!

  55. Jen I love this! Especially when she advises to not try to keep up with the blogging joneses. I can't tell you how many times I've felt overwhelemed or intimidated by the blogging joneses. Thanks for sharing. Also, this is exactly why I appreciate your efforts with your readers. Your "thank you posts" are so sweet!

  56. I'm so glad you posted this. It's funny to see how big bloggers start being nicer to you the bigger you get. A year ago hardly anyone gave me the time of day, but now, I've got pretty big bloggers asking favors of ME!

    BTW, I love your blog. So fresh and real.

  57. Thank you so much for posting this, and sharing your experience as well. It's very frustrating when you are just starting out your blog/business and things don't move as quick as or as pleasant you would have hoped. It does take pushing through, and you sharing that experience helps me to just push right on through.

    P.S. I think I have only commented a couple of times on your blog, but I am a huge fan and have been reading for a couple of years; there is something about your blog and tweets that come across as so genuine. That combined with your success shows that your heart is in the right place, and that is real success!

  58. Tam is so genuine and real. I'm a new blogger and have experienced the cliques,jealousy and competition among more popular bloggers.It's so sad. I blog to encourage and be encouraged, i's fun and decorating is my passion.

  59. May I just say THANK YOU, for being one of the bloggers I like who actually took the time to visit my extremely humble blog and leave a comment. You totally made my day and I'll continue to be a devoted follower! Now I just like you even more than I did before! :)

  60. Jen, that random thank you I sent was from me over at The Happy Homebodies... I realized I was signed in to my other account and didn't want to confuse you! :)
    Anyway, really enjoyed your post and Tamara's opinions...

  61. I enjoyed reading tam's post- so thanks for sharing! I love reading posts like these, theres always something to be learned. It IS a tough blogworld out there for sure... anyway yours is one of my favorites!

  62. Thanks for the link, great information, especially for someone like me starting a blog. I really enjoy your blog, and has become one of my favorites.

  63. Thank you for mentioning Get it Girl blog! Such a great post that is not touched on nearly enough! Your blog is one I always enjoy visiting. Thank you and keep it up!

  64. Thank you for mentioning Get it Girl blog! Such a great post that is not touched on nearly enough! Your blog is one I always enjoy visiting. Thank you and keep it up!

  65. Tam's post was so good and spot on! Being new to this whole arena I totally get her. I must say Tam has been one of those people who have been so genuine and nice to me along with you Jen. Glad to be in great company =)

  66. Yes, I remember you emailing me about this a few months back. It has stuck with me ever since and I can truly say your kind words made me believe that there ARE big name blogs who can still be very nice and responsive to those just starting out. Thank you!

  67. Hello Jen,
    Thanks for this post, it has got me thinking, and made my own post about blogging. I many not leave comments all the time but follow your blog daily.
    Regards from London
    I will read all the comments here I am very interested in what people have to say on this.

  68. Great post! Holly Becker does seem genuinely sweet, although I don't know her personally.

    I stopped following one blog because her posts seemed so clique-y. She is one of the founders of an online magazine and her posts were not so much about design but about "look what my cool friends and I are doing!"

    I mean, it's great to have a supportive community, but something about her posts really turned me off. It was very jr. high in that she seemed like her blog was really about proving her popularity. Silly.

  69. Great post and so true.

  70. Thanks for sharing this. One reason you're my favorite blogger to read, not only because you have amazing style, but because you are REAL. That's a lot to appreciate :)

  71. That was good to read. Thank you for sharing and for keeping it real. :)

  72. Jen - Thanks so much for this post and for pointing me to Tamara's post. I started my blog with two posts, then had surgery. Since then I've been plagued by doubts and haven't gotten around to publishing any of my posts for fear they were somehow inadequate compared to all the blogs I read daily (yours included). I'm jumping back in tonight thanks to you and Tamara giving me a little kick in the pants.

    Thanks, Jennifer aka The Gift Guru

  73. Thank you for this post and for pointing me to Tamara's post! After only two posts to my blog, I was out of the game due to some surgery. I've been plagued with self doubt that my little blog somehow didn't measure up to some of those I love and read daily, yours included. Your post was the kick in the pants I needed to remember that right now, starting out, I'm really writing for an audience of one. Thanks so much, I really enjoy your blog and plan on blogging about your store very soon!

    Jennifer, a.k.a. The Gift Guru

  74. I saved Tam's post to my fave's when I read it! It literally was a breath of fresh air. I won't say I'm new to the blog world... Ive been blogging since 2009 with ABSOLUTELY no idea of what I was doing!!! There are a few blogs that I visited as a daily routine that were fairly established and they visited and commented often... but it seems like once the sponsors roll in, the features multiply and the traffic to a blog increases those individuals don't have the time or day for you anymore. and I mean bloggers who faitfully commented on every post. It got me down and then Tam took me under her wing and told me to "DO ME" so that's what I do. Ive wanted to attend plenty of events but became discouraged as I started hearing about the little cliques, the gossiping, the hidden agendas... But realized that I'm the one missing out on opportunities. When I took Tam's advice and began to blog for me, I literally was a MUCH happier person. and I must say Jen with as many followers as you have girl I smile whenever I see a comment from you... because you are one of the few established bloggers that didn't let it go to your head! You're passionate about what you do and you're not in it to win it! That shines through even on a computer screen! I look forward to meeting you in person one day :) Kisses Doll!

    you have some good experience 0 since you've been blogging that long & know what it's about. Thank you for your kind words and for your support. I dont attend that many events for the reasons you mentioned, but I am going to Blogfest in May, We shall see what happens and if I bother going back etc.


  76. How am just now reading your blog? Now I know why everyone keeps calling you their favorite!

  77. Thank you so much for linking to that post - it was like you both were reading my blogging mind.

  78. Hi Jen,
    You were one of the few bloggers who were nice to me when I got started three years ago (I was just starting and you agreed to link to my blog) and you have still been so generous :-) to this day. So I in turn thank you.

  79. Great link. I am heading to read it now. I have come to a peaceful satisfaction that I don't need a 'big" bloggers comment/attention to validate my blog, because my blog is MINE! I write and share what is meaningful to me and am glad when anyone comments. A few commenters have become good "virtual" friends. Also we local bloggers have created a network where we support each other. That is what it is about, support, passion and friendship.
    I love your blog Jen and read it daily, not always commenting {and proudly have your Blogs and Coffee poster framed for all to see!} You always seem to take time for all! Thanks for being real!

  80. wow so refreshing.....i've only been following your blog for a month i think, i think it was through ish and chi and i have to say i loved tams post and i love that you often mention others and there blogs on yours.... {does that even make sense}
    as i read that post i was thinking "yeah, omg, yup" totally identified with what she was saying, thanks so much for taking the time to share......
    also i have to say i love love loved your little profile statement.........

    Love to read, sunbathe, write, travel, blog, decorate and I love God.

    to cool lisa xx

  81. Thanks for sharing that. I just started a blog a couple of months ago and have put myself out there to a couple of "big blogs" as well as friends who I thought I could definitely count on. I was completely bummed out when they didn't even respond. BUT, then I remember the need to step back and remember that I'm doing this just for fun. I think that it's human nature to want validation, but we can't depend on it. We need to be able to validate ourselves--even on those days where you think that only your mom is reading!

  82. Thank-you for sharing this post, found it really helpful and actually a way to help me to be true to myself, just launched my own blog two weeks ago. Have to say I LOVE your blog, I’m so noisy when it comes to the way people live so seeing the inside of peoples home is proper heaven!!

  83. Her post was great, thanks for sharing her link! I will say this, I find it hard to believe anyone was ever mean to you and always thought you were one of the popular girls! One of the very nice popular girls, I've ordered business cards from you and you were so polite and kind and nice and just genuine you've been one of the gals that when I see something good happens to you like a feature of your products somewhere I I'm super stoked for you! You really are a nice gal!! (:

  84. LISA: since you haven't been around that long on my blog... Welcome :) your comment was very sweet thank you ! ;)

    NOVEMBER GRAY: it's also a creative outlet for me... I know what you mean. Also, I'm Not surprised Taylor was nice to you... She's really cool, I like her.

    You're welcome. The thank you posts I do is my way of thanking those who take time to write about my shop... It's my way of also bringing blogs to the forefront that may not get the chance otherwise. I didn't see any big name bloggers really doing something like this & I felt it should be done...

    BINK AND BOO: I'm very familiar with what you're saying.
    I had MANY days where I thought I'd never get past 5 people visiting my blog. But I was determined and I'd sit 12-13 hrs a day just looking for content, marketing my business, thinking up new design concepts, networking, emailing other blogs, submitting my products & so on.
    But my hard work I think has paid off. I admit I got impatient, but the key is to keep going and you should see the light at the end of the tunnel. It probably took about 1 year for my blog to start getting decent traffic.... But yes, it took time. Thx for your compliments too... I try to be what God wants us to be... Kind and generous with others.

    TIA; I'm flattered, thank you! ;)

    JORDAN: ahh I figured. Thank you so much ;)

    I remember you from way back were one of the first bloggers i corresponded with. :)
    You've also been really nice to me, so thank you!

  86. amazing, lI just visited her blog and love every word of it!

  87. You and Holly are class acts! I took her Blogging Your Way class and loved it. I'm always reminded of her honest, authentic point of view and genuineness!

  88. Thank you so much for the inspiration. It was great to read the post. Look at how much you have accomplished ! I would only be so lucky to dream of it...


  89. Thank you SO much for posting Tamara's Blogging Now post! It sparked a huge revelation for myself with Authenticity and Blogging. I wrote about my reaction today:

    :) Have a great day, Jen!

  90. Aww, this post reminded me of when I first became aware of you! You had commented on my old Lemonade blog and your words were so encouraging. I was absolutely flattered and have followed your blog to this very day - a few YEARS after the fact! I thought you were so generous in reaching out to others and actually building online relationships, which is what blogging is all about, right? Just wanted to thank you for that!

    I have since moved on to a new blog that coincides with my business. I have had to build new relationships and am starting to get some momentum, but that isn't without feelings of isolation at times. Blogging is hard work! But, YOU are doing it so well! Congrats on that!


Thank you for your comments! Be sure to visit my shop at