Thinking About My Office....(Via Made By Girl)

Remember my old office space? Well, I'm missing it right now just a bit!  I was SO excited when I re-did it earlier this year (see pics here). At the time, it felt so great to work in a NEW space! Well, now I have another blank office to work with and this time it will be a many ways. Even though most of the furniture is with me, the decor is what will change.
I have some IDEAS but would love to hear your input & recommendations. Since this space doesn't accommodate the 2 Parsons desks together, this is where it will be placed.  I have a desire to place wallpaper on the wall directly in front of my desk & even though I'm contemplating an animal print paper, I'm NOT sold on it yet!!   

Any thoughts on what kind of wallpaper for my wall?? Will the animal print paper work here?
Ok, DON'T LAUGH...this is just a mock-up I did super fast in Photoshop so  that I could get a clear picture of what it might look like. Ha!

Who knows..I may TOTALLY HATE this idea in a few days...I'm like that.

Maybe I should just paint a really LARGE canvas and place it over my desk...hmmmm



  1. I loooooove the leopard print!!

  2. how about wallpaper panels??? quick and easy... you can change it our when you tire of it! :) have a great weekend!

    here's my post on them...

  3. I definitely like the idea of paper on that wall and really like the cheetah print. A few other of my favourites (similar feel and colourway to what you are thinking) that I think would look great:
    1. Cole and Son- Tropical Birds
    2. Miller Harris- Pomflower
    3. Beware the Moon- Ostrich (I'm using this for my foyer)
    4. Albert Hadley- Fireworks
    5. Louise Body - Holy Cow (I did a post on her today- love!!!!)
    I would love to get my hands on an office to decorate but sadly, hubby wants to do that room by himself- which basically means he doesn't want to do anyting besides hanging his sailboat pictures:(

  4. i have always always always dreamt of zebra wallpaper. i love the blue that is used so much in living etc.
    however, recently i found a lilac and silver zebra wallpaper that is absolutely to die for. super subtle.
    i will give you the rec if you want to see.

  5. I love the animal print - go for it. It's so striking mixed with the white furniture!

    I really enjoy your blog and have one of your posters hanging in my kitchen looks great. I recently started my own blog so will have to include a photo in an upcoming posting...have a great weekend.

  6. So lucky you have a new space! I would do the polar opposite of your last office which was serene. Go BOLD! Love the idea of an animal print feature wall. You're stylish enough to pull it off! ;) Can't wait to see your reveal.

  7. Love your blog...animal....why not?

  8. ASHLINA: love to see it! :))))

  9. I LOVE the light colored leopard print wall paper, so classy and chic.

    But i guess if you did a large canvas then you could change it easily and often

  10. That leopard print makes me smile! I love it!

  11. I would go with something subtle - especially if you get bored easily! plus, animal print is so in your face haha.

  12. I love the zebra print!
    And I just did the same "experience" trying to decide which wallpaper to buy for my dining room lol. Looks bad but I could have the idea dn pick the best one :P
    I've been so in love with wallpapers!

  13. Love love love it!!!!
    - but I think I'd go more sublte so you can add more 'bright, exciting' things, without overdoing it.
    Would you get tired of looking at high impact/zebra all day?
    Ooooo I like the idea of wall paper panels - so you can change them differntly each season ;-)

  14. Zebra- most definitely!!!!!Love it!

  15. I actually like the leopard print. Although the silver/lilac one that Ashlina mentioned sounds yummy.

  16. I love the idea of the zebra wallpaper but I'm not sure I could handle staring it at it every day. A large canvas either wallpapered in the paper you love or a great printed fabric would also be fantastic. That way, if you do get tired of it, you can move it someplace else. What can I say, I'm fickle! ;)

  17. Very cool. My first instinct is to go for a smaller scale print - that wall isn't very big, so I think it will allow for a little more density. Plus, then it may make it look bigger as well.

    Have fun decorating! :)

  18. I just found another one I thought you might like- not animal print but very cool...Cole and Son/Vivienne Westwood- cut out lace; it's gorgeous! The lilac and silver zebra also sounds amazing!

  19. I would love to see what you do with a canvas. Can't wait to see what you do with the space. x

  20. Oooo... definitely the zebra!

  21. the leopard print is pretty hot!

  22. I do like the Zebra wallpaper but it would have to be subtle for a creative office space. If it's too overwhelming, it may be distracting. The sound of Ashlina's suggestion sounds great! Bold print, subtle colors!!
    Whatever you decide will be great- Im loving your new house especially the barcelona bed!! Great buy. Hope you're having a nice weekend.

  23. i purchased a zebra stencil from hobby lobby just like the one from the picture. I had purchased a large painted from a garage sale and painted it white and stenciled the zebra print with orange paint. It looks perfect in my dinning room

  24. I love the zebra paper, but I think you should wallpaper the wall you see when you first walk in the door and I think a lovely mirror grouping over the desk would work. An assortment of shapes and sizes and throw in just a couple of inspirational pics and or prints in there. The paper over the desk would be too much for me.
    Love the idea of curtaining the entire wall. Very glam.

  25. CHRISTINE: Oh my! Thanks for so many different options..will look at them for sure!

  26. I really like the subtle wall paper...It's not so busy and I feel that it's more 'you' - and reminds me of that lovely wall paper you had in your old office!

  27. As much as I love bold wallpapers, I think they're best reserved for less frequently used rooms. I personally would go for one with a fun print but a subtle colorway that way I wouldn't tire of it as quickly. I love the ideas others brought up of using panels or a large canvas. Excited to see what you pick! :-)


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