Forget ManCave, how about Mom Cave?? ...(Via Made By Girl)

We all know what a MAN CAVE is right?? A guy's retreat within his home, all to himself.  A place he can UNWIND and hang out with his buddies.... OR hang whatever he wants on the walls and so on!  Well, how about a Mom Cave?!? That's right....

According to a recent survey done at HomeGoods women want a refuge reserved for them as well. I mean why not?!? In the survey, HomeGoods found that 56% of moms DON'T have a space in their homes to which they can claim ownership! Time to change this!

I feel this will be an emerging TREND... HomeGoods selected Designer, Elaine Griffin to help them develop the Mom Cave concept. The space for these women seeking a "me-space" is going to be beautiful & functional....the only thing I see missing is a PERSONAL MASSEUSE!!! In this post are samples of how Designer, Elaine Griffin has designed the Mom Caves....

You will be able to go to the HomeGoods website where they'll offer "how-to" tips & blog posts from the designer of the mom cave. You can also enter to WIN a Mom Cave designed by Griffin and furnished by HomeGoods by visiting here.  

These mom cave videos were quite inspirational, check them out!

images via homegoods



  1. This is overwhelmingly beautiful!

  2. Wow. all three images are beautiful, but the last one really got me to stop and take a real solid look. thanks for posting!


  3. Oh~ I would die to have a "mom cave" like that first one! I'm heading over there to win one now:)

  4. Those are stunning but I adore the blue one the most:) Wow!

    ps: I am hosting a really sweet GIVEAWAY, so please join in:) ...I bet you will love it!!!

  5. All so stunning. But I can't take my eyes off the first one...that pink on the walls is perfection all the way.

  6. Wow, what a great idea!! can it just be a 'wo'man cave? I'm not a mom yet, but I definitely want one of these!!

  7. CHRISTINE- Ha! good one! I am on the same boat as you...but all in all it would probably be a very similar concept, mom or not ...

  8. I have to have a Mom Cave one day. Home Goods has wonderful stuff & it's perfect to get someone started!! Most of my lil studio is going to be from Home Goods. My boyfriend talks about his Man Cave ideas all the time. If we end up getting married if he wants one I'll have to get one too! =)

  9. Time to change things, indeed! Esp. with a fabulously colourful space like one of these!

  10. That's the best idea I've heard in a LOOOONG time - a Mom Cave - yes! Off to register in 3..2..

  11. Wow I love these mom-caves! They are all so bright and inspiring!

  12. The first image just screams Mom Cave to me - just heavenly...

  13. I love this idea, even though I am only "mom" to some four- legged, furry nuggets, I have my very own "mom cave," I call it my dressing room!!!!

  14. The Home Goods Mom Cave comercial is funny! :)

  15. I have had a 'mom cave' ever since my husband and I got married, except I call it 'girl land'. I think every women needs a place to go relax, read, whatever! A place I can truly call my own. I love it!

  16. Yes to the Mom cave!! Count me in! Loving the bright blue room! xo

  17. Oh I love the concept of the 'Mum cave'... although I must admit, I feel lucky enough to say our whole apartment is like my very own Mum cave... Matt does get his very own toilet though (but that's because we have 6!) tee hee :P x

  18. The blue room is amazing.... love it... and love the concept of mom cave


  19. I could use a mom cave. As a matter of fact, that's my new mission in life; to build me a mom cave. lol.

  20. I would just LOVE a mom cave... it would get great use! Hmmm... now my wheels are turning! Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Happy Madewell shopping! :)

  21. I love the third mom's cave. And even though I am not a mom, women simply need to be surrounded by beauty. Thankfully, my entire house is my cave.

  22. I wish I had room like that in my house! I need to be bolder with my colors. I really like the yellow one but would be too scared to paint that color on my walls, haha


  23. Jenn, this Mom Cave thing has really got my wheels turning! I don't exactly have a room to call my own in my little townhouse but maybe I'll employ that concept and just create a little mom space somewhere...

    Great post! I'm heading over to HG right now. ;)

  24. I need a mom cave and i'm not even a mom yet! LOVE these spaces!

  25. I adore this post and PICTURES! Thanks for sharing. Young House Love also did a post on Mom Caves here:

    Thanks again!
    From Bali With Love,

  26. TIED WITH A BOUW: Your lucky...he let's you decorate all you want :)))
    Same here!

  27. You know I never thought of this, but you are right!
    Most moms I know don't have a place for themselves, and it only seems fair that they should.
    Good idea, lets spread the word around that moms need woman time too!
    <3 Nicole Lisa

  28. Gran idea! I love the third picture. I have just taken note of the 4 steps to achieve it at Home Goods. Many thanks!

  29. Gran idea! I love the third picture. I have just taken note of the 4 steps to achieve it at home goods. thank you

  30. I have a mom-cave of sorts in our house (I have two being the only female!) and it is girly and full of ruffles and they know to keep-out! Love these home is mostly decorated with Homegoods :)

  31. Love them all - so pretty with lovely feminine touches! Every girl needs a mom cave! :)

  32. Oh it!!
    And how great that you also have the same foo dogs as me:)

  33. Love them! I reblogged.

  34. Such gorgeous images! I defnitely think all women need a beautiful refuge in their home, a space all their own : ) Great post!

  35. Stunning! I adore the last room. The blue on the wall is so interesting & beautiful.

  36. Loved the first photo .. wonderful design and colors!

  37. Que gran idea! las madres se lo merecen y las que no tenemos hijos también!

  38. love this idea! it's true, every mom deserves her own fabulous, glamorous space! that last photo with the blue wall is gorgeous!!!!! i LOVE homegoods - it's amazing what deals you can find.

  39. I love these- My mom made a sewing "nook" out of one of her closets. Wall-paper, trims, mouldings the works! It is so cute and it makes my mom so happy to sew there!

  40. Such a great idea! I want one of these. Love the pink!


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