Raw Design Studio, A Hip Workplace....(Via Made By Girl)

The Office Stylist posted about this office the other day & I thought to myself....Hmmm, if I didn't run MY OWN business & worked a NORMAL 9-5, this is the type of office environment I'd like to work in.  The office belongs to the company Raw Design Studio, a design agency based in Manchester, England.  Imagine having gorgeous hard wood floors and a balcony in your office where you and your colleagues can hang out in. Maybe sip some tea while on break...

I mean, HOW MANY PEOPLE work in office spaces like this?? Maybe it's just me, but how many of YOU work in such a creative & lovely space?? Does working in such a creatively designed space help nurture your creativity?!? I feel  that having a neat & organized HOME OFFICE, keeps me inspired and focused....and often times it does fuel MYcreativity.

I'd love to know or maybe you could send me pics....would love to see! Enjoy!

for more pics, visit the office stylist
learn more about raw design studio here



  1. oooh divine! would LOVE to work in this office environment

  2. Looks like the ideas place...love it!!! My work office is certainly not as exciting as this one.

  3. Can you imagine how productive we'd all be if our offices looked this way?? I can't even keep a plant alive in my office, er, cube. Booooo. Stupid pod life.

  4. Can you imagine how productive we'd all be if our offices looked this way?? I can't even keep a plant alive in my office, er, cube. Booooo. Stupid pod life.

    P.S. Thanks so much for adding me to your blog faves! All kinds of awesome.

  5. I can't wait to work in a place like this or to design creative offices. An aspect of design I'm really into.

    Thanks for sharing the link of theofficestylist I had no idea about that blog until you mentioned it. :)

  6. wow this place is awesome! it just screams creative people!st

  7. I would absolutely hate the complete lack of privacy in such an environment. In spite of the open quality, the room is narrow, and sharing a work space like that would bug me.

  8. I think as long as you have a balance between private and public spaces having a portion of your office space communal and then areas for private meetings or touch down rooms, you are able to have the best of both worlds. Anything with natural light and fresh air is a dream compared to breathing recycled, stale air in an office tower.


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