Daughter's Room on a Budget... (Full House)

Some of you may have seen this beautiful bedroom makeover Christina from Full House did for her daughters. The BEST part of this was that it was done on a BUDGET.  If you have kids, (daughters) this is such an inspirational post that will get you motivated to start your own project in re-designing your daughter's room! This would have been a DREAM to me when I was a little girl, since I loved all things GIRLY & pink!  Go ahead & leave your comments, let us all know what you think of Christina's room design.  If you want to read all about how she did it, just visit the Full House blog.

What's your favorite part of this room?? What caught your eye?

images by full house



  1. Anything on a budget is great. Sometimes just rearranging what you have it'll do it.
    The room is adorable; nice pink color on the walls.

  2. I never need convincing to decorate my kids' rooms. If fact, I spend more money on their rooms than anywhere else. Maybe it is because I know they are growing up so fast and I want it all to be just right.

  3. Everytime I see this bedroom I fall in love with it more and more:)Its so pretty and creative:)
    Kisses and have a wonderful Thursday,sweetie

  4. AnonymousJuly 15, 2010

    I love the flower mirror detail above the beds!

  5. I still love girlie pink. I don't think my hubs would like it for our bedroom though :-)
    Amazing work on a budget.

  6. This is a great example that great design is not restricted by a small budge. I love the combination of colors and different styles of fabric. I feel that it is the incorporation of different textiles and designs that give this room a truly high-end designer look.

  7. My favourites are the matching mirrors, the polka dot bed sheets, and the bedframes. Such a sweet room!

  8. How pretty!!! I love the addition of other colors along with the pink. xo

  9. I'm in awe over Christina's fantastic work and how she achieved such a beautiful result for her girls on a small budget!

  10. i love that this was done on a budget - such a great reminder that you don't have to spend tons of money! i think i'm a bit envious of these kids' :)

  11. I think my favortie part of the room is the wallpaper behind the bed as well as the lucite chair. Simple Fabulous!!!! And you know I love a budget.

  12. I always love it when beauty and budget combine. My daughter is also in a very pink bedroom but I know she would love this one too. xx

  13. I am a teacher and love things on a budget :) I'm also re-doing my daughter's room in pink. Can't wait to see the post. TFS

  14. This room is amazing! They did such a great job! I am really loving the desk and chair! So cute and girly!

  15. Wow, thanks for the nice comments!

    Hi there Jen, I am finally sitting down and noticed via Google Reader this little surprise. Thank you darling for the link and feel flattered to make it onto your blog.

    Hope you aren't dying of this inferno heat in your desert town like I am in my desert town.

    xx - Christina

  16. the pillows really stand out to me ! beautiful colors are my fave <3 lualosangeles.com

  17. I like pink color but I have 2 boys; the room is adorable.

  18. I love everything about this room.....I too would've loved something like this as a little girl! My little girl is 2 and a half now & i'm gathering inspiration for her room make-over....from a nursery to a 'big girl's' room :) Thanks for sharing....i'm off to check out Full House now ;o)

  19. Wow I love this! The mirrors and the patterns caught my eye, love it! Have a fab weekend xx

  20. That looks great!

    Especially on a budget!

    I have done something similar with my daughters room however I cannot say it was on budget!

  21. That's what I work for - people on a budget! The room looks fantastic. I was instantly drawn to the antique feel of the room. I love the wall decor and the beige and pink accents. It is truly fantastic.

  22. Gorgeous!!! Never would have thought this room was done on a small budget. I think my favorite part (aside from how little it cost) are the bed skirts and bolster pillows. I love how they pop out against everything else in the room. This totally makes me want to move my 16 month old into a big girl room now :)

  23. Hi,

    I love your blog!

    Just wanted to let you know that I mentioned you today, I thought you should know! :)


  24. WOW, what don't I like about this room!? I may be 20-something but I want this room for ME!


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