Kitchen Trends....Miele Automatic Coffee Maker

I love NEW kitchen trends....well, not all trends. However, Miele has designed a really nice high-end machine that is scratch resistant and anti-fingerprint. Love it already....oh and of course it makes cappuccinos! (my fave) This machine uses the Nespresso capsule coffee system and for all you cappuccino LOVERS, Miele has designed a unique cup for frothing the milk!

Also, you don't need a special connection for this built-in machine, it does EVERYTHING right from it's central piece. I'm hoping I will own one of these for my home (one day). Of course,  I would then blog about it with reviews & let you know what I thought.  :) They aren't cheap though, one of these bad boys will run you about $2400! That is what you'll have to pay if you want the VERY best at a push of a button!

Do you own a Miele or other automatic built-in coffee machine? If so, how do you like yours??

images miele



  1. stop it! thats amazing. i need one.

  2. That is amazing and I want one. When I was looking at condos with my sister a year ago, we noticed most of the new condo constructions in the city are making this a staple in the kitchens - along with built-in iPod docks and surround sound. Not too shabby!


  3. I die. I would love love love that! For now I'll make due with my french press but I'm adding this to the dream house wish list. Hope you're well!

  4. we just bought one of these for our showroom (we have a tile and stone showroom) is being installed into our Arclinea kitchen today!!! I will let you know how we like it (and send some yummy pics!)

  5. Now that is one delicious looking machine. I have a De Longhi that uses the Nespresso pods, and it's just fine for me as I'm the only coffee drinker in the family. But I'd love one of those bad boy Miele machines!
    Kerri x

  6. oooo.... that's one sexy machine! : )

  7. Oh-my-goodness. That first photo is amazing! Love those huge mugs!! I always try to order coffee in the bowl-sized mugs - they're just so much cozier. :)

  8. Wowsa. That looks big enough to power a small army.

  9. Oh no, I'm craving a frothy cuppacino now! Good coffee is such an essential, pity it does cost a small fortune. One day definitely!

  10. My in-laws have one of these and it's amazing! If you're hosting a dinner/massive coffee drinkers and make mainly straight black coffees, you'd probably need to refill the water container maybe for every 6/8th coffee...This matters after a while because I've been caught in my morning daze to simply push a button to get a coffee, but have had to refill the container.
    It has different size settings, so you can make a small/medium/large sized coffee. It heats up pretty quickly, and looks really chic sitting in the wall :)

    I totally recommend it!

  11. Why I do not like coffee??? :)
    Love when technology is beautiful and sophisticated.

  12. I don't drink coffee but those are great coffee machines.

  13. I love coffee! That is the ultimate! Thanks for visiting Inspired Design & for your comment! ~Debby

  14. Nice. Give up Starbucks for a year and you could have half the money for it? I don't think I can give up Starbucks for a year though...:)

  15. The fact that it makes any type of coffee attracts me! Lol, I wish I had any type of coffee maker to be honest - I will someday hopefully :) xxx

    Sarah @

  16. i love everything built-in kitchen stuff! very smart solutions for smart girls like us :)

  17. My bosses have this and I use it every single morning!!! It makes the best coffee! I have to clean it a lot and it can get expensive for the cleaning supplies, but the coffee is worth it! I don't even stop at starbucks in the mornings, because miele is awesome!

  18. KELLY:
    Sounds good, I'd love to hear about it, thank you :)

  19. TIFF: aaaah it would be awesome to work at a place where they had a MIELE..lucky you girl!

  20. talk about kitchen eye candy- stunning! I'd really like to know how the flavor of "pod" espressos tastes compared to traditional espresso machines- gotta say I'm a little skeptical of the pod idea! I love my freshly ground beans :)

    It's hard to say. I currently own a Tassimo and it uses T-discs (similar to pods) and i think it's GREAT! Taste delicious. But everyone is different, you may find it not that great...

    Here is where I blogged about my Tassimo machine:

  23. That is so cool, my husband is too messy would never work in our home :( sigh

  24. this is a must have in my next house!

  25. yeah, after drooling over the pictures again, I'm pretty sure "pod" coffee would be fine coming out of a machine as gorgeous as that ;)

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  27. I have this machine in my kitchen and I love it! Except for one is not cheap to fix if it breaks! I just spent $700 to repair the darn thing after only having it for 3 years. I am still listening to my husband complain about that one! SOOOO worth it though! I was dying when it broke. I overlooked a couple (well a lot) of weekly maintenance thingys that you are suppose to do and that is why it broke. So now I am taking REALLY good care of it!

  28. We own a Miele vacuum cleaner. It's the best thing ever (for hard surfaces)! Totally worth every penny. Now... a miele built in would be a little drip of heaven for the hubs.

  29. I was wondering why this was so expensive then the impact of the phrase "built-in" sunk in. Oh. My. Word. Yes, please . . . ah, if only I could skip rent for a few months to afford it. LOL

  30. I love the built-in look of this machine but personally I love my citiz nespresso machine- it's great for people short on space in the kitchen!


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