Before Sex & The City, there was 'Carrie's Diaries'...

I pre-ordered this book back in December of 2009 and it finally arrived yesterday! Good thing, because I'm so excited to start reading it. Carrie's Diaries by Candace Bushnell, is all about Carrie before SEX & The City....and how about this book jacket? Isn't this the prettiest you've ever seen? I'm sooo looking forward to seeing the NEW Sex & the City film this May & hopefully I'll finish this book before then! 

You can order your copy of 'Carrie's Diaries' here.

Anyone else have this book yet??

image by jen ramos



  1. I pre-ordered mine, so it didn't ship until yesterday. I should get it in a day or two. Sooooo excited!

  2. never seen that before ..but i want one now XX

  3. I saw it in Target the other day and came thiiis close to buying it ... You'll have to let us know how it is! If anything, I might just get it for the pretty cover. :)

  4. Is this real!?!? How could we not have known about this? Need! xxSAS

  5. Cool cover! I will have to get a copy! Somehow!

  6. Oh I am a huge fan of SATC so this is definitely on my 'must read' list. Your post has just inspired me to buy a copy! Thanks Jen!

  7. How cool! I never even knew a book like this existed! Im going to have to check it out!! Thanks for sharing!! Cool looking book too!

  8. The design is awesome! At first I thought it was a real diary! Looking forward to the movie too!!!

  9. Yah me too! Never heard of it....but man what a great packaging...makes me want to buy it b/c its just so pretty =P

    -Chiara @

  10. Been following you for a bit, would you ever do a spot on my blog?? I would love it!


  11. Wow, that is a beautiful cover! I am totally waiting for the new movie, can't wait! Thanks for sharing :)
    Nancy xo

  12. This is the very first I've heard of it! Thank you for posting - please let us know how goes.


  13. The art work sucks me in and I almost bought the book for that reason alone! (great advertising...) I think I'll take a look the next time I'm at Barnes & Noble and see what I think.


  15. I need to. I just started Trading Up

  16. This book looks like a potential addiction.

  17. No! But I totally want to read it too.

  18. Looks like a great book! Definitely post a review on here when you're done!

  19. Great cover....and it is sure to be a great fun read, xv.

  20. Oh my! You can totally carry it around and everyone would think it's a purse, lol :)

    Did you start reading it? Do you like it? I'm excited about the movie too :) Can't wait!

  21. I like when publishers are creative about the book cover designs. A good cover will always draw you in.

  22. I've been waiting for the book forever, but didn't pre- order it cause it wouldn't ship out until that day. Instead I went to Borders as soon as they opened. I only had the book for two days now and am on Chapter 3. In the book we learn how the cover came to be. I believe I read somewhere that Carrie and... I don't want to spoil it for anyone. I like how the chapters are titled with lines used in paragraphs. The sequel qwill be out next summer where Carrie meets Samantha who is eight years older, so it will be interesting to know how Carrie's first year in NYC goes down and what kinda trouble her and Samantha get into. It kind of makes you wonder thought... in the original book the four woman didn't really know each other that well and weren't as close as they are in the series and movies. I wanna see how this all plays out.

  23. Ohhh I have to have one!
    Hmmm...never heard of it before!

  24. Comes out in the UK on the 30th! Can't wait!

  25. The perfekt cover of a book I must say. And the book is of course a must have! Thanks for the tip! I'm so looking forward to the movie, can't wait!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  26. lol. never seen that before. I think that I will have to get a copy.
    thanks for sharing.


  27. Must go buy this! Let us know your review!

  28. I ran across this book yesterday at 1/2 price books (a resale bookstore). I looked at it and thought what an amazing cover. I would buy it just for that!

  29. No, but I am a huge fan so I need to go and get it!
    The cover is amazing!

  30. Funny, because I remember hearing so much about it and did a post on it...I assumed it came out last year! ha :) Let us know how it is!

  31. I agree; the jacket is designed beautifully. I've never watched an episode of sex and the city...and just recently I did watch a snippet of the first movie. ...I hate to say it here...but I did not enjoy the plot...but LOVED the design featured in the snippet I did watch. I so loved all the fashions worn by each actress, and the interior design of both the penthouse and Carrie's remodeled apartment.

  32. Me too, me too! :) I didn't know about this either. Looks fabulous!

  33. OMg im ordering it right now! i had heard about this I bet its going to be super fab! i cannot wait until the movie comes in may! Aidan oh aidan!!

  34. just ordered a copy for my little sis, she is a total fanatic! thanks :)

  35. WOW , i was surprised that so many of you hadn't heard of it. Well, i guess since it just came out now, that's probably why. :)

  36. I have it too...LOVE the cover art. It makes me even more excited for the movie!

  37. Oh no, I don't have one :( But I do adore Candace's writing, I am actually reading another of her books called Trading Up right now - I think she is good writer, her language, imgination and the way she builds and describes things is fantastic! :D xxx

    Sarah @

  38. So I was going to get this book than I didn't know how good it would be. What are you thinking so far?

  39. OMG - I have to get this book. It would make a great gift for a friend. It's so pretty! Thanks for sharing.

  40. Definitely adding this to my summer reading list.

  41. I ordered mine a few days ago! Can't wait to get it!!

  42. FUN FUN!! I might have to order that, I do have to admit I had to do a double take I totally thought it was a realy journal :)

  43. That's on my list to pick up. I am watching the entire SATC series on dvd with my girlfriends before the SATC 2 comes out. I just love this series!

  44. I have it and read it all in one day flying from the east coast to the west coast!

  45. Oh, you'll have to let us know what the book is like once you start reading it. I also can't wait to see the new movie. I could scream with excitement for it. It's not soon enough!

    thanks for visiting my blog. I really appreciate your note and interest. :) And I'm so glad to know about your blog now. :)

  46. Oh my goodness! Love this. And what a great gift for my sister - her 30th birhday is coming at the end of the month!


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