Photo Frame for me please!

Thanks to Holly's post today over at Decor8 - I just bought this interesting photo frame clock for my home! I'm thinking of placing it in my family room behind the tv. I was going to get all white frames (which they have) but I already have a white wall. You can purchase this frame clock from a company called Dutch By Design. It cost me a total of about $98 USD (shipping included). Now to figure out what to place into each frame....decorative paper, more artwork, hmmmm



  1. I never consider buying a clock for my wall. I have been swayed. This is so freakn cute!I wouldn't change a thing. I would just leave it as is...until I got bored

  2. You come up with the most unique, amazing and COLORFUL ideas! I love it. And I'm INSPIRED!

  3. this is so amazingly beautiful! very excited for you, it'll look fab!

  4. Are you kidding me! This is so cute. I want to do this too!! Here is a huge issue with me, we are soooo running out of wall space! I loveeee this though! And I would love to do this with my photography of my children!

  5. wow! what a great idea! This will be fantastic in your home!

  6. ok. so i always read your blog, but i have never commented before. This clock is definitely worth a comment though! I l.o.v.e it and put a link to your blog from mine so others could check it out! I want it very badly :)

  7. I love this! It would look awesome above our fireplace!!!

  8. gorgeous!
    I love this idea! :)

  9. What a fab idea, this is full of unique goodness... fab post!

  10. Hi Jennifer, this is so cool! Do you mind if I share it on my blog? I really love your blog and I'm now a follower!

  11. Not at all Rachel...go ahead. Btw, just took a look at one of your blogs, very informative!

  12. What a cute idea for a clock. Going back to your picture wall, someone mentioned the idea of fixing a sculpture in the centre frame. I found something that might take your fancy - they sell butterflies that have been cut from old plates. Check it out, the site doesn't mention price but I believe they are $39 AU each.

  13. Aaaaw it's beautiful! It´s gonna look great at your place :)

  14. Very cute! It reminds me of this clock -

    Although the frame clock can definitely be much more personal!

  15. Ohhh, I love this! I'd love to do it with an old school Hollywood glamor twist.

  16. Oh, I love this idea - I must share this on my blog! I think this might work well in my kitchen too - definitely a contender...

  17. im going to consider getting one for my bedroom!!! Its gorgeous@!

  18. This is so cute!!!!Not a bad idea at all:)

  19. This is lovely! I love how it looks so eclectic, different papers, different sizes. Lovely!

  20. I absolutely LOVE this idea! Very cute and I think it would go great above your fireplace! So cute!!!

  21. Very creative for someone to come up with a design like that. I like it.

  22. I love this, Jennifer! I am going to 'craft' this myself. A smaller version of it, though. I'll keep you posted on how it turns out, thanks for sharing.

  23. ooh i want to do this. so clever and creative, though mine will look nothing like this.

    hope you're well!

  24. What a lovely idea! Hope you'll post a photo of yours when you've filled the frames!

  25. SO nice!!

    And your blog is nice too...


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