Ever notice...

how many design options we have for our homes these days?? In fact, we have more options then ever before to spice up & decorate our homes. For me, I LOVE the idea of adding interesting looking wallpaper behind a bed or in the dining area like in some of these photographs below. Have you ever added wallpaper to your home for an interesting effect? And I don't mean in 1977, I mean anytime recently? ha!

*Images via Mi Casa Revista


  1. This year found myself framing a LOT of wallpaper to hang in my home. I have yet to jump into covering a wall though. I took down tons of wallpaper borders when we moved in and the thought of going through that again terrifies me. I so love the papers you posted though. A couple of them would look amazing framed in my hallway!

  2. HI Rachel,
    I can totally see why some people may hesitate with wallpaper, but nowadays they even have wallpaper that is super easy to remove I've heard. Also, framing some of the paper is an EXCELLENT alternative! Good for people who just want some and not an entire wall. : )

  3. You load the most beautiful images, everytime I come to your website I find myself drool from all the pretty things you showcase, thanks for that.

  4. i LOVE wallpaper! unfortunately i'm renting, so i don't want to do a whole wall so im thinking of getting a sheet of plywood and wallpapering it and hanging it or sitting it against a wall.

    love all those rooms! i LOVE seeing fabulous colorful rooms -that i haven't seen before! its so refreshing!

  5. Oh, I love wallpaper! Ga-ga about wallpaper. Any ideas who the first paper is by?

    { Lindsey }

  6. I am dying to put some wallpaper up in my house! I have a great wall in the staircase landing, but it's currently my photo wall so I need to re-home that first. I really like the idea of framing it though, you can always pick up samples really cheap!

  7. i love wallpaper! i've done a few posts on the fun, bold prints available today. my fave out of these is the first one - love all the different shaped frames! wish i could paper my apartment!

  8. I'm really beginning to like the wallpaper look as well! These images rocks! I may have to be brave one day, and experiment with wallpaper...hmmm...

  9. Beautiful wallcoverings! Inspiring ideas too.

  10. the puppy by the chair is so cute! I don't do wallpaper...but that makes me appreciate it that much more when somebody else does! Lovely collections.

  11. oooooh look at the puppy!! I want a labrador AND a chair like that :)

  12. Beautiful wallpapers! I love big pieces framed. Definitely something I'd love for my home.

  13. i LOVE the second to last photo!!



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