For Pet Week

I decided to post some of my pets and a couple that I've had from the past, who are no longer with me unfortunately.  Dogs are the true meaning of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.  If you've ever reprimanded a dog and watched him/her walk away, all you had to do was call them back.  They come right over full of love, with no hatred or anger toward you.  Just happy to be around you and always wanting to let you know.  Losing two of my dogs (the white boxer and the brindle) was a very difficult & emotional time for me.  I still miss them both and have photos hanging in my office to remind myself of their time with me. Thanks to the awesome Madonna Fan & blogger (we have a couple things in common there)  Ms. Liberty Post. 



  1. aw! CUTE pups! dogs/pets are the best friends and companions. they enrich our lives so much & bring such happiness. my heart breaks to think of the loss we feel when they leave us. your past & present doggies are adorable. i'm going to have to post pics of my girls (kitties) in honor of pet week too.

  2. How cute are they???? aww!
    I love dogs, I have 3 of my own and they are just the best!!

  3. wow they are just too cute. Those are really great pics of them. I always felt so crazy taking so many pics of my cat when she was alive, but I cherish them all now!

  4. Hello Lady
    What? I know the white boxer passed away but I had no idea one of your current one had....WHEN? HOW LONG AGO?!?

    miss you,

  5. Hi Dianna,

    I sooo agree with you, pets really enrich our lives, thats why its so hard to say good bye to them when you have to put them down or they pass away....
    I've had dogs all my life (I'm allergic to CATS)....and they're just amazing animals. I miss my other two...!
    Will check your blog and see if you did a post on to see other people's animals : )

  6. WOW! 3? Adriana....that must be a lot of work and a lot of LOVE!! : )

  7. current dog didn't pass away. The brindle one at the bottom of this post did. This happened when i was living in NYC a few yrs ago. He got REALLY sick and very thin...was so depressing and I told myself I had to put him to sleep. He could barely breather anymore....but the day before i was to put him to sleep, he passed away.... : (

  8. I love shooting pics of my dogs....although they don't like to pose sometimes hehe

  9. Such sweet and wonderful faces!


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