Someday in Spain...

Found this lovely country house on this blog while reading through various Spanish blogs. It has a very old world style to it, don't you think? Although I haven't personally been to Spain, I know many people who have and they loved it! It seems so far from home though, like a different world, but I WILL place this on my list of trips to take before I'm 40. My grandfather is from Spain, so of course I will visit someday! London and France are still at the top of my list still....Anyone ever visit?



  1. looks like vacation and summer and a good time!!!

  2. No kidding...i would LOVE to stay there on a future vacation!

  3. Spain is a gorgeous country but even more so in the mountains. These images depict it so well

  4. Gorgous photos Jennifer!

  5. I live in Spain (Barcelona) for the past 5 years, and it is indeed gorgeous, although most of the view is nothing like the photos above. Saying Spain has one style would be incorrect, as each region has its own and it's so much fun to go around finding that out.

    I'd pick Spain before London or Paris, so much more versatile, and if you have family here, even more :)

  6. Not to rub it in, but I am going to Barcelona in August. I can't wait.
    I have a list of blogs and flickr accounts I have found with tons of goodies. I will try to organize them and post them up for you.

    what other favorite sites do you have that you are holding out on us?

  7. Hello Rob,
    That is so neat! I wish i could go ....lucky you SERIOUSLY...and yes please if you remember and have time get me the goodies! : ) Thanks!

    p.s. FAVE sites?? hmmm CAN'T TELL you right now! : )

  8. i'd move in in a heartbeat!


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